Sunday, February 24, 2008

Party Games

Party games by Party Games Etc This collection party games are great for any age and any event.

This is a fun list of Party games. For a complete selection of party supplies, check out the Party Supplies Hut.


Five (5) guys will have a long banana each tied to their waist, which will then be dangling. The contestant will then take part in a race whereby they will attempt to hit a ping-pong ball with the banana - hands-free to a set finishing line. The first to the line is the winner.

Funny Adjectives Game

This game is a great icebreaker. Ask the guests for 10 adjectives and then fill in the blanks! It can be easily tailored to suit your own business or occasion!


I represent please mum, the ___________company in the world. We sell the

_____________________products. I am pleased to be in

this__________________home today. We must admit we have a

________________hostess. Of all of the groups I have ever held a

presentation for you are by far the _____________________. And once again I

want to thank our______________hostess for inviting me into her home this

evening. I am sure by the end of the evening you will agree I am the

______________sales person you have ever met. I do hope that you have such a

good time you will invite me into your______________home, so that you can

receive some of our ____________clothing free. Now I will continue with our

presentation because afterwards our hostess will be serving



On the table there are 5 eggs. The leader says that one of them is uncooked. But others are hard-boiled. The players must break the eggs against their foreheads. The player who gets an uncooked egg is considered to be the bravest. In fact all the eggs are hardboiled and the prize is given to the last player because he deliberately ran risks to become a laughing-stock.


Five (5) contestants to participate drinking coconut water (milk) directly from the coconut, without straws. The fastest, and without or minimal spilling, wins a prize. As this is quite a mild contest, females are suggested as participants.


The leader suggests the player to sit on a stool and to cross his/her legs. The task is to take a small box with the teeth, not touching the floor with the hands and feet. The small box is placed upright at one of the hind legs of the stool. The players may turn on the stool as they like.

Have You Ever...

Guests receive one point for each answer, the one with the lowest score wins a prize. This game always makes everyone laugh.

1. Locked yourself out of the house?

2. Lost a member of the family while out shopping?

3. Put something unusual in the refrigerator?

4. Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?

5. Gone away from your home and left the iron on?

6. Put your heel through the hem of a dress?

7. Had your zipper break in public?

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?

9. Remembered an appointment after it was too late?

10. Called a member of the family by another name?

11. Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?

12. Fallen up the stairs?

13. Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?

14. Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was still out of the car?

15. Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called?

16. Locked the keys in your car?

17. Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?

18. Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?


I have a game where I tell a story about our books. The guests have a book that they pass around whenever I say "duck" and whoever has the book passes the book to the next person. When I am done with the story whoever has the book gets to keep it.


Ask the players to recollect and write down several lines of 6 of their favorite songs. After that give them a key to solution.

1. The first song - your feeling after the first kiss;

2. The second - your memory of the first night together;

3. The third - reminder of your honey moon;

4. The fourth - in a year after the marriage;

5. The fifth - Now when we are together I think about it.

6. The sixth - in 50 years of the life together.


All the guests (many of them) get into 2 circles: the ladies are in the inner one, the gentlemen are in the outer one. The ladies and gentlemen are facing each other. The number of ladies is equal to the number of gentlemen. As the music plays both of the circles are moving in the opposite directions (the inner circle is moving clockwise, the outer one is moving counter-clockwise). In 20-25 seconds the music stops. The circles stop moving. There form the pairs. The ladies and the gentlemen introduce themselves to each other. The ladies introduce themselves the first. Then they let the gentlemen know of their 2 hobbies and of 2 things they don't like. Then the music plays again. The round dance moves to the next pause etc.


Four (4) guys to participate in coconut grinding, the traditional way. The fastest to grind the whole coconut wins.


All those who wish to learn the names of the new friends get into the circle. The players hold each other by the hands. The host(ess) names him/herself the first. Then all the players pronounce the names of the players who named themselves before and at the end say their own names. The last player names all the players in the circle one after another. As a rule the players learn the names of all the players during the game.


All the guests participate. Each table are requested to make a string, and the table with the longest string will win a prize. Any item could be used, and the only criteria would be the length of the string.


On the sheet of paper there printed the following text: "You're given a sheet of paper with the 15 notes, with the names of cereals, vegetables, fruit printed on them. Exchange your 14 notes (tear them off the sheet) for the notes of other players, so as to have a complete set of notes with the following names: wheat, rye, oats, barley, millet, flax, corn, potato, cabbage, beetroot, carrot, pumpkin, cherries, apples, pears. The player who has the complete set of notes the first is given the prize. "On each sheet of paper there printed the same 15 names. One of the players is given, for example, the notes with the name of "flax", the other with the name of "corn" etc. The players are given many complete sets (the number of them must be a number divisible by 15): 15.30 and more (it depends on the number of players).

Believe it or not Jeopardy!

Divide the guests into 2 teams....make a "game board" with poster board and post it notes. Have general cooking questions, questions about your company, just whatever you'd like to have talked about in your class....the game can be as long or as short as you'd like just adjust the number of questions. Give the winning team GREAT party favors and the second place team lesser favors, but give something to everyone...It's been a huge hit at my parties!!


The players make 2 circles: the inner one and the outer one. In the inner circle the number of the players is more by one than in the outer circle. As the music plays all the players walk to the right. As the music stops the players must make pairs. The player who hasn't pair fulfils any task. Then the game continues.


As the guests enter the hall, they are given the envelopes. The youths are given blue envelopes, the girls white ones. In all the envelopes there are halves of the cards and leaflets with the following text: "In the envelope there is a half of the card. The missing part of it has someone who is present here. Try to find him/her. The first 3 pairs get prizes. Good luck!" it's better to use cards with the pictures of flowers in this game. Cut the cards in zigzag line. Then put the halves - one into the white envelope and another into the blue one. You may manage without the envelopes. In this case put a poster with the rules of the game on the wall.

In your pictures

You can use this idea for any home party - sort of like "Let's make a deal" - have the first person who has a paper clip, lipstick, or anything win a prize. It's a quick way to give a way a few prizes and get everyone laughing.


The instructor says: "Dear guests! We set out. Take your seats. We start up an engine - everybody claps the hands. Come along! We are stamping our feet, we are gradually gathering speed - 50km/h, faster - 60km/h, faster - 80km/h, 100km/h, 120km/h. Turn to the left - shake hands with the person next to you on the left. Go along! Our speed is 150km/h. Now we turn to the right - shake hands with the person next to you on the right. We continue going. Now we are breaking. We are rubbing against the nose of a person next to.

We are breaking … breaking …

At last we arrived.

How did you like our trip?"


The leader thinks of one of the present persons. All the rest players ask him/her the questions in turn: e.g.

1.What is the color?

2.What kind of character?

3.What kind of music instrument? etc.

The questions must be abstract. You must take into account that different people describe one and the same person in different ways. You may invent questions for ever and ever. The more interesting and various are the questions the more interesting is the game.


With fishing rods, and small rings as hooks, participants try to catch (pull-over) soft drink bottles. The one with the greatest number of catches, is judged the winner. A game for all to enjoy, with the only criteria being the length of the string.


The number of the players is more than 2. All the players put their both hands with the palms down on the table (the left hand goes first, the right one the second). The players make a pyramid of their hands in the center of the table. The player whose hand is on the top of the pyramid (the player who puts his right hand on the pyramid the last) names any number, e.g. 5. The players begin to count from the hand on the top of the pyramid: the player whose hand is on the top moves away his/her hand-1, then the next player-2 etc. till 5. The player whose hand is number 5 must answer the leader's question. The players must give true answers to the questions. If the answer is not true the leader doesn't accept it. This game is suitable for making acquaintance. If the answer is accepted the game begins a new. Everybody tries to put the hands in the middle of the pyramid so as not to be a leader.


Get ready some sheets of paper, pens or pencils for your guests beforehand. While your guests are still at a table suggest their playing a very interesting and funny game. Each player writes down the list of 10 domestic animals in a column on his/her sheet of paper. Then the leader asks the first question and the players must read the answers which they wrote on their sheets of paper under the figure 1. The players read their answers in turn. Then the leader asks the 2nd question and the players must read the word which is written under the figure 2 etc.

The leader's questions may be as follows:

1. Who are you at home?

2. Who are you in private?

3. Who are you in public?

4. Who are you without clothes?

5. Who are you after dinner?

6. What do other people think of you?

7. Who are you at nights?

8. What do you think about yourself?

9. Who are you with your friends?

10. Who are you in fact?


With a chopstick tied to his waist and hands behind his back, male participants try to put the chopstick into a whole (can be a paper cup). A more mature version would be to tie the cup to a female participant.


Get ready 60 cards (10cm long 4 cm high). On 30 of them write the questions on 30 others write the answers. Hold the cards with the questions like a fan in one hand and the cards with the answers in the other. Ask the first guest whom would he/she like to answer his/her question. The guest answers that he/she wants to ask, c.f., Anna, draws out a card with the question and reads it aloud. Anna draws out the card with the answer and also reads it aloud. Then Anna says whom would she like to ask the question. She draws the card out and reads out the question. The person who is asked, draws out the card with the answer and reads it out. The game goes on until all the questions are asked and answered.


1. Would you like to be a millionaire?

2. Would you like to find yourself in a harem?

3. Do you often visit restaurants?

4. Do you go to work with pleasure?

5. Can you give birth to an athlete?

6. Do you wear a wig?

7. Have you any shortcomings?

8. Do you like music?

9. Are you always so polite as today?

10. Are you able to love?

11. Are you fond of the bottle?

12. Do you like to dance?

13. Would you like to sit next to me?

14. Do you love children?

15. Can you be faithful?

16. Do you often have appointments?

17. Do you love me?

18. Do you behave decently while drunk?

19. Are you jealous?

20. Do you always eat so much?

21. Do you believe in miracles?

22. Are you sorry that you are married?

23. Would you like to get drink today?

24. Do think of free love?

25. Are you modest?

26. Would you like to have many new friends?

27. Do you often tell lies?

28. Can you flatter?

29. Can I rely upon you?

30. Do you often smoke?

31. Can you be tender?


1. No, once I tried, but nothing turned out.

2. This is my hobby.

3. Being on the verge of despair only.

4. We are not angels. Things happen.

5. Who is sinless?

6. Yes, rather!

7. I do it with the greatest pleasure.

8. Only in a weak moment.

9. I'm not capable of such a stupid thing.

10. This is my dream.

11. No, I'm well bred.

12. I'll answer you in private.

13. I'd better keep silence.

14. Only in the bathroom.

15. Every other day.

16. By no means!

17. While being sober only.

18. If it's cold outdoors.

19. Systematically.

20. In a pay-day.

21. It's quite necessary on Saturday.

22. To while away the time.

23. Only while having a rest in the health resort.

24. If you have much money.

25. People don't speak about it aloud.

26. In a lunch hour.

27. When it's advantageous.

28. I dream about it after dinner.

29. It would do no harm.

30. Towards evening.

31. While having a poetic mood.


Ask 3-4 gentlemen to take part in this game. Ask them the following question:

In what season did you meet your wife for the first time?

What color are the eyes of your wife?

What kind of flowers does your wife like?

What kind of perfume does your wife like?

What color suits your wife?

What is the favorite book of your wife?

After that ask the wives to confirm the answer of their husbands.


Five (5) guys, especially with big bellies, to participate, complete with garlands, scarf's and headgear. Their shirts will be rolled-up and tied to expose their tummies. The most "voluptuous" and "fairest of them all" wins.


This is a joking test for married couples. At first the married gentlemen write on the sheets of paper 10 names of animals, insects or reptiles in a column (they do it in secret from their wives). Then their wives do the same. After that the leader asks the married couple to look at the column with 10 names of animals, insects or reptiles, written by the husband. So he is a husband…

tender like…

sociable like…

independent like…

neat like…

brave like…

strong like…

authoritative like…

smiling like…

amorous like…

beautiful like…

Then they read the names written by the wife. So, "Your wife when…"

in transport is like…

with the colleagues is like…

at home is like…

with the chief is like…

with the relatives is like…

in the shop is like…

in the cafe or restaurant is like…

in the company of friends is like…

in bed is like…

at the doctor's is like…


All the players tell theirs stories in turn. (Before the telling the story The player puts a coin under the hat (all the rest players mustn't see in what way he/she puts it. Heads mean that the story is true, tails - that the story is fabricated)). As the tale-teller finishes his/her telling the story all the players express their opinion in turn: true or fabricated. After that the leader lifts the hat and all the players see - whether they were right or not. The player who is right gets a point. The player who is mistaken looses a point. The tale-tellers take their turns around the circle. As every player has told the story, the players count the points.


There is a prize for the person who can pull the funniest face. The winner will be judged on the greatest laughter.


All the players get into a circle, the leader is in the center. He/she comes to any of the players and asks the question (c.f. "What is your name?", "Where do you live?" etc.) But the questions must be answered by the neighbor on the left of the asked person. If answers the asked person, he/she must give a forfeit (a piece of clothes, watches etc.) to the leader. When the game finishes the forfeits are raffled. To get their forfeits back the players must fulfill any of the tasks.


At the party You may suggest Your guests to find "the best" guest. The criteria may be different - the tallest, the heaviest, the longest plait, the greatest shoe-size etc. "The best one" gets the prize.


There is one hostile spy in your midst. Find the informers, who will give you clues as to his identity.


The object of the players is to keep from laughing. The players get into a circle facing each other. One of the players says: "Ha!". The following says "Ha-ha!", the third continues "Ha-ha-ha!" and soon. If someone pronounces the wrong number of "ha" or laughs, he/she is out. The players who are out of the game try to make all the rest players (those who are still in the game) laugh. The player who laughs the last is the winner.


The leader and 5-15 girls make a line. At a distance of 1 meter behind them there are some boys. At the command all of them run. While running the leader asks: Do you like girls, boys? The boys must altogether answer "No". The leader asks the question for several times and all the times the boys answer - "No". At last the leader says: "Well, why do you run after girls, if you don't like them?"


10-12 players are invited to take part in this game. Then they are explained the rules: One of the players moves away and turns his/her back to all the rest players. In this time one of players is given a candy. But the player mustn't eat it, he/she just puts it in the mouth. Then all the players including the player with the candy, begin to pronounce one and the same word "myrshim" (in Kazakh it means "to chew"). The task of the 1st player (the player who stands with his back to all the rest players) is to guess who of the players has a candy in his/her mouth. If the player guesses he receives the prize and chooses the leader, if he doesn't guess all the players say to him "oh-oh-oh!" So the game begins. The leader moves away, turns his back to all the rest players and the instructor gives a wrapped up candy to one of the players. When the player unwraps the candy and puts it into the mouth the game begins: all the players begin to say "myrshim, myrshim, myrshim" and the instructor calls out the leader.


Five (5) couples to participate, whereby the girl will be wrapped-up by the guy into a mummy using toilet rolls. Once wrapped, the five guys will race (or rather move very slowly) to a finishing line, without undoing the toilet papers.


According to the lot, one of the players stands on a chair or a stool and takes on a majestic air. He/she is the Great Mogul. All the rest players come to him/her one at a time, bow to him/her, kneel before him/her, look in his/her face and say: "The Great Mogul! Bow down before you without tears and laughter!" The players must pronounce this phrase solemnly and seriously. At the same time the Great Mogul tries to make the players who come to him laugh: he/she pulls faces, wriggles etc. The player who laughs while speaking to the Great Mogul becomes the Great Mogul in the next round.


Draw a line on the floor. The player must throw a usual match as a spear not overstepping the line. Choose the winner judging by 3 throws.


Five (5) participants will be given over-sized chopsticks and attempt to lift "difficult" tidbits from one bowl to another. The fastest and with the most number of tidbits collected wins.


The leader declares that no one of the present people can repeat three short phrases after him/her. Of course, the present people don't agree with him/her. Then the leader pronounces the phrase c.f. "Today the weather is good." All the players confidently repeat it. After that the leader as though in confusion trying to find a phrase, pronounces the second phrase. It's again repeated by the players. Then the leader quickly and confidently pronounces: "Here you're wrong!" The players are in confusion. And the leader explains that the third phrase the players had to repeat was "Here you're wrong!"


The leader says: "Put a chair on its fore legs on the floor. The back and the hind legs are parallel to the ground. Put a slice of bread on the top of the back, kneel in the cross-beam between the hind legs, take the back with your hands and try to bend your head to the slice of bread and grab it with the mouth. For this you need much skill. While bending the head you must move your body back, otherwise your body's center of gravity will be before the seat of the chair, the chair will tip over and the slice of bread will fall down.


Five (5) non-Chinese participants will attempt to talk Mandarin, with the right intonation. They will be guided by a hilarious Emcee. The participants will also be required to perform Kung-fu acts, e.g. Talking and enacting like an eagle, snake, monkey, etc. (Animals of the Chinese lunar calendar).


The leader suggests the players to put their right hands to their heads and to extend the left hands with the thumbs up, saying "Well!" Then the players clap their hands and do the same with the opposite hands.


Three (3) participants (2 male and one female) to "act" like famous Hollywood/Broadway stars. They need to mime, lip-sync and move like the stars selected, backed by minus-one music. Participants will wear costumes to prove them with comical resemblance. Males will impersonate females, and vice versa. All participants will be given prizes.


The leader suggests the players to do the following: to put the hands on the knees, to clap the hands, to touch the nose with the right hand and the ear with the left one. Then to clap once again and to change the hands.


Sitting at the holiday table the both sides of the guests (they are divided into 2 teams) have an opportunity to transmit the congratulation or a piece of good news to the person whose birthday it is by word of mouth. To begin with hang a congratulation card, a photo or a letter on the stick or a pencil. The task of the guests is to pass this "piece of news" with the help of lips (without touching it with the hands). The team which transmits the piece of news "by word of mouth" the first wins.


Four guys will be paired to participate, out of which two winners will then contest to determine the eventual winner. A separate competition for the gals can also be conducted.


Suggest the players jumping over the needle (instead of a needle you may take a pencil). The needle lies on the floor. The only term is to touch the toes with the fingers while jumping.


The players who wish to take part in the competition "The best style" are invited to come behind the scenes or into the other room. With the help of different attributes of fashion (clothes, accessories, ties, hats, ribbons etc.) they must construct something original, bright and stylish. It's so called "freak style". Each modeler chooses "a model" among the spectators. "The models" represent the works of "the modelers". With the help of applause the spectators choose "the best modeler". "The best modeler" is given a costly present (perfume, perfumed water etc.)


Five (5) participants to take part in throwing horse shoes at a target. The nearest to the target wins. Each participant to throw 3 times, and the scores (by distance) to be averaged out.


This game is enjoyed by the grown-ups as well as by the children. On the table there are some plates with the little pies and cakes (it's desirable that they should be with chocolate and cream). Around the table there must be enough space for the participants to move. The number of the participants depends on the size of the table and the amount of sweet things. The number of plates is equal to the number of the participants. The participants have their hands tied together behind the backs. As the music plays the participants come to the nearest to them plate and start eating the cakes. As the hands are tied together it's very difficult to eat the cakes - they slide off the plates. That's why the instructor should let the participants know about all the details of the game beforehand. The first round finishes when one of the participants has eaten the whole piece of cake or a pie. The participant on whose plate there remains the largest piece of cake is out of the game. In the next round there are less by one participants. On the plates there are new pieces of cake or pies. They are larger than the pieces in the previous round. The game repeats anew. The game goes on until the participants refuse to eat sweet things (because they have eaten an enormous amount of them) or until there is only one participant in the game. He/she is the winner. He/she is given a ribbon with the inscription "Invincible glutton" and a sweet prize (a large cake). The matter is that the winner feels sick at seeing sweet things. The instructor may suggest playing one more round. But this suggestion usually causes impetuous protest of the participants. The more chocolate and cream is there on the cakes - the brighter is the game. The participants usually make themselves dirty with it. The game may be funnier if the participants are blindfolded, but have their hands free. After this game you may serve cakes and pies for other guests. The participants of this game don't want to eat sweet things. They want only to drink tea.


All the players get into a circle. The players take each other by the arms. The leader explains the rules of the game: "To each player I say the name of the animal. Then I say one of the names aloud. The player to whom this name was said at the beginning of the game tries to jump up and break the chain of the arms. The task of the players next to him/her is to prevent his/her jumping up". In fact the leader says one and the same name of the animal to all the players. When this name is pronounced aloud all the players fall down.


You take your belt off and address all the present: "On this belt is written the number. The figure is rather big. Even the short - sighted person is able to see it. But it's not easy to find this number. For this you need not only your attention, but also sharpness. Who wants to find the number on the belt?" The spectators would examine the belt carefully. But the number will be seen only if somebody guesses what's the secret of your trick. The secret is rather simple. Get ready this trick beforehand: roll up the belt so that the buckle of it is inside the first coil. On the spiral write a simple or a two-digit number with the light yellow pencil. Unroll the belt - the number is disappeared. The number may be found if you roll up the belt again.


Put a bucket full of water at the wall. Say that only a very strong man can lift it. One who wishes to lift the bucket stands at the distance of half a step from it. Ask this person to take the handle of the bucket with the hands and lean the head against the wall. Then ask him to lift the bucket and, holding it with the hands, draw himself up. Despite all the attempts this person will not be able to do any of these tasks. He will remain as though clued to the wall.


Five (5) guys, or interested gals, will be invited to participate in this contest. The Fastest, and without spills, wins.


Say to all the present that you can make any person to stand in such a way that he/she can't raise his/her foot. One who wants to disprove it should stand near the wall touching it by the heels. It'd be better if there were no plinth on the wall. If there are no wall without the plinth in the room you may use a door. Mind that the person mustn't swing. Under this condition all the attempts to raise the foot will fail. In this position nobody can raise the foot without transfer of the weight of the body to the other foot.


Psychiatrist is by far the most fun party game I've played. It is best played with a large group of people... the more the better. All players should have a seat of some sort.

All players sit in somewhat of a circle. One person is chosen to be the "Psychiatrist." This person must then leave the room as the rest of the group prepares to play.

With the Psychiatrist out of the room and out of earshot, the rest of the players decide on a psychological illness that they will all have. Anything and everything is valid, no matter how obvious, vague, figurative, hypothetical, or stupid.

Example Fill-in-the-blank Diseases:

1) Everyone believes he is the person sitting _____

2) When a person _____, he is ______. Otherwise, he is ______

3) Everyone answers questions in ______ style

4) People have a certain aversion/obsession with a certain letter/word/object

I'm not giving any specifics because it could spoil the fun if the Psychiatrist knows what you're doing. The best ones are usually the most unusual and creative, especially if they relate to inside jokes.

Anyway, on to playing Psychiatrist...

Once a "disease" is agreed upon, someone retrieves the psychiatrist, who then comes to the center of the circle. It is now his responsibility as psychiatrist to help his "patients" by discovering what is wrong with them. He does this primarily by asking individual people questions about anything, and noticing eccentricities and inconsistencies in the answers.

If a patient answers a question or says or does something that is inconsistent with his disease, another patient MUST yell "Psychiatrist!!!" At this time, the person who said something wrong and the person who called him on it must switch seats. Sometimes such answers are given accidentally, but they can also be given intentionally to throw the psychiatrist off, especially if responding correctly would give away the disease too easily. (Ex., if everyone is pretending to be one specific person, and the psychiatrist asks "What's your name?", a truthful answer would make for an awfully short round)

The game ends when the psychiatrist correctly identifies his patients' ailment. At this point, a new psychiatrist is chosen and a new game begins. Play usually continues until people are too tired to play any more and go home, finally causing there to be too few people for a good game.


"I need a mathematician to be my assistant", - says the instructor, - "his/her task is very simple: I shall enumerate different numbers. My assistant's task is to name the numbers more by one than the numbers I name. c.f. If I say "eight", the assistant must say "nine". If I say "thirty - two" the assistant must say "thirty three" etc. Who can "cope with this task?" The instructor names the increasing numbers. The numbers increase by tens and hundreds. Every time the assistant confidently names the numbers more by one. The counting continues until the instructor names number "4099". At this number the assistant will make a mistake. Instead of "4100" he/she will say "5000".


Put your hands to the chest - one is higher than the other. Try to make circular motions with the both hands simultaneously: one hand is moving forwards, the other is moving backwards.

Sit on a chair, holding your back straight. Put your legs at an angle. Try to stand up with your back erect (do not move it forwards).

"I'll ask you a very easy riddle, - says the instructor, - you must answer it at once and precisely. If you give a correct answer you'll get a prize.

It has four paws, a tail,

It mews and catches mice.

It's a cat!

It sounds like this. But you're not quite right. It's a pussy-cat (a tom-cat)

Can you see a little piece of thread on my lapel? Asks the instructor. How much time do you need to take this thread away?

Not more than 2-3 seconds.

If you succeed in it you'll get the prize.

Nobody expected that the thread would stretch and stretch. In the inside pocket of the jacket there was a whole bobbin of thread. The end of which was put on the lapel.


Suggest 2 players doing the following thing. At first they kneel down and take their right legs with right hands (to raise them lightly from the floor). In their left hands they hold mugs. Fill one of the mugs with water. The task is to pour water from one mug to another, trying not to spill it. Then the players change their roles.


The player bows down the plate with the cooked semolina. The instructor strikes with the spoon against the plate. The player who has the greatest number of "freckles" is the winner.

Grandma's House

For 2 or more players (best with 3 to 6) There is a party going on at Grandma's house. To attend the party, a person must bring a certain type of object. Whether or not this object is acceptable depends on a specific rule.

For each round of the game, one player gets to make up the rule for what objects are acceptable and unacceptable for admission to the party. This rule must remain constant throughout the round, but its effects may change depending on the situation.

Once a player decides on a rule for the round, play begins. Players, in turn, say "I'm going to grandma's house, and I'm bringing a _______." After saying this, the rule maker replies with either "You can go" or "Sorry, you can't go" (go to the party, that is). When it is the rule maker's turn, he gives an example of something that can or cannot be brought as well. When a player thinks he has figured out the rule, he should continue to tell what he would bring to Grandma's house. Players should not blurt out the rule before everyone has figured it out, as that would ruin the game for the other players. When all players have figured out the rule, the round ends, and someone else makes up a new rule for another round.

Keep on playing until all players are bored, then play a few rounds more.

Sample Rules to get you started:

You may only bring something colored ________.

You may only bring something that starts with ________.

You may only bring something that is found at ________.


Instead of saying that there is a party at Grandma's house, the game can be played with a continuous stream of words.

In this version, the "I'm going to Grandma's House" formality is done away with.

Players simply say one word after another, as long as those words follow the general rule that a player has made up. In this variation, it is more feasible to make up more creative and difficult rules, sometimes relying on wordplay and sequences.


There are some candies in the basin with flour. The players must take them with the mouth (without using the hands).


How can you imagine the birthday party without the funny and witty congratulations? Bring some happiness to one whose birthday it is - compose an improvised congratulation. The guests may compose it without difficulty. Ask every guest to say an adjective. Write down all these adjectives. Then take a text of the telegram of congratulation, which needs colorful additions. Say to the guests that you're not responsible for the high artistic merit of this "work of art" and fill in the blanks in this telegram with the adjectives suggested by the guests.

Sample text of the telegram:

… John! All of us - your … friends - are very glad that you (so…) were born on this … day! Taking a … opportunity we want to make a declaration of … love and … devotion. There are no very many people so … like you. Let's hope that our … life will not separate us and every ... year on this … day we'll gather together around this … table. We wish you … health, … happiness, … years of life! Your … friends.


Put different items of kitchen utensils (different kinds of spoons, forks, ladles) into a large box. Put some mashed potato or macaroni on the saucer for each player. The players blindly take the items from the box. At the command they begin to eat their helpings with the help of the items they've taken. The fastest eater gets the prize.


The youths act as "Fathers", the girls act as "mothers". The situation is rather simple. "The young father" is walking under the windows of the maternity home. He wants to know who is born - a boy or a girl, what's the weight of baby, what's its name, what to bring for "the mother". "The mothers" let "the fathers" know about it with the help of gestures and facial expression from the height of the 9th floor. It's windy outdoors, it's too noisy because of the plenty of the passing-by cars.

"The fathers" are given the cards with the questions:

1. Who is born?

2. What's the baby's name?

3. What's its weight?

4. What to bring next time?

"The mothers" are given the cards with the answers:

1. Boy. George. 3kilos. Book. Mirror.

2. Girl. Mary. 4.100 kg. Oranges. Nuts.

3. Boy. Girl. Twins. Peter. Maggie. 2.700 kg, 2.800 kg, Envelopes, pen.

"The mothers" must answer only with the help of the gestures and facial expression.


Only gentlemen take part in this competition. But at first they mustn't know that the best gentleman's legs will be chosen. The ladies make a special medal with the picture of 3 crossed masculine legs on it for the winner. The instructor asks the gentlemen to take part in the competition of gathering the cosmetics, thrown about the room (lipsticks, make up sets, mascaras etc.) The gentlemen should gather the cosmetics with the help of the toes. The gentleman who manages to gather the greatest number of items in the shortest period of time wins the competition. To feel more comfortable while gathering the cosmetics the gentlemen must turn up their trouser-legs as high as possible. When all the cosmetics is gathered, the instructor announces that the gentlemen have taken part in the competition "the best gentleman's legs". The jury, which consists of the ladies, chooses the best gentleman's legs and hands in the medal.


Say to all the present that you are going to act as a snake tamer and that you are going to show "the snakes' dance" to all the present. Fill the vessel with any mixture. Then begin to spill any liquid on this mixture. (While spilling pretend that you do it very carefully.) Ask all the present to go away from the vessel and wait when "the snake" appears. As a rule, in every company there are some skeptics, who don't believe in it and would say that they have seen such things at the chemistry lessons at school. On the pretext of that you need much noise for "the snake" to appear, ask 2-3 persons to come to you. Ask them to stand in front of all the other guests. Ask them to clap the hands, to stamp their feet, to cry etc. After all these things have been done the snake still doesn't appear. Then ask your guests pardon and say that instead of "snakes' dance" all of them have seen "the dance of tamed monkeys".


The players are to answer the leader's questions, not seeing the inscriptions on the cards, placed behind them. The inscriptions may be the following: for men-"Maternity home", "Bath-house", "Sobering-up station" etc. for women-"Black eye", "Torn stocking" etc.

The questions for men: "Do you often visit this place?" "What things do you take when going there?" "What do you usually do in this place?" "Why does this place attract you?" "Whom do you usually invite when going to this place?"

The questions for women: "Do you often find yourself in such situation?" "Do you often look in such way?" "Why does this state attract you?" "What happened?" "Why do you look like this?" etc. The lack of correspondence usually causes much fun and laughter.


The instructor names different items of cosmetics. The lady try to find these items in their purses. The ladies raise these items above the heads. The lady who has not the named item in her purse is out of the game. The ladies who has all the items named by the instructor is given a prize and a title of Miss World. Samples of the items: a lipstick, a mirror, mascara, eye-shadows, cheek-color, eye-liner etc.


Each player is given a pencil and a long stripe of paper, where he/she writes the name of any present person. Then the paper should be folded (so as the name cannot be seen) and passed to the player to his/her right. He/she describes anyone's appearance and passes the paper further. In the same way may be asked the following questions: - what kind of character? - What did he/she do? - When? - Where? - What were the consequences? Of course, nobody should know what is written before, while answering. As each paper passed around the circle, one person reads aloud what is written on these stripes of paper. Usually it causes much laughter, because there is a lot of absurdity.


Put 3 plates on the table. Put a prize in the middle plate. Pour some water in the others. The player is blindfolded. He/she turns around for several times, makes some steps and takes the prize from the plate.


Each gentleman takes a newspaper by its corner with the left hand. At the command the gentlemen must crumple the newspapers with one hand only. The gentleman who copes with the task the first is the winner.


The players must compose a story of the newspapers headlines, suggested by the leader. The headlines are cut out of newspapers and pasted on the cards.


The leader reminds the guests the plots of the well known tales and suggests their telling new versions of these tales (c.f. in style of a detective story, love story, tragedy, etc). The guests choose the winner with the help of applause.


Each player pronounces any word he/she likes. The players pronounce the words in turn. The words mustn't be connected with each other.

C.f. the first player says - "eagle", the second - "boy", the third - "lace", the fourth - "snake", the fifth - "sky", the sixth - "head", the seventh - "trees", the eighth - "ground" etc.

Each player must write down all the words, pronounced by all the players. Then the players must compose a story, using these words.

The story may be as follows:

"Once an eagle was flying. Towards him was going a boy. His boot lace came untied. The eagle thought the lace to be a snake. He impetuously attacked the lace and lifted it together with the boy to the sky. The boy felt uncomfortable to fly head first. So when flying over the trees the boy slipped out of the boot and fell on a crown of a tree, slid it down and found himself on the ground. He felt sorry for his boot, but he was glad that he had a chance to fly with the eagle."

In 10 minutes each player reads his/her story aloud.


Write a short word on the sheet of paper. It may consist of 4, 5, 6 letters. Each player must make the text of the telegram. Each word in this telegram must begin with the next in turn letter of this word.

c.f. We make the text of the telegram out of the word FIRE.

The first word begins with the letter F - Frank

The second with I - identified

The third with R - Roger

The fourth with E - erroneously

Frank identified Roger erroneously.


Several players sit in a row. The last player in the row thinks of a word (a noun) - c.f. a spade. All the rest players think of adjectives.

Then the 1st player says - glass

The 2nd - amazing

The 3rd - enigmatic etc.

And the last player pronounces his word - spade. So, altogether they say: "glass, amazing, enigmatic, beloved spade." The game is played at a rapid rate. The next word is thought of by the other player. The player who thought of the noun in the previous round, now begins to enumerate the adjectives. This game is played until all the players think of a noun.


There are 2 teams in this game. One team asks the riddle for the other one. The riddle is a pantomime. The team may give as many answers as there are the players in the team. The team which asks the riddle may offer only abstract notions, e.g. "youth" : all the players in the team are holding each other by the hands and looking in the sky smiling. The other team may give the following variants: happiness, inspiration, growth, childhood. About the last variant the first team may say that this variant is close to the right answer.


Usually 10 players participate in this game. Each of them is asked to recollect a song well-known to him/her. (The song consists of not less than 3 couplets). The task of each player is to sing his/her song to the end. While singing the player mustn't pay attention to the singing of other players, get out of time or laugh. After each player recollects the song which he/she will sing, the leader says: "Get ready! Begin!" The player who laughs or gets out of time pays the forfeit and drops out of the game. The player who manages to over sing all the others becomes the winner and gets the prize.


You may play this game to occupy the little pause. This game is a kind of auction. Holding a souvenir in his/her hands the leader announces:

- This souvenir is for sale. It costs one coin of the least value. Have you got any? You're welcome!

The players give coins to the leader. The leader takes them, look at them attentively and says:

- I'm given a coin issued in the year of…

According to the rules, the player who has the coin issued in the earliest year gets the souvenir. Well, I'm waiting…

He/she is given another coin.

- Now I'm given a coin issued in the year of…

I return the first coin.

Our auction goes on. Who has the coin of the earliest issue?

Continue the auction until you're given the oldest coin. Every time the leader is given a coin, he/she counts - "one, two…" As the leader says "three" the auction stops. The souvenir is given to the player who has the oldest coin.


The instructor reads 3 lines of couplet or chorus of the well-known song to each pair. The task is to sing the 4-th line correctly. There are 2-3 variants of songs for each pair.


Divide up all the guests into 2 teams. Suggest their drawing a portrait of one whose birthday it is. The team which has drawn the most attractive portrait gets the prize.

all age party games


Party Games Etc. has dancing party games, birthday party games, baby shower games, bridal shower games, and holidays games!

Have a fun time with these party games! For party supplies check out the Party Supplies Hut!

Lots of fun dancing party games, scroll throw this list for instructions.


The instructor holds a bundle of many-colored ribbons by its middle. The ladies come to one end of the bundle, the gentlemen to the other. Each of them takes an end of the ribbon. The instructor lets the bundle go. All the partners are now connected by the ribbons. They are the pairs for a dance.


Five (5) couples, paired at random, be invited to perform 3 types of dances. The Emcee with help from a professional dancer will first give a quick demonstration of these dances. The winner shall be judged based on the loudest applause from the audience, after which they will be asked to perform a repeat of the winning dance. Best Dance Award to be given to the winner and consolation prizes to the rest.


At the party some girls secretly fill in the questionnaires on index cards. In these questionnaires the girls indicate their distinctive marks: height, color of the eyes, dress cut, jewelries. The leader puts all the cards into the box. Between the dances, the leader asks the most attentive boys to act as Sherlock Holmes or Hercules Poirot - to find a girl with help of the description given in the card. The boys take the cards and begin to search for the girls. The boy who finds the girl the first is the winner. Then the boys have a dance with the girls they have found.


As the players (boys and girls) enter the hall, they are given dominoes cut out of cardboard. They pin it to their clothes. There are 2 complete sets of these cards (28 pieces in each set). The cards of one set are given to the girls, the cards of the other set are given to the boys. If there are more than 56 persons at the party you may take 2,4, 6, 8…more numbers of the complete sets. Before the dance begins the players at the leader's signal make pairs according to the principle of dominoes. C.f. the boy with the card 5-2 may ask to a dance a girl with the card 2-6; 2-4; 2-3; 2-0 or 5-6; 5-4; 5-3; 5-1; 5-0. Sometimes the leader may announce the change of the partners. (In this case the leader gives advance notice to the guests about his/her intentions while they are dancing). Then all the pairs change, make the pairs according to the same principle.


It's a variant of the well-know children game "Day-Night" for grownups. As the music suddenly stops the people who are dancing stand still in the pose they are. The person who cannot keep his/her balance must pay a forfeit (fulfill the leader's task).


All the players are dancing in pairs. The leader is in the center. He/she holds a stick in his/her hands. The leader throws the stick and all the dancers change their partners. The leader tries to take up somebody's place. The player who has no pair is a leader. He/she takes the stick and does the same as the previous leader.


Gentlemen ask ladies to a dance. 2-3 gentlemen are given special cards with the phrase "Excuse me!" written on them. With this card the gentleman may come to any of the pairs, give it to the gentleman and begin to dance with his lady..


Cards with different pictures are cut into 4-5 parts. The teams must find their own people. Or cut the cards into 2-3 parts. One part is given to the girl, 2 other parts are given to the boys. The boy who finds the girl first asks her for a dance.


Ladies ask gentlemen to a dance. The master of ceremonies announces that during the dance ladies may ask the gentlemen, who are dancing with their ladies, to a dance. On coming to a dancing pair, the ladies clap their hands. On having received this signal, the gentleman begins to dance with this lady. While his lady asks any other gentleman to a dance in the same way.


The participants get into 2 circles. The circles are moving clockwise. The instructor asks: "Have the players next to you shoulders?". The players answer: "They Have!". The instructor asks the players to put their hands on the shoulders of the players next to them and to continue moving. The questions of the leader: "Have the players next to you noses?", "Have the players next to you ears?", "Have the players next to you waists?", "Have the players next to you knees?", "heels" etc.


The boy or the girl is blindfolded and led to the center of the room (hall). He/she is a leader. Any player takes a little bell and pass by him/her with it. The leader's task is to choose a partner for dance at random. If the leader (girl) chooses a girl, the latter becomes the leader. If the leader (girl) chooses a boy, they both make a pair for a dance. The fillet is given to the other person, chosen with the help of the reckoning. This game continues until there are 10-12 pairs. After that the master of ceremonies announces the pair dance.


One of the participants is given a hat. As everyone is dancing, this participant puts the hat on a gentleman's head who is dancing and says, "people don't dance with the hat on" and begins to dance with the partner of this gentleman. The gentleman with the hat moves to any other pair and put the hat on the gentleman's head so that he now dances with a new partner and that gentlemen must find a new partner etc.


At big parties and discos, in large halls it's very interesting to have "a postman". The guests ask him/her: "Give a note (a letter) to the girl in white dress". This girl writes her name on the sheet of paper and gives in to "the postman". All the guests communicate with the help of "the postman" until all of them learn each other. This game may continue for several days in camps, sanatoriums etc.


This game will help you "to warm-up" shy people. As the music plays, one pair begins to dance. At the instructor's signal this pair splits up and asks 2 more partners to dance. Again, at the next instructor's signal these 2 pairs break and ask to 4 more partners to dance etc. The number of dancing pairs grows like a snow-slip.


As each player enters the hall he/she is given a calendar's page. The girls receive even, the boys - odd numbers. During the party the possessors of the pages are suggested different tasks:

1. To gather according to the months.

2. To gather according to the days of the weeks.

3. To make up the number 1998.

4. To make up teams of Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays etc.

5. To find the yesterday (for example "the 25th of December" looks for "the 24th of December" etc.)

6. To choose the pair. The last game is played while dancing. Before every new dance the leader announces any number from 35 to 55. The players must form the pairs so that the sum of their numbers is equal to the announced number. For example the leader announced number 37. So, the pair may consist of the players with the numbers 30 and 7, or 18 and 19

party dance games


Adult party games by Party Games Etc.

The following is a list of fun Adult party games for adults. The Adult party games are not X-rated. For a complete selection of party supplies, check out the Party Supplies Hut.


When you're in the close company suggest 2 slightly tight men to get to know who of them is tighter. Give a felt-tip-pen to each of the players. Put "a scale" with the grades 20o, 30o, 40o etc behind them. The scale is drawn on the large piece of thick paper. The object is to mark the grades on the scale. To do it the participants must bend down and pass their arms between the legs. Of course, the participants want to seem sober. That's why they try to reach the least number.


Each pair holds an apple between their foreheads. The leader gives the commands: "Three steps to the left!", "Three steps to the right!", "Squat!", "Jump!" etc. The pairs fulfill them. If the apple drops, the pair is out.


Each dancing pair holds "an apple" - a little rubber ball - between their fore heads. The music changes from slow to energetic one. The task of the players is not to drop the ball while dancing.


With the thick mittens on the hands try to identify the person which is in front of you. The girls try to identify the youths. The youths try to identify the girls. It's permitted to touch the whole person.


Five (5) couples to participate. The guys will blindfold the girl who is holding a long banana in her hand. When the music starts, she is required to turn a couple of rounds. Once music stops, the girl will stop and attempt to feed the banana to the guy, who will be squatting like a monkey. The one with the banana in his mouth, wins.


Five (5) contestants will be given blowpipes with bamboo sticks, with balloons as targets. The one that strikes the most number of balloons within a specified time wins. A mock-up monkey can also be utilized as the target, different scores being written on its body (e.g. 10 points at the chest, 100 points at the male organ, etc.).


Scatter some peas on the stool. Put a bowl near it. The players' task is to sit on the stool so as to move the peas into the bowl (don't use the hands!) The player who manages to do it is the winner. The instructor counts the number of the peas in the bowl of each player.


Being blindfolded the ladies must recognize their boy-friend's (husband's) hand to the touch.


Each lady holds a ball of ribbon in her right hand. The gentlemen take a tip of the ribbon with the teeth and wind it round their ladies (not using their hands). The gentlemen who is the first in "dressing" the lady or whose "dress" is the best is the winner.


The player must drink a tumbler of any alcohol beverage with any hors - d'oeuvre without using the hands.


The instructor asks 2 pairs to take part in this game. He/she suggests their making the evening dress, using only newspapers, pins and scissors. The winner is chosen by the spectators.


Divide up into 2 teams: one team consists of gentlemen, another consists of ladies. At the signal the players of each team begin to take off their clothes ( any items they like ). The players put their clothes in one line. Each team has a line of its own. The team which has the longest line is the winner.


Tie strings to the belts of the players. At the end of each string there is a small box or a piece of wet cotton wool. In front of each player there is a candle. The task is to put out the candle with the help of the small box or a piece of cotton wool as fast as possible without using the hands.


2 men take part in this game. They put on the belts and tie thick strings to them from behind. To the end of the string there tied an apple. It must be 30-35 cm. above the floor-level. Each player is given a ball (or a balloon). At the distance of 10-12metres from the start-line there are "the goals" (made of chairs). Swinging the apple between the legs the players move the balls (balloons) towards "the goals". The player who copes with the task the first wins.


There are several pairs in this game. To the ladies waists tie big sham purses. To the gentlemen's waists tie big sham banknotes. The object is to put the banknote into the purse. (While doing it the players mustn't touch purses, banknotes and strings with the help of which the purses are tied to the waists).


The youths are given the cards with the figures. The girls are given the cards with the letters. All the players get into a circle. They choose the leader. The leader is not given a card. He is in the center of the circle. The leader names the figure and the letter. The girl whose letter was named must kiss the leader. But it's not easy! Because the youth whose figure was named tries to prevent the girl from kissing the leader. He tries to kiss the girl himself. If the youth manages to prevent the girl from kissing the leader, he gives the card to the leader and becomes the leader himself.


Each gentleman sits with the balloon between his knees. The ladies have to sit themselves on the knees of their partners so that the balloon is burst.


In each pair the partners (the lady and the gentleman) stand facing each other. They hold a small rubber ball between their bellies. The object is to roll this ball to a chin of the shorter partner by rotary movements.


The player who manages in a fixed time to get as many kisses as possible is "lips". The kisses are counted by the signs of lipsticks left on the players.


In each team 5-6 players form up a line. Between each player in the line there is a ball. The players hold the balls with their backs and chests. They mustn't touch them with the hands. Their task is to run the distance as fast as possible.


The instructor asks some couples to participate in this game (preferably married ones). The couples are asked to leave the room. Then the instructor asks one couple to return and "to create" "The love statue". After that the instructor asks one of the gentlemen (of those who are among the couples behind the door ) to come into the room. His task is to change something in this "statue". The gentlemen changes the poses of the couple. Then the instructor suggests him to take the place of the gentleman in "statue". Then the lady (one of those behind the door ) is asked to come in. She is also asked to change something in the statue and to take the place of the girl in "the statue". This game goes on until all the couples took part in it.


Line up into 2 teams. In each line men and women take their turns. In each line the players choose a tailor. The tailor takes a wooden stick ("a needle") with the thick thread in it (you'd better wind the thread into a ball). At the command the tailors begin "to sew". The tailor "sews" the gentlemen's trouser-legs (passes the thread from one leg to another) and lady's sleeves (passes the thread from one sleeve to another). The tailor who "sews" all his team the first wins the game.


Usually two or more couples play this game. Each couple is given a large sheet of paper and explained the rules. The leader asks them to imagine that there is water around and that they can save themselves only on the little island (standing on the paper). At first the couples stand on the sheet, then it is folded in two, then again in two and so on. The couple who is the first to "stumble" into the water (to touch the floor) looses the game.


In each pair the partners stand with their backs to each other. They have an egg between their backs (or a little bit lower). The object is to put an egg on the ground, so as not to break it. The pair which succeeds in it wins the game. Instead the egg you may a small rubber ball. In this case the object of the game is to put the ball on the ground so as it doesn't roll.


Line up into 2 teams. In each line ladies and gentlemen take their turns. The first person in each team is given a ball to place under his/her chin. He/she must pass the ball to the next in line but neither may use his/her hands. The players can use all the parts of their bodies to pass the ball but it's forbidden to drop it. The first team to get the ball all the way to the last person is the winner.


The male-participants of this competition put on the black fillets on the eyes. The task is to make as many press-backs as possible. As the players have tested the strength the leader suggests to put big stripes of paper on the floor, because it is not clean. ( The participants don't move the fillets away yet). On these big stripes of paper there drawn the naked women life-size. So the participants continue to do their press backs over "the naked women". Then the leader asks the participants to move the fillets away. The participants continue to do their press - backs over "the naked women" without the fillets. The supporters count the number of the press-backs, encourage the participants.


3-4 players take part in this game. The players put the hobby-horses between their legs and take the mugs of beer or any other beverage. The players are blindfolded. At the command the players race to the circles drawn on the floor. As they reach the circles they put their mugs in them. If they succeed in doing it they drink the content of the mugs themselves, otherwise they give the mugs to the spectators.


A player who manages to tie a kerchief on the lady's neck using only one of his hands may be called "the real man".


Several pairs take part in this game. Each player is blindfolded. Then the leader puts some clothes-pegs on different parts of the players' clothes. At the leader's command the players must take the clothes-pegs off the partner's clothes. The pair which copes with the task the first wins the game.


Usually several pairs take part in this game. Each pair is given 2 ping-pong balls. The gentleman must roll the ball from one sleeve of the lady's dress to the other. The lady rolls the ball through the gentleman's trouser-legs (from one trouser-leg to another).


6 players participate in this game: 3 gentlemen and 3 ladies. Each player is given his/her own number. The first player throws a dice. The number on the dice ( from 1 to 6 ) stands for the part of the head the player must kiss: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - forehead, 4 - cheek, 5 - ear, 6 - crown. Then the player throws a dice for the second time. The number on the dice stands for person whom he/she must kiss ( the number on the dice corresponds the number of the player ). As the first player has fulfilled the tasks, the second player throws a dice etc.


Each pair holds a big ball between their foreheads. Their task is to run the distance as fast as possible and not to drop the ball. (One of the players in each pair runs with his back to front). The pairs may hold a ball between their shoulders, ears or backs.


Put a long stripe of paper on the floor for "a streamlet". Ask ladies to walk along "the streamlet" with their legs apart: one leg is on the right side, another is on the left side of "the streamlet". After that ask the ladies to repeat it being blindfolded. All the ladies are in the neighboring room at the beginning. They are asked to go along "the streamlet" one by one. Having gone along "the streamlet" blindfolded, the lady takes a kerchief from her eyes and sees a gentleman lying on "the streamlet" with his face upwards. (The gentleman lies down on the paper "streamlet" after the lady's going along "the streamlet", but before she takes off the kerchief). The lady is confused. Then the following lady is asked to go along "the streamlet", then the third and the fourth… The game goes on in the presence of the Ladies who have already passed "the streamlet". They laugh at a joke. Everybody is having a good time.


The instructor asks 2 men and 1 woman to participate in this game. They from up in file sideways to the spectators. The instructor says:

- This is a steam-engine team. The first man is an engine driver. The woman is an engine-driver's mate (she stands between the men). The second man is a stoker. They are in the steam-engine. Usually the steam-engines keep to the following signals while shunting: at one whistle they move forwards, at two whistles - backwards, at three - stand still. The instructor rehearses with the steam-engine team.

- Now let's begin to play. I ask you to act quickly and precisely, according to the signal.

The instructor gives 2 whistles. The engine driver makes a mistake: he makes one step forwards.

- It's bad. You mustn't mistake. So you must become a stoker. This is our rule.

The instructor leads him to the end of "the steam engine". 2 other players - the engine-driver's mate and the stoker move one step forwards.

- This is a new steam-engine team. The game begins anew. On finishing the game the instructor says: with the help of this game we checked how attentive our players are. The shunting is over. The steam-engine may be come in at.


Suggest the players to manufacture Suvorov's favorite vodka. It must be of 47o strength. Each participant is given a half of the glass of water. They must manufacture vodka of 47o by tasting it. The instructor checks the correctness of the strength with the help of the alcoholmeter.


All the players who wish may perform "the stomach dance". Each participant must move the wooden sticks (both ends of them are passed through the string) with the help of the stomach. The players do it to the music without using the hands. Each participant has his/her own strip of sticks. The fastest and the most artistic participant is the winner.


Fasten the belt on the waist of each player. Tie the string with the apple at its end to it. In front of each player there is a plank with the nails. The object is to pin the apple on the nail.


The players divide into pairs. They hold the balloons between their stomachs. The task of each pair is to burst the balloon between the stomachs.


The gentlemen are blindfolded. The task is to identify the lady by touching her knees.


It's a relay race game. It's common knowledge that all the tipplers are divided into 3 groups: those who drink little, those who can go only leaning against the walls and those who cannot go at all when drunk (they are usually carried away by the drinking companions). In each team there are 3 participants - the participant who "drinks little", the participant who "leans against the wall when going", the participant who "is carried away by his drinking companions". Those who "drink little" must devastate the bottles (drink the remains), those "who lean against the walls" must make a diagonal wall out of these bottles (the bottles must be at some distance from each other), those who are carried away" must gather all the bottles into the shopping bag. The players must do it as fast as possible.


As the instructor pronounces "to roll up" he/she stretches the hands wide as though he/she wants to embrace the whole world. He/she asks everyone to do the same. As the instructor pronounces "to unwind" he/she embraces the player next to him/her. Everyone does the same. The tempo is raising gradually. This games is a good warming-up at discos or parties.


The object of the game is to fill the glasses with the help of the teaspoon. The player who manages to do it the fastest has an opportunity to propose a toast and drink the contents of the glass.


Five (5) contestants to participate drinking "tuak" (a native brew of Sarawak) from a bamboo. The bamboo is actually filled with beer. The fastest, and without spilling, wins a prize.


The instructor asks 2 pairs to participate in this game (in each pair there is a lady and a gentleman). 'Try to open the network of banks as soon as possible. You deposit only one banknote in each bank. Receive your entrance fee! (the instructor gives the money candy covers to each pair). You may use pockets, lapels and other secluded places for the banks. Try to register your deposits and open the greatest number of banks as soon as possible. Now get ready, begin! The instructor helps the pairs to fulfill the task. In a minute the instructor sums up: How many banknotes do you have? And you? Great! All the money is profitably invested. Good! And now I ask the ladies to change the partners. Your task is to take all the money away from the banks. Get ready. Begin! (The music is playing. The ladies are looking for the money at their rivals' partners).


The players are divided into pairs. The instructor invites all the players to visit "the wild beach". At "the wild beach" the instructor announces the dancing party. Ladies and gentlemen in the pairs are given the gramophone records (ladies-3, gentlemen-1) to cover their "nudity". The pairs begin to dance. They mustn't drop the records. That's why they have to lean against each other very tight.

adult party games


Childrens Party Games

Getting people of the world to have fun together

Disclaimer: These games ideas are offered to anyone who wishes to try them. No responsibility of any description is accepted for any consequences. These games ideas have been compiled from the parties which I have been to and other ideas from friends.

Chinese whispers

Sit everyone in a circle. Whisper a long phrase to one person. They, in turn, whisper what they heard to the next person, and so on. The last person announces what they heard.

Pass the Parcel

Wrap a bar of chocolate (or some other gift), in a layer of paper. Now wrap it in another layer and repeat until you have about 10 layers. Finally wrap it in gift paper (so it looks nice).

Sit everyone in a circle and play a short snippet of music. When the music stops, the person holding the parcel removes ONE layer of wrapping. Repeat until the last layer of wrapping has been removed.

The winner keeps the present.

Pass the Parcel with forfeits

As above but every layer contains a forfeit (E.g Sing a song, Eat a teaspoon of Mustard, have your belly button filled with water).

The Chocolate (or Jelly) Game

Sit everyone in a circle and place a tray in the middle with a hat, scarf, gloves, knife and fork, die and a wrapper bar of chocolate.

In turn, players throw the die. If they throw a SIX, they must put on the Hat, Scarfe and Gloves before they start to unwrap the chocolate with the knife and fork, ad then start to eat it.

To speed up the game add a second die and require a Double SIX.

The Jelly Variation is to turn out a set jelly onto a plate and eat it with the knife and fork.

Musical Chairs

The old favourite. With one fewer chairs than people, a short snippet of music is played while the people move around the room. When the music stops everyone tries to sit on a vacant chair. (Only ONE person per chair) The person who doesn't find a chair is out. One chair is taken away and the game continues until only one person (The Winner) is left.

Memory Game

On a tray, place about 10 to 15 small items (e.g. pencil, watch, comb, shoe lace, spoon, toy car, etc.) and cover with a cloth.

Sit everyone in a circle.

Place the tray in the middle of the circle and remove the cloth for 60 seconds. Everyone has to remember the objects. When the time is up, replace the cloth.

In turn, each person has to name an object on the tray. The first person to fail to name an object, repeat an object or name something not on the tray is out. The tray is then removed and some or all of the objects replaced, and the game re-started with the person following the one who is out. If the game is too easy for the group, add more objects or reduce the time.

Musical Statues

This is like Musical Chairs, but when the music stops, the players have to keep still. Anyone who moves, quivers, shakes etc is out. The winner is the last one still playing.

Listen and Move Place party shapes on the floor in a circle. For example if your theme is Knights the shapes could be shields, swords, and castles. Children walk around circle while listening to music. If the music is loud the children move fast. If the music is quiet the children move slow. If the music stops, the children stop on the closest shape. Young children like to play it this way.

To make it more challenging for older children have 1 less shape than the number of children. Continue remove shapes as the children are 'out'.

Postman's Knock

All the boys gather in a group and each takes a card with a sequential number (One, Two, Three etc). The girls do the same. The boys then form a line (shoulder to shoulder) facing the girls who are in a similar line. (Players should NOT stand in order. First a girl calls out a number and the boy with that number goes across to kiss her. The a boy calls out a number and the girl with that number goes and kisses him.

Port and Starboard

On the command (from the list below) the children have to do the appropriate action. After a while, start removing the last player to comply, untill only one remains.

Port (Run to one side tof the area)

Starboard (run to the other side)

Captains Comming Aboard (Stand to attention and Salute)

Submarines (Lie on the floor)

Hoist the Mainsail (run on the spot - like climing the rigging)

Mess Deck (Sit cross legged on the floor - ready for lunch)

Davey Jones (Climb a tree, stanbd on a chair - anything so that you are not on the floor)

Up Periscope (Stand up straight and old hands to eyes as though looking through binoculars)

British Bulldog

Caution: This game can get rough.

All the players (except one) line up at one side of the playing area. The remaining player (The Bulldog) stands in the middle. When he is ready, he shouts "Go" and all the other players have to get to the other side without being caught. Any player the The Bulldog can lift off the ground while he shouts "British Bulldog", joins him in the middle as a Bulldog. On subsequent runs, the Bulldogs may work together. The winner is the last one to be caught.


Split the patry goers into teams of three and give each team a toilet roll. Two persons then wrap the third in the toilet roll so that they look like an Egyptian Mummy. The winning team is the one who in a set time (say 2 minutes) have the neatest and most covered Mummy.


Everyone stands a circle (except one who is standing in the middle) and has been told to remember a different station name. The person in the middle calls out two names. The stations have to change places quickly, before the person in the middle can get to one of the empty spaces. Who ever is left without a place is the person in the middle for the next game.

Pass the Orange

Arrange for teams of about 8 to stand in a line, one behind the other (arranged boy, girl, boy,...). Give each team an orange which the first person should tuck under his chin. This should be passed to the person behind. When the orange gets to the last person, they come to the front of the line and start again. The winnnig team is the first one which gets their starting person to the front again.

Sleeping Pirate

All the children (except one - The Pirate) sit Cross Legged on the floor in a circle. The pirate sites Cross-legged in the middle of the circle, blind-folded, with a large bunch of keys on the floor in front of him.

A child is nominated to creep up and take the keys and then return to their place, without the pirate hearing them. The Pirate has three goes to point to where he thinks the raider is. If he is sucessful, the raider becomes the Pirate.

Balloon Pop Place notes inside un-inflated balloons,1 or 2 of the notes should indicate that this balloon is a winner. Inflate the balloons and hang them around. Let each child pick a balloon then pop it to see if their note is a winner.

Balloon Relay Divide the children into 2 or more equal teams and stand them in a line. Give each team ten balloons in a basket. The first in each line takes a balloon and runs to the other side of the room/yard/area and sits or stomps on the balloon to pop it. After poping the balloon they run back to the line and tag the next person who does the same thing. The game goes on until one team has poped all of their balloons. The winning team gets a small prize (like a ribbon) while EVERYONE gets a small toy.

Toy Walk This is done like a cake walk. Have numbers on the ground for as many children (1-10). Walk on the numbers until the music stops. Have numbers on some small toys. If a child is standing on the number of the toy, they win the toy

Whistling Crackers

You give every child 3 soda crackers. When you say "GO" every child puts all the crackers at once in his/her mouth. The first one to whistle wins. (You can also substitute the soda crackers with peanut butter but make sure there are no Allergies).

Can You Guess Put several small items into a brown paper bag. Blindfold one person and hand them one of the items in the bag. Give them a few seconds to guess what the item is. If they are unsuccessful they are out. The last one wins.

Stuck in the Mud One person is 'IT' and has to run round touching as many people aas they can. When they have touched someone, that person has to stop and stand with their legs apart and their hands outstreached, until someone crawls through their legs. If you've been caught three times, then you are out. The game ends when everyone left is standing still.

Ducky Ducky Everyone sits in a circle except one who is given a pillow and blind-fold. They then go and place the pillow on a persons lap, sit on it and say ducky ducky. The person should say"quack quack" this can be done only 3 times. If the blind person guesses the name the person, they should now be given the blind fold and the game run over again - after everyone has changed their places.


Party Games for Small Groups of Adults (4 to 8 People)

Getting people of the world to have fun together

Disclaimer: These games ideas are offered to anyone who wishes to try them. No responsibility of any description is accepted for any consequences. These games ideas have been compiled from the parties which I have been to and other ideas from friends.

Chinese whispers

Sit everyone in a circle. Whisper a long phrase to one person. They, in turn, whisper what they heard to the next person, and so on. The last person announces what they heard.

Pass the Parcel

Wrap a bar of chocolate (or some other gift), in a layer of paper. Now wrap it in another layer and repeat until you have about 10 layers. Finally wrap it in gift paper (so it looks nice).

Sit everyone in a circle and play a short snippet of music. When the music stops, the person holding the parcel removes ONE layer of wrapping. Repeat until the last layer of wrapping has been removed.

The winner keeps the present.

Pass the Parcel with forfeits

As above but every layer contains a forfeit (E.g Sing a song, Eat a teaspoon of Mustard, have your belly button filled with water).

The Chocolate (or Jelly) Game

Sit everyone in a circle and place a tray in the middle with a hat, scarf, gloves, knife and fork, die and a wrapper bar of chocolate.

In turn, players throw the die. If they throw a SIX, they must put on the Hat, Scarfe and Gloves before they start to unwrap the chocolate with the knife and fork, ad then start to eat it.

To speed up the game add a second die and require a Double SIX.

The Jelly Variation is to turn out a set jelly onto a plate and eat it with the knife and fork.

Musical Chairs

The old favourite. With one fewer chairs than people, a short snippet of music is played while the people move around the room. When the music stops everyone tries to sit on a vacant chair. (Only ONE person per chair) The person who doesn't find a chair is out. One chair is taken away and the game continues until only one person (The Winner) is left.

Memory Game

On a tray, place about 10 to 15 small items (e.g. pencil, watch, comb, shoe lace, spoon, toy car, etc.) and cover with a cloth.

Sit everyone in a circle.

Place the tray in the middle of the circle and remove the cloth for 60 seconds. Everyone has to remember the objects. When the time is up, replace the cloth.

In turn, each person has to name an object on the tray. The first person to fail to name an object, repeat an object or name something not on the tray is out. The tray is then removed and some or all of the objects replaced, and the game re-started with the person following the one who is out. If the game is too easy for the group, add more objects or reduce the time.

Flour Mound

Fill a bowl with flour, and pack firmly. Empty the flour mound onto a large plate or small tray, so that it retains the shape of the bowl. Place an unwrapped chocolate onthe top.

Players take turns to use a knife to slice a part of the mound and slide it away from the rest (1/2 an inch is enough). Eventually, one person will do it and the chocolate will fall into the pile of flour. The person must retrieve the chocolate with their teeth.

I Have Never Each person receives several counters (toothpicks, pennies, etc.)

Then take turns around the circle. Each person tells of something they have never done (example: I have never broken a bone or I have never traveled out of the country). Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their toothpicks or pennies. After going around the circle several times, the person with the most tokens wins.


Split the patry goers into teams of three and give each team a toilet roll. Two persons then wrap the third in the toilet roll so that they look like an Egyptian Mummy. The winning team is the one who in a set time (say 2 minutes) have the neatest and most covered Mummy.

Chubby Bunnies

Contestants have to see how many marshmallows they can stuff into their mouths and still say "Chubby Bunnies". The winner is the one who can manage the highest number.

4-8 people


The Large Party - Party Games Page

Getting people of the world to have fun together

Disclaimer: These games ideas are offered to anyone who wishes to try them. No responsibility of any description is accepted for any consequences. These games ideas have been compiled from the parties which I have been to and other ideas from friends.

Party Games for Large Groups (more than 8 People)

Dramatized Chinese Whispers

Specially suitable for teenagers

Several people are taken out of the room. One is returned and while the others are entertained by an assistant is told to mime one of the following (or one of your own ideas)

Changing the nappies of twins

Bathing an elephant

Before they start, a second person is brought into the room and told to watch. When the first demonstration has been completed, the first person is allowed to retake their place and the second is told that they have to do what they have just seen. Again, before they start, the third person is brought in to see the demonstration. The games ends when the last person has done the mime, and is asked what they have just done.

NOT Dramatized Chinese Whispers

Specially suitable for teenagers

This is a vindictive version of Dramatized Chinese Whispers. One person is taken out of the room and told to mime a duck landing on a frozen lake! Meanwhile, an assistant is telling the remainder of the party guests what they are about to see, and to guess anything else (to encourage the person to continue their mime). The victim is brought back to do their mime.

When they have finished, the organizer gets everyone to 'guess' the right answer in unison. It may be appropriate to congratulate the victim with the words. "Well Done ... You certainly have been."

Musical Chairs

The old favourite. With one fewer chairs than people, a short snippet of music is played while the people move around the room. When the music stops everyone tries to sit on a vacant chair. (Only ONE person per chair) The person who doesn't find a chair is out. One chair is taken away and the game continues until only one person (The Winner) is left.

Horses and Riders

Specially suitable for teenagers

Like Musical Chairs, but the young gentlemen are the horses and the young ladies are the riders. There is one fewer gentlemen than ladies. When the music stops, the ladies have to climb on the backs of the gentlemen. Again, the winners are the last complete couple.

Guess the Picture

A Good game to get people talking together at the start of the party

Collect a set of pictures of your town / locality / personalities etc. and display them on the wall with a number. The guests have to identify them and write the name on a sheet of paper. The winner is the one with the highest score.


Everyone stands a circle (except one who is standing in the middle) and has been told to remember a different station name. The person in the middle calls out two names. The stations have to change places quickly, before the person in the middle can get to one of the empty spaces. Who ever is left without a place is the person in the middle for the next game.

Who am I

A Good game to get people talking together at the start of the party

As they arrive each person has a piece of paper pinned to their back. The paper contains the name of a famous person. By asking questions which can only be answered with "Yes" or "No" such as "Am I still alive?", "Am I fictional?", etc. the person has to guess their name. Successful guessers may have another go.


One Gentleman takes three chairs arranges them in a large circle, along with all the other men. Each gentleman then collects two ladies and seats them in his chairs, one on his right side, and the other on his left. One lady is then removed. from the circle. The gentleman who now only has one wife, must now go steal one from another by winking, waving etc. But without letting her gentleman know. She must then dash to the empty ladies' chair and the gentleman return to his own place. If she makes it half way across the room before the previous gentleman stands up and catches up with her, she takes her place with her new gentleman, and her previous one now has to replace the missing wife.

Mummies Split the patry goers into teams of three and give each team a toilet roll. Two persons then wrap the third in

the toilet roll so that they look like an Egyptian Mummy. The winning team is the one who in a set time (say 2

minutes) have the neatest and most

covered Mummy.

Fashion Designer This is like "Mummies" but instead of having toilet paper and having to wrap the 'victim' to look like a mummy, you give each team part of a (not ready pasted) wall-paper roll, and 12 safety pins and they have to make an 'outfit', in say 5 minutes.

If you wish, you may specify "A dress", "Jacket and trousers", etc.

(The paper may be pinned on the person's normal clothes, rather than having to make the 'outfit' and then they have to put it on.)


Take all the girls out of the room and tell them that the room has a line of soldiers who are willing to demonstrate their skills of quick and slow firing.

Tell the boys to form a line (shoulder to shoulder) away from the door. (Optionally turn the lights down or out.)

In turn, each girl is asked if she would like the demonstration of quick or slow firing. Having answered, the door is opened and she is pushed into the room, and her answer is shouted to the boys.

If she opted for quick firing, the boys give her a quick kiss before pushing her onto the next in line, as quicklty as possible. Slow firing allows the boys a longer kiss.

Pass the Orange

Arrange for teams of about 8 to stand in a line, one behind the other (arranged boy, girl, boy,...). Give each team an orange which the first person should tuck under his chin. This should be passed to the person behind. When the orange gets to the last person, they come to the front of the line and start again. The winnnig team is the first one which gets their starting person to the front again.

Pass the Key

You need two similar sized Very Large Keys (about 6 inches long), each tied to the end of a long length (60 feet or more) coarse string. The keys and string should have spent a few hours in the freezer immediately before being brought out.

Line up two teams of about eight to ten.

The key must be passed down trousers and dresses and skirts and the string will show the route followed. The winning team is the first to get everyone 'threaded.

Pass the Anything Arrange teams of players in lines and give the first person on each line a object to be passed in a given fashion. Suggestions include:-

A stick of spaghetti. to be held in the mouth. (A variation is to break off a piece as you pass it.)

A credit card to be sucked to your lips.

A coin to be held between the first person's nose, and the next person's nose, while they walk around the back of the line and back to the front again. The first person goes to the back of the line, and the game continues, with a new 'next person'.

Guest at the Party

Three people are taken out of the room and each is given a card describing a person (or personality or characteristic). A fourth person is nominated as "Host". One by one, the three guests enter the room portraying what is written on their card. The Host has to guess what was written on the card. The guests do not have to wait until the previous one has been identified before entering.

Ideas include:-

An Astronaut

James Pond (Spoof Secret Agent)

A Blue Peter Presenter

Harvey Smith (Show Jumper)

Dipsey (one of the Teletubbies)

A policeman going to the ball

Honey, if you love me smile Have all players except for one sit in a circle facing each other. The one who is not in the circle faces a player of the opposite sex and requests "Honey, if you love me smile." Aside from tickling, the player may do anything to make the person smile.

After a while the chosen partner must reply "Honey, I love you but I just can't smile" without smiling.

If the player chosen partner smiles while saying this, then they must give their place, and it becomes their turn to choose a partner.


Form teams of two. Each team is given an object to perform with, in as many creative ways as possible. E.g. A hoola-Hoop

Hold it above your head and sing "Hark the Herald Angels sing"

Hold it in front of you and say "You get a good view of the Icebergs from this portthole"

Ideas for objects include:-

Hoola Hoop

Malibu Board

Tennis Racket



Winking Murder

All except the detective sit in a circle while the detective waits outside. One person from the circle is elected to be the murderer, and then the Detective is called back to stand in the circle. When he is ready, the Murderer winks at people in the circle. Anyone who sees that they have been winked at lets out a blood-curdling scream and dies. The Detective has three attempts to guess the murderer.

Pins Game Instructions, this is a game for a large crowd of people to get them talking. Give each guest a pin and have them pin it on their shoulder. Instruct everyone they cannot use the words, yes or yea, etc. When they do, the person they said this to gets their pin(s). the person then adds the pin(s) to their other pin(s), the person with ALL the pins at the end of the evening wins (an elastoplast).

Ducky Ducky Everyone sits in a circle except one who is given a pillow and blind-fold. They then go and place the pillow on a persons lap, sit on it and say ducky ducky. The person should say"quack quack" this can be done only 3 times. If the blind person guesses the name the person, they should now be given the blind fold and the game run over again - after everyone has changed their places.

more than 8 people


Party Games for Large Groups of Teenagers

? ? Are your sure you really want to do this? ? ?

Getting people of the world to have fun together

Disclaimer: These games ideas are offered to anyone who wishes to try them. No responsibility of any description is accepted for any consequences. These games ideas have been compiled from the parties which I have been to and other ideas from friends.

Dramatized Chinese Whispers

Several people are taken out of the room. One is returned and while the others are entertained by an assistant is told to mime one of the following (or one of your own ideas)

Changing the nappies of twins

Bathing an elephant

Before they start, a second person is brought into the room and told to watch. When the first demonstration has been completed, the first person is allowed to retake their place and the second is told that they have to do what they have just seen. Again, before they start, the third person is brought in to see the demonstration. The games ends when the last person has done the mime, and is asked what they have just done.

NOT Dramatized Chinese Whispers

This is a vindictive version of Dramatized Chinese Whispers. One person is taken out of the room and told to mime a duck landing on a frozen lake! Meanwhile, an assistant is telling the remainder of the party guests what they are about to see, and to guess anything else (to encourage the person to continue their mime). The victim is brought back to do their mime.

When they have finished, the organizer gets everyone to 'guess' the right answer in unison. It may be appropriate to congratulate the victim with the words. "Well Done ... You certainly have been."

Musical Chairs

The old favourite. With one fewer chairs than people, a short snippet of music is played while the people move around the room. When the music stops everyone tries to sit on a vacant chair. (Only ONE person per chair) The person who doesn't find a chair is out. One chair is taken away and the game continues until only one person (The Winner) is left.

Horses and Riders

Like Musical Chairs, but the young gentlemen are the horses and the young ladies are the riders. There is one fewer gentlemen than ladies. When the music stops, the ladies have to climb on the backs of the gentlemen. Again, the winners are the last complete couple.

Guess the Picture

A Good game to get people talking together at the start of the party

Collect a set of pictures of your town / locality / personalities etc. and display them on the wall with a number. The guests have to identify them and write the name on a sheet of paper. The winner is the one with the highest score.


Everyone stands a circle (except one who is standing in the middle) and has been told to remember a different station name. The person in the middle calls out two names. The stations have to change places quickly, before the person in the middle can get to one of the empty spaces. Who ever is left without a place is the person in the middle for the next game.

Who am I

A Good game to get people talking together at the start of the party

As they arrive each person has a piece of paper pinned to their back. The paper contains the name of a famous person. By asking questions which can only be answered with "Yes" or "No" such as "Am I still alive?", "Am I fictional?", etc. the person has to guess their name. Successful guessers may have another go.


One Gentleman takes three chairs arranges them in a large circle, along with all the other men. Each gentleman then collects two ladies and seats them in his chairs, one on his right side, and the other on his left. One lady is then removed. from the circle. The gentleman who now only has one wife, must now go steal one from another by winking, waving etc. But without letting her gentleman know. She must then dash to the empty ladies' chair and the gentleman return to his own place. If she makes it half way across the room before the previous gentleman stands up and catches up with her, she takes her place with her new gentleman, and her previous one now has to replace the missing wife.


Take all the girls out of the room and tell them that the room has a line of soldiers who are willing to demonstrate their skills of quick and slow firing.

Tell the boys to form a line (shoulder to shoulder) away from the door. (Optionally turn the lights down or out.)

In turn, each girl is asked if she would like the demonstration of quick or slow firing. Having answered, the door is opened and she is pushed into the room, and her answer is shouted to the boys.

If she opted for quick firing, the boys give her a quick kiss before pushing her onto the next in line, as quicklty as possible. Slow firing allows the boys a longer kiss.

Pass the Orange

Arrange for teams of about 8 to stand in a line, one behind the other (arranged boy, girl, boy,...). Give each team an orange which the first person should tuck under his chin. This should be passed to the person behind. When the orange gets to the last person, they come to the front of the line and start again. The winnnig team is the first one which gets their starting person to the front again.

Pass the Key

You need two similar sized Very Large Keys (about 6 inches long), each tied to the end of a long length (60 feet or more) coarse string. The keys and string should have spent a few hours in the freezer immediately before being brought out.

Line up two teams of about eight to ten.

The key must be passed down trousers and dresses and skirts and the string will show the route followed. The winning team is the first to get everyone 'threaded" together.

Pass the Balloon

This is like Pass the Orange, but use a balloon held between the knees

Pass the Anything Arrange teams of players in lines and give the first person on each line a object to be passed in a given fashion. Suggestions include:-

A stick of spaghetti. to be held in the mouth. (A variation is to break off a piece as you pass it.)

A credit card to be sucked to your lips.

A coin to be held between the first person's nose, and the next person's nose, while they walk around the back of the line and back to the front again. The first person goes to the back of the line, and the game continues, with a new 'next person'.

Pass the scissors

All players sit in a circle, and one is given a pair of scisors. In turn, the scisors are passed around the circle, from one player to the next. As a player passes the scissors to the next person they say either "CROSSED" or "UNCROSSED", and will be told if they are right or wrong. The object is to try and find out what the rule is. It is interesting at the start if the person knows the rule, and makes a great play of turning the scisors around and opening and closing them. The game continues untill all have solved the mystery, or you take pity on the remainder.

The rule has nothing to do with the scissors. IT'S WHETHER YOU HAVE YOUR LEGS CROSSED!

Guest at the Party

Three people are taken out of the room and each is given a card describing a person (or personality or characteristic). A fourth person is nominated as "Host". One by one, the three guests enter the room portraying what is written on their card. The Host has to guess what was written on the card. The guests do not have to wait until the previous one has been identified before entering.

Ideas include:-

An Astronaut

James Pond (Spoof Secret Agent)

A Blue Peter Presenter

Harvey Smith (Show Jumper)

Dipsey (one of the Teletubbies)

A policeman going to the ball

I Have Never Each person receives several counters (toothpicks, pennies, etc.) and sits in a circle.

Then take turns around the circle. Each person tells of something they have never done (example: I have never broken a bone or I have never traveled out of the country). Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their toothpicks or pennies. After going around the circle several times, the person with the most tokens wins.

Candles and Water Pistols

Two (or more players, if you dare) are given a lighted candle (secured to a plate) and a loaded water pistol. The winner is the last to still have a lighted candle. Players are not allowed to deliberately use their bodies, or anything else to shield their candle.

Mummies Split the patry goers into teams of three and give each team a toilet roll. Two persons then wrap the third in

the toilet roll so that they look like an Egyptian Mummy. The winning team is the one who in a set time (say 2

minutes) have the neatest and most

covered Mummy.

Fashion Designer This is like "Mummies" but instead of having toilet paper and having to wrap the 'victim' to look like a mummy, you give each team part of a (not ready pasted) wall-paper roll, and 12 safety pins and they have to make an 'outfit', in say 5 minutes.

If you wish, you may specify "A dress", "Jacket and trousers", etc.

(The paper may be pinned on the person's normal clothes, rather than having to make the 'outfit' and then they have to put it on.)

The Photographer

An equal number of boys and girls are taken out of the room, andn the one couple are brought back as to be posed for a 'really romantic' wedding photograph, so bring in a boy from outside to arrange them in the pose of his choice. When he has finished, he is told that he must now take the place of the boy in the pose! (If you have a camera, now is the time to use it.) Now it is the turn of the next girl to come in and arrange the couple, and so the game go on until everyong is back in.

Honey, if you love me smile Have all players except for one sit in a circle facing each other. The one who is not in the circle faces a player of the opposite sex and requests "Honey, if you love me smile." Aside from tickling, the player may do anything to make the person smile.

After a while the chosen partner must reply "Honey, I love you but I just can't smile" without smiling.

If the player chosen partner smiles while saying this, then they must give their place, and it becomes their turn to choose a partner.

Scavenger Hunt This is very popular among large groups of teenagers. Make a list of 30-35 everyday items (ie.toilet paper roll, red piece of string, rubberband, chewed piece of gum,etc.) and sent two teams on a mission to find these items on thier list. They have one hour to find these and the winning team is the one that is back first with EVERYTHING ON THEIR LIST!!!

Doughnuts and Toothpicks Everyone stands in a line with toothpicks in there mouth the first person puts a ring doughnut on the toothpick then they have to pass it on to the other players toothpick without making it fall.

If it falls on your turn the person before you wins.

A variation is to make several teams each stand in line and the doughnut is passed from the front to the back. When it gets to the back, the person has to run / walk / stroll to the front and start again. If it falls, it has to be passed to the front person and start again down the line. The winning team is the first to have had everyone start at the front.

Whistling Crackers You give every child 3 soda crackers. When you say "GO" every child puts all the crackers at once in his/her mouth. The first one to whistle wins. (You can also substitute the soda crackers with peanut butter but make sure there are no Allergies).

Can You Guess Put several small items into a brown paper bag. Blindfold one person and hand them one of the items in the bag. Give them a few seconds to guess what the item is. If they are unsuccessful they are out. The last one wins.

Ducky Ducky Everyone sits in a circle except one who is given a pillow and blind-fold. They then go and place the pillow on a persons lap, sit on it and say ducky ducky. The person should say"quack quack" this can be done only 3 times. If the blind person guesses the name the person, they should now be given the blind fold and the game run over again - after everyone has changed their places.

for large group teenagers


Outdoor Party Games

Pass the Orange: This fun-filled game is inexpensive and simple. The only supplies it requires are 2 oranges and people with both a neck and a chin. Divide the group into 2 teams. When the person (not actually playing the game) says "Go!" the people must pass the orange from neck to neck using only chins and necks. The team that can get the orange to the last neck in line the quickest without dropping the orange wins.

Limbo: Play some fun music while your friends stand in line waiting to bend backwards low enough to fit under the limbo stick (broom handle, yardstick, etc.). In order to win, the limbo master must not touch the stick or fall on the floor while limbo-ing under the stick (which is usually held by 2 people).

Frisbee Golf: Toss Frisbees into buckets that hang from the trees. Move from bucket to bucket trying to sink the frisbee just as golfers move from hole to hole.

Pass the Sand: Divide the group into 2 teams and line them up. Have the person in each line grab a handful of sand from a container. They must pass the sand to the next player, who passes it to the next, and so on down the line. When the sand reaches the last player, he/she pours what is left of it on a plate. The team with the most sand wins the game. (You may have to weigh the sand on a food scale if it's close.)

Carnival Games: "Knock down the Bottles", "Shoot at the Target With a Water Gun", "Pie in the Face", "Toss the Coin on a Plate", "Pie Eating Contest", and "Ring Around the Bottles".

Water War Without Guns: Use everything from giant sponges and spray bottles to turkey basters, cups, water balloons, and a garden hose to soak the members of the opposing "team."

Tug of Water: Set up the sprinkler in the middle of the lawn and turn it on. Divide the group into 2 teams and have each team hold an end of the garden hose. On the word "Go!" have the teams try to pull their opponents into the sprinkler.

Pop the Piranha: Inflate balloons and tie them off. Using black felt-tip permanent markers, draw fish faces on the balloons. Toss balloons into the kiddie pool, one for each child. On the word "Go!" have the kids jump into the pool and try to grab/pop (depending on the age of the child) a wet and slippery balloon.

Go Fishing: Buy some plastic toys and attach a piece of magnetic tape to each one. Drop the toys into the bottom of the pool. Give the kids fishing poles made from sticks and string, with magnets tied to the bottom of the string. Let the kids fish for their "prize" in the kiddie pool.

Toss n' Soak: Fill up a plastic pool with water and have kids stand around the outside of the pool. They must toss the ball back and forth to one another and try to catch it. If the ball hits the water, the child who failed to catch the ball is "out." Whoever is left standing last wins.

Poison: This is a game where there is one lucky person who is "it." He stands between two bases (in our backyard we made the "bases" a fence at one end of the yard and a brick wall at the other end of the yard), and is allowed to move anywhere between those 2 bases. He is given a ball, and his goal is to try to hit at least one of the people while they are running from base to base. Obviously, once people are on the base they are "safe." Once he hits someone else with the ball, that person becomes "it." There is no actual winner of this game, but it is action packed and it can go on for hours until the players get tired.

What Time is it Mr. Fox?: There is one person who is "Mr. Fox", and everyone else is trying to stay away from him/her. (We used to play this from the top to the bottom of a driveway, but it can be played anywhere as long as there is enough room to run.) Mr. Fox usually stands at the part of the driveway closest to the house. Everyone else stands on the designated base and asks in unison, "What time is it Mr. Fox?" As Mr. Fox responds with the time (it can be any time that Mr. Fox would like it to be), each person needs to take the number of steps that correspond with the time toward Mr. Fox. (For example, if Mr. Fox says it's 4 o'clock, everyone takes 4 steps toward him.) It is up to the individual how large they make each step. The group continues to ask the same question, while Mr. Fox replies with different answers as to "what time it is." When Mr. Fox chooses, (it must be before the players actually reach Mr. Fox) in answer to the question "What time is it Mr. Fox," he must turn around and answer "It's time to eat you!" He turns around and chases everyone until he catches someone, or everyone makes it back to the base safely. If anyone is caught, then they become "Mr. Fox." (There is no winner to this game either.)

Frog Hop: Before you fill the kiddie pool, use a permanent felt-tip marker to draw and color flowers on the bottom of the pool. Fill up the pool with water and have the kids sit on the outside of the pool. Give each child a smooth stone. Let them draw "eyes" on the stone with a permanent marker to turn the stone into a "frog." Then have them toss the frogs into the pool. If the frog lands on a flower then they win a prize.

Scavenger Hunt: This is a game that is usually relatively inexpensive and time-consuming (good for both kids and parents). Give the partygoers clues that take them from place to place. Perhaps this game could begin at the house of the party host/hostess, and the final clue could lead to the party destination. The team that arrives at the final destination first wins! (Or instead of a Scavenger Hunt have kids solve a Detective's Case. Set out clues all over the yard and have kids collect them. Then the kids have to figure out what the clues mean. You might have them find clues to making a pizza, building a scarecrow, or solving a puzzle.)

Keep it Dry: Give each player a small object that changes when it gets wet, such as a stone, cotton ball, or a marshmallow. Players must try to swim from one end of the pool to the other without getting their object wet. The swimmer with the driest object wins.

Butterfingers Ball: As one player jumps off the diving board or platform, another player stands in the shallow end (or on the side) and throws the ball to the jumper, who tries to catch the ball and hold it until he/she hits the water.

Crazy Olympics: Have a Crazy Olympics party and let the kids play silly games, such as the Backwards Crab Walk, Blind(folded) Leapfrog, Impossible Obstacle Course, Frisbee Golf, etc. Add a few ridiculous relay races for extra fun (pass the eggs, carry cotton on a spoon, one-legged race, and so on). The kids can also play Silly Sports. For example, they can golf with their feet instead of a golf club, or play baseball with a broom instead of a bat. They can even run the bases backwards.

outdoor games


Games for Couples

· Who's Your Mate? - Have one person from each couple leave the room. The host/hostess tailors some planned questions to the group and to certain couples. The other half of each couple stays in the room, and answers questions about their mate/date. They're supposed to answer each question the way they think their mate/date would respond. They need to write each answer down, so that when their partner returns he/she can give their own answer to each question. Assign point values for each question that is a match. Then reverse roles of the couples for the next set of questions. The couple with the most points wins a prize. Make sure the prize is something they can share!

· Musical Partners - You need to have an even number of people to actually participate in this game. (The odd person, or the host, can be the one to stop the music). Turn some music on, and begin the game by selecting 2 people to dance with each other (fast or slow). Have someone turn the music off at different intervals, and tell the 2 people dancing to select new partners. Continue to play the game and select new partners until everyone is dancing.

· Tie a Yellow Ribbon… - This is a great way to introduce everyone if you have an even number of people at your party. Buy some yarn or ribbon, and cut the ribbon/yarn up into various lengths (at least 100-400 uneven pieces). Put everyone into pairs, and have them search throughout the house to find as many pieces of ribbon/yarn as they possibly can. They must work with their partner to tie each piece of ribbon/yarn together to create one long piece of yarn/ribbon. Whoever has the longest piece of ribbon/yarn at the end of 5 minutes wins the game (It is OK if not every piece of ribbon is found).

· Mix and Match - Before the party begins, find a lot of oversized clothing (both male and female). Try to include everything from pantyhose and lingerie to shoes and hats. Make sure that there are even amounts of both the male and female clothing. Mix up the clothes and put them into one laundry basket. An area is then designated as the finish line. There is a person in charge of timing the couples with a stopwatch. When that person says, "Go," the first couple runs to the basket of clothes to get dressed as fast as possible. The woman puts on the men's clothing, and the man puts on the women's clothing (over their own clothing). As soon as they are both dressed they have to run to the finish line hand in hand. Each couple goes through the same motions, and the couple with the fastest combined time wins.

· Bag a Mate - At some time during the party, separate the men and women. Put the men in one room, and the women in another. Put a large paper bag over each person's head, and send both sexes back into one room. There is no talking allowed, and each person must "feel around" to find his/her mate. There are no real winners or losers (unless you really grab the wrong mate). Note: When placing bags on the heads of your guests, you have the option to provide eyeholes or not.

· Grab a Man - This is a quick game to pair up couples (if they are not already paired). Blindfold all of the women, and have all of the men walk around them in a circle. When the host/hostess says, "Go", have the women each grab a man. When all of the men have been caught, have them remove the blindfolds.

· Give Me Some Sugar - Partners must face each other with their hands tied behind their backs. Blindfold each player, and then put a sugary treat in one partner's mouth (it could be a snack cake, candy bar, doughnut, etc.). If the treat is wrapped, they must somehow unwrap the treat, and feed it to their partner. The couple who finishes the entire treat first, without using their hands wins a prize!

· Daiquiri Race - Blindfold the men and line them up on one side of the room. Place the women on the opposite side of the room with a frozen daiquiri. The object of the game is for the women to take a spoonful of the frozen drink, carry the spoon by the handle in their teeth, and feed the drink to their partner. This game has to be done without using any hands, and the first couple to finish their drink wins! (This game is also a lot of fun with ice cream instead of daiquiris).


Icebreakers for All Occasions

· Name and Number - As people walk into the party, put their name on one side of an index card, and a number on the other side. As everyone walks around with their name showing (on the index card that is taped to their shirt), they have to try to introduce themselves to as many people as they can. After a bit of mingling, tell everyone to turn over his or her name tags, so that the number on each card is showing rather than the name. Now give everyone a numbered piece of paper, and see who can fill in the most names next to the corresponding number.

· Absent Mind - Tell each of your guests to come to the party with something that shows a lapse in memory. For example, come to the party wearing only one sock or with only half of your make-up on (only one side of your face). Give out paper and pencils, and give everyone 10 minutes to see who can guess the most memory lapses correctly.

· Guess Which Guest - Before the party, write down a statement about each guest. For example, you could write, "Born in a country other than the USA." "The name of the person______________". "The name of the country_________________". Or a statement like, "Changed my major in college 3 times". "The name of the person_________________". "The 3 different majors_______________, ______________, and_____________". Put all of the statements together on one piece of paper, and give each guest a copy. Have all of your guests mingle, and ask each other questions to determine whose name belongs with each statement. Whoever has the most names filled in after about 10-15 minutes gets the honor of introducing the people whose names are on his/her sheet.

· Know Your Neighbor - As soon as all of your guests arrive, have everyone sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have everyone say their first and last names, and one fact about themselves (such as "I work with dogs," or "I hate pizza with mushrooms," etc.). Have one person stand in the middle (this person is "It"), and point to another person. The person who is pointed at has 10 seconds to give the first and last names as well as "the fact" about the person to his/her right or left (the person who is "It" gets to choose). If the person cannot give the information, then he/she has to go into the center and is now "It". (The person, who was "It" previously, will sit in the now empty seat in the circle). End the game as soon as everyone has had a turn, or when everyone has been "introduced". (Award prizes to those who know their "neighbor").

· Balloon Friend Blend - Put each name of half of your party guests on a separate slip of paper, and put each slip of paper inside of its own balloon. (For example, if you have 10 guests, put 5 names in 5 separate balloons). Throw all of the balloons up into the air, and have each person (the 5 people whose names are not in a balloon) take a balloon and pop it! They must then walk around and find the person whose name they have, and both people must introduce themselves to each other. Then after chatting for a few moments, the person whose name was not in the balloon must introduce their "balloon friend" to another person at the party. Continue to introduce yourself and your "balloon friend" to people until both of you have met everyone at the party. (If there are other games, this is a good way to set up random partners as well).

· Describe Me - What is everyone's first impression of other partygoers? As guests arrive, make sure that each person gets an index card taped to their back as well as a pencil. Have your guests mingle, and meet each other. As people get to know each other a little bit better, have each guest write their first impressions of the people they meet on the cards on their backs. Make sure to tell your guests to write funny things, but to stay away from anything resembling rude or mean comments. Write things like "quick wit," "bedroom eyes," "million dollar smile," "hot stepper," etc. After about 15-20 minutes, have each person read the card off the adjacent person's back for a few laughs.

· Sticker Stalker - When guests begin to arrive at your house, give each guest a pack/sheet of 10 stickers. The object of this game is to get rid of all your stickers by sticking them on the other guests (One sticker per guest). However, if the guest you are "stickering" catches you, he/she gets to stick one of his/her stickers on you. If you are "caught", you must temporarily take your sticker back, and you can try to sticker that same person later (at your own risk). But if someone falsely accuses you of "stickering" him/her, then you can automatically put one of your stickers on that person. The first one to get rid of all 10 of their original stickers is the winner!

· Quick Name - This game combines quick knowledge of the names of the people at the party, as well as various items from different categories. Have everyone sit/stand in a circle. Go around the circle and have everyone say their first name, and then reveal a good way to remember their name. The first person begins the game by announcing what the category is. For example, let's say that the category is cars. The first person would then throw the ball at someone of his/her choice, and that person would have to say something that relates to the category of cars, as well as the name of the person who threw the ball. Then as quickly as possible without skipping a beat, that person must throw it to another person of his/her choice. When the next person gets the ball, he/she must say another thing that relates to the car category as well as the name of the person who just threw the ball- and so on. If someone flubs a name or a category then he/she is out. The person who is left sitting in the circle last is the winner. However, if you would rather just focus on getting to know everyone and having fun, you can award prizes at the end for "Quickest Thinker," "Worst With Names," "Best/Worst Passer" etc.

· Hand To Hand - Guests need to get into pairs and form two circles, one inside of the other. One person needs to be in charge of starting and stopping the music, and another person gets to be the leader. When the music begins, the two circles are to begin moving in opposite directions. The leader remains in the center of the circles barking out commands such as "Hand to foot," "Nose to back of head," "Elbow to hip," "Cheek to cheek," etc., and every time the music is stopped the people facing each other must obey the commands. When the music stops, the leader must find someone to pair up with, and then the person who is left out becomes the leader.

· Sign My Arm - No, this is not a game like "Pull My Finger"! Give all of your guests a marker, and have everyone at the party put a paper bag over their signing hand (arm). When the host/hostess says, "Go," then everyone in the room must obtain as many signatures as they can. It isn't as easy as it sounds though, because each person has to keep the paper bag on their signing hand (so they must sign with the opposite hand). At the end of 5 minutes, the person with the most signatures is the winner!


"Keep Those Kids Busy" Games

GAME PLAN: If you are planning a party and want to keep the kids busy so the party goes smoothly and doesn't turn into a wild free-for-all, try this. Begin with a quiet game, then play an active game or two, then calm the group down again with a last quiet game. Here are suggestions for both.

· "Switch" - Begin with a quiet game like Switch. Divide the kids into two teams and take Team A into another room. Team A must switch various items of clothing or accessories with one another, then return to the game room. Team B must try to guess all the switches that have been made within a five-minute time period. Add up how many items Team B guessed correctly. Then let Team B have a turn to "switch" and let Team A guess the switches. The team with the most correct answers in the allotted time period wins a prize.

· "Mummy Wrap" - Divide the kids into pairs, with one the Mummy and the other the Mummy Wrapper. Give each wrapper a roll of toilet paper or crepe paper streamer. On the word "Go!" have the wrappers race to see who can wrap up their mummy first. The game is tricky because the faster they try to wrap, the more the tissue will tear, causing them to keep restarting!

· "Price Is Right" - Here's a great wind-down game that also serves as the going-away favor. Buy inexpensive gifts for your guests, such as a big bag of candy, a small stuffed animal, a scary book, and so on. Distribute paper and pencil to each player. Hold up one item and have the kids try to guess how much it cost. Reveal the price tag and award the gift to the player who guessed the closest. That player is out of the game, while the rest continue guessing the prices of the gifts, until all of them are gone.

· "Strip the Present"- Have the children sit in a circle. Wrap a present several times, and send it around the circle. As it goes from person to person, have each child unwrap one layer of paper (You can also wrap the gift with tin foil, plastic bags, etc. to make it different). The child who unwraps the last layer to discover what the present is gets to keep it.

· "Musical Present"- Gather the kids in a circle and give one of the children a wrapped present. Play music and have them pass the present around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding the present gets to keep it, and then drop out of the game. Start another present around the circle.

· "Duck Duck Goose"- This is an old favorite! Gather the kids in a circle, and choose one child (usually the birthday boy/girl) to be the "ducker". The "ducker" gets to walk around the circle, tapping (not hitting!) each child on the head, electing to say "duck", or "goose". If the "ducker" says, "duck", then nothing happens. But if the "ducker" yells, "Goose!" then the "goosed" child gets up and runs around in an effort to tag the "ducker". If the child cannot catch the "ducker", then that child becomes the "ducker". If the "ducker" is caught, then he/she has to sit in the "soup" (the middle of the circle) until another "ducker" is caught.

· "Balloon Bounce"- Have a contest to see who can keep the balloon in the air the longest using only their head. The person who can keep it in the air longest without using anything but their head is the winner. (This game can also be played in teams).

· "Musical Chairs"- This is another children's favorite. Set up chairs in 2 rows back to back. Put out one less chair than there are children. Start playing music, and have the kids walk around the chairs (not touching the chairs though!) until the music stops. When the music stops, the kids must each sit on a chair. The child without a chair is "out". Then remove another chair. If there is ever a tie, the child with more tush on the chair wins. This is a great game when it is played with hats too! Pull out every winter, baseball, cowboy, etc. hat in your house. Have enough hats for every kid except one. As the music starts, have each kid put the hat on and pass it to the right. Each time the music stops, the kid without a hat is out.

· "Freeze Dance"- This game does not need much explanation. Put a group of kids in a room, play some music, and watch them dance. Then turn the music off during the song, and they must freeze in their current position. If they move at all, then they are "out". The people who are still in the game continue to dance/freeze as you control the music, until one person wins.

· "Hot Potato"- This game is an old favorite. Have all of the kids sit in a circle, as one kid is chosen as the "leader". Begin passing a potato (or other object) around the circle, while the "leader" turns his/her head with eyes closed. Everyone must accept the potato, and may not hold it longer than a second. At any point the "leader" can yell, "Hot Potato", and whoever has the potato is out. Continue to play until there is only one person left, and he/she is the winner.

· "Feather Blow"- Give each of the kids a feather. When you say, "GO!" the kids have to start blowing the feather in the air. Whoever can keep the feather in the air the longest (using only his/her breath) is the winner. This game can also be played in teams (the team to keep the feather in the air longest using only breath wins)

· "Name That Animal"- This is a fun game for small children just beginning to learn their animals. Pass out animal stickers or small stuffed animals, and have the kids imitate the animal they receive.

· "Dress-up Relay"- Make 2 piles of the same type of clothing. Divide the group into teams and have the first players race to dress up in all the clothes from one pile. When finished, he/she must take all the clothes off and have the next player dress up. The team that dresses and undresses first wins the game.

· "Sense-Sational"- Test their powers of smell! Fill paper bags with a variety of items that have an aroma, such as coffee beans, salami, toothpaste, orange peels, chocolate, and so on. Be sure the smells are familiar to the age group. Then pass the bags around and let the kids smell them without looking inside! Give prizes to whoever guessed them all correctly (or whoever guessed the most correctly).

· "Telephone"- Have the kids sit in a circle on the floor. The first player begins by whispering a phrase into the ear of the person next to him/her. One by one, each person repeats the whispered sentence as they hear it when it is whispered to them. When the last person receives the message, he/she repeats it out loud. It is usually completely different than the original statement. This game can also be played with goofy faces. The first person makes a goofy face, and then turns (with the goofy look on his/her face) to the next person. The goofy look is passed on until the last person and the first person compare goofy faces.

· "Good Guess"- Find a variety of items that your guests can guess "How much…" For example, "How many jellybeans in a jar," "How many words on a page in a book," "How many crackers in a bag of oyster crackers," "How many pages in a magazine". Award a prize to the person who has the closest guess for each item.

· "Human String Relay"- First of all, you need to tie a spoon to the end of a ball of yarn. Line up both teams single-file. When the host/hostess says, "Go," the first person from each team must put the spoon down his shirt, as well as his pants. When it comes out of his pant leg, he must then pass it to the next player (As it is still attached to the first player). When it has gone through the entire line, and everyone is attached, then the last person at the end of the line must reverse the process (While the first person winds the string into a ball as it comes back out of each person's clothing). When the team finishes unwinding the string then the first person in that line needs to shout, "Done!" The team to finish unwinding the string first wins.

1. FIREMEN. ( Active.)
Turn the sleeves of 2 jackets inside out. Hang these jackets on the backs of 2 chairs. The chairs are with their backs to each other at a distance of 1 meter. Put a 2m. rope under these 2 chairs. Both of the participants stand at their chairs. On hearing the signal, they take their jackets off the chairs, turn the sleeves out, put them on and do up all the buttons. Then each "fireman" runs round the chair of the rival, takes his seat and pulls the rope. The first player to cope with the task is the winner.

2. ZOMBIE. ( Active.)
Two pairs participate in this game. Each pair stands hand in hand with their adjoining hands tied together. With their free hands (one with the right hand and other with the left one) they must wrap up the package, bind the rope round it and tie it a bow. The pair which finishes the task the first is the winner.

Two players compete in this game. For each player there is a chair with a bowl of water and a spoon on it. A few steps away there are two more chairs with an empty glass on each of them. The object of the player is to fill the empty glass with water as soon as possible. The player who is the first to do it is the winner.

4. ON THE MARSH. ( Active.)
Each player is given 2 sheets of paper. The player must cross "the marsh" stepping only on "hummocks" - the sheets of paper. At first the player steps on one of the sheets with his/her feet. Another sheet he/she places in front of him/her. Then he/she must step on this sheet and put the previous one in front of. The player who crosses the room the first is the winner.

5. QUICK HEAD. ( Active.)
Each player is given a paper cap with the needle at its top. The object is to burst as many balloons as possible with the help of the needle on the cap.

6. PASS A HAT. ( Active.)
The players are in 2 circles: inner one and outer one. One player in each circle has a hat on his/her head. The object is to pass the hat round the circle. But the players mustn't use their hands while passing the hat from head to head. The team which passes the hat round the circle the first wins the game.

For each player (there must be not more then 4 of them) there is a heap of many small and some big objects. The task is to carry all of them in one hand to the distance of 5-7 meters being blindfolded. The players mustn't hold the objects with the other hand or drop them on the floor. The player who covers the distance the first becomes the winner.

8. CENTIPEDES. ( Active.)
In a spacious room you can arrange centipedes race. The players form up in 2 lines in file with their hands on the waists of the players in front of them. Near the opposite wall there stands a chair or a flag. On hearing the signal of the leader the teams run round the chair or the flag and return back. While running one cannot take his/her hands off the waist of the person in front of. If the chain is broken the team looses the game. The team also looses the game if it overturns and doesn't lift the chair or the flag. The game may be funnier if you ask the teams to run round the chair or the flag squatting.

9. LAND, WATER. ( Active.)
This is a game for attentive players. On hearing the word "land" the players jump forward, on hearing the word "water" backward. Then the word "land" is suddenly changed into "bank". The actions of the players must be the same as after the word "land". The word "water" may be changed into "sea", "lake", "river", etc. The player who often mistakes is out.

A balloon is put on the floor. At the distance of 5-6 steps from it there stands the person who wants to make a penalty kick. At first he is blindfolded and then asked to come to the balloon and kick it. Sometimes you may make this game more complicated by turning the player around for several times before he kicks the balloon. It`s a real fun when the player having accurately made those 5-6 steps kicks the air, because he went in the wrong direction.

11. PAPER-BAGS. ( Active.)
Make 2-4 paper-bags. Tie 2-4 2 meter long threads to the stake or to the chair's back at the head-level of the players. The players put the paper bags on the threads with the their wide parts facing them. The players are at the distance of 1-2 steps from each other. The threads are tight. The paper-bags are equalized. At the leader's command the players begin to blow into their paper-bags. The player whose paper-bag moves forward faster becomes the winner.

For this game you'll need 2 large cardboard funnels. The opening in the narrow part of each funnel must not be larger than a coin, the opening in the wide part must be large enough to put it on the player's face. Beside the funnels you'll need 2 little wooden bricks and 4 chairs. To begin the game put 2 chairs in a line at a distance of 3-4 meters from each other. Opposite each chair (at the distance of 10-12 meters) put one more chair. Two players compete in this game. To begin with they sit on their chairs with the funnels in their hands. The bricks are at their feet on the floor. As the leader commands: "Begin!" - the players put the funnels on their faces (so as to see the floor only thorough the little opening) and begin to drive their bricks to "the goal" (the interval between the legs of the opposite chair). The player who copes with the task the first becomes the winner. But it's rather difficult to cope with this task, because the players can see only the little space of the floor in the little opening of the funnel, while after each kick the brick drops out of the field of vision. Advice for the leader: watch that the players don't take off their funnels (otherwise the game makes no sense), watch that the players kick the brick and don't drag it.

13. SPOON. ( Active.)
Put a stool upside down. At each leg of the stool stands a player. The players are blindfolded. Each of them holds a spoon in his/her hand. At the leader's command the players make 3 steps forward, turn around and try to place the spoon on the leg of the stool as soon as possible. Two players who place their spoons the first win the game.

14. CENTIPEDES-2. ( Active.)
Divide the players into 2 teams of 10-20 members each. The teams form up in the file. Each team is given a rope. The players take the rope with their left or right hands from the both sides evenly. Then each player takes him/herself by the right or left ankle. At the leader's command the centipedes jump 10-12 m forward, holding the rope with their hands. Then they turn around and jump backward. The players may also run with the both feet, but in this case the players must stand in the line closer to each other. The team which manages to jump or to run to finish line the first becomes the winner (while running the players mustn't let the rope off).

Each team delegates 2 players to take part in this competition. Two players of each team stand hand in hand. Their adjacent ankles are tied together. At the leader's command they run to the agreed place and return back. The fastest pair wins this competition.

16. SPIDER. ( Active.)
Draw 2 circles on the start line. Divide the players into 2 teams (15-20 players in each one). Stand each team in a circle. Rope the players of each team together. So, each team is "a spider". At the leader's command "the spiders" begin to move to the finish-line. On the finish line there are 2 more circles. The spiders must get to them as fast as possible.

The players sit down on "the astronauts armchairs" (on the chairs) one at a time. Their task is to gather 10 objects disposed around the chair (at the distance of 1,5m from it) at the leaders command. While gathering the objects the players may stand up and move away from their chairs, but they must not "let their chairs off". The player who fulfils the task the first is the winner.

Put a rattle on a round elastic lace. The players have the round elastic laces on their knees. The rattle must be between the knees. The players` task is to cover the distance as soon as possible trying not to make noise.

19. RUNNERS. ( Active.)
Get ready 2 very large shorts made of thick cloth. Each pair of shorts is for the team which consists of 2 players. One of the players in each pair puts one leg through one of the shorts-legs, the other puts his/her leg through the other shorts-leg. Having one pair of shorts for two the players must cover the prescribed distance. The team which manages to cover the distance the first wins.

Fill a toy lorry with any vegetables, fruit or nuts. Tie a string to the lorry. Attach a stick to the end of the string. The object is to wind the string on the stick as fast as possible, trying not to spill the contents of the lorry. The jury determines "the fastest" driver with the help of the stop-watch. The gentleman who manages to deliver the load safe and sound in the shortest period of time is the most practical gentleman.

21. SCORE A GOAL. ( Active.)
Give 2 balloons to each player - a round and a long one. Using the long balloon as a bat the players must drive the round balloon into the box, which is put on one side. The player whose balloon is driven into the box the first is the winner. It's easier to judge about the winner if the balloons of the players are of different colors.

Ask 3-6 persons to participate in this game. Each of them is given 2 paper (plastic) glasses filled with water. In front of each player on the floor there are 5 cardboard circles which are situated at the equal distance from each other. The players' task is to get to the finish line jumping from one circle to another. The player who has water in his/her glasses at the end of the game is the winner. To be more accurate and to make the game funnier you may measure the water in the glasses by the measuring glass.

23. WHAT'S BEHIND THE BACK? ( Active.)
Two players take part in this game. They are rivals. Pin well-defined pictures and paper circles with the numbers (c.f. 96, 105 etc.) on the backs of the players. The players are in the circle. (The circle may be drawn with the chalk on the floor.) They stand on one foot. Their task is to catch sight of the picture and number on the rival's back, jumping on one foot. The player who is the first in "deciphering" the rival is the winner.

Give a pair of flippers and a glass of water to each team. The first player stands at the start-line, gets on the flippers, takes the glass of water and lifts it above the head. So he/she is "under the water". At the signal the players begin to move forwards. On having covered the fixed distance the first "submariner" passes the flippers and the glass to the next player. If the water spilled from the glass after the first run, add some more water.

25. BLUE AND RED BALL. ( Active.)
The teams which consist of the youths and girls get into the circle. The teams are at some distance from each other. The youths and the girls take their turns in the circle. The leader is in the center of the circle. He/she has 2 balls in the hands (a blue one and a red one). He/she throws the balls to the players and gets them back. The girls may catch only the red ball, the youths only the blue one. The leader tries to confuse the players: he/she may throw 2 balls at once or pretend that he/she is going to throw the ball in one direction, while he/she is going to throw it in the opposite one. The player who makes a mistake pays a forfeit (fulfils the task) and is out of the game. The team in which more players remain wins.

26. HOLD THE HANDS. ( Active.)
Draw 2 lines at the both ends of the playground. The distance between the lines is 15-20m. The teams with equal number of players stand at the first line at both ends of the playground. On the second line in front of each team there stands a little flag. At the signal the first player of each team runs round the flag, returns to his/her team, takes the next player by the hand and they run round the flag together. Then they run to their team, take the third player, then the fourth etc., until they have all the players of their team in the chain. The players mustn't break their chain. The team which finishes the run the first wins.

At the distance of 10m from the start line there stands a stool. The first players of the teams are blindfolded. At the signal they must run (go) round the stool and come back to the team. The second players in the teams are already blindfolded and they get ready to continue the game. While the player is running the team must support him/her crying c.f. "backwards", "forwards", "a bit to the right", "a bit to the left" etc. All the teams cry at the same time. So the player must sort out the exclamations addressed to him/her. When the last player comes back to the start line "day comes" for the team. The team to which "day comes" earlier wins the game.

28. PUTTING A SHOT. ( Active.)
Put a ping-pong ball on the edge of the table. The player is blindfolded. He/she stands with his/her back to the table. At the command he/she makes 5 steps forwards, turns around 3 times, comes back to the table and blows the ball off the table. Very often after the turning around the players lose their orientation. Then it's very funny to watch the player who tries to blow the ball off the place the ball has never been.

29. FEED A FRIEND. ( Active.)
The players stand with their backs to each other. They hold fishing-rods in their hands. To the strings of the fishing-rods there attached the unwrapped bars of chocolate. The players' task is to eat the bar from the other player's fishing-rod as soon as possible.

30. WHO IS THE DEFTEST ? ( Active.)
Put the figures (toys) on the floor. As the music plays everyone walks around the circle, following the leader. When the music stops everyone must grasp the figure. A person who hasn't a figure is out. The number of figures should lessen every time. The winner is the person who stays till the end of the play.

31. FIND THE PLACE. ( Active.)
The chairs are put in a line with their seats facing opposite sides. The leader of the game takes a long stick and walks round all the players, who are sitting on the chairs. Then he strikes the floor with the stick near one of the players. This player stands up and follows the leader. So the leader walks round the chairs, strikes with the stick near the players and very soon he is followed by the whole suite of the players. The leader makes different movements and all the rest repeat them. Suddenly the leader strikes with the stick twice. This is a signal for the players to take their places as soon as possible. (It is not easy at all now, as the chairs stand with their seats facing different sides.) The leader tries to take one of the places himself. The player who doesn't manage to take a seat becomes the leader.

32. DISCOVERER. ( Active.)
At first the players are asked to "discover" a new planet, i.e. to blow up the balloon as soon as possible, and then "to inhabit" this planet with the inhabitants, i.e. to draw on balloon with the felt-tip-pen as many little men as possible. The player who has the greatest number of men on the balloon - is the winner.

33. HEAD, HAND AND FEET. ( Active.)
This game is a kind of little race. You must pass the distance of 10-20 meters long with the book on your head, having a glass full of water in your left hand and a broom in the right. At the same time you must roll a ball with your feet. The fastest is the winner.

34. LONG ARM. ( Active.)
There are 3 empty 0,33 L cans on the floor. 3 players stand by them. Then the leader asks them to take as long step as possible. After that the players are asked to take their cans on the spot, without touching the floor with the hands and knees.

35. POOR PIGGY. ( Active.)
Tie up the corners of the pillow with the string. Draw a snout and eyes on it. Tie a ribbon round the "neck". Get into a circle and start the piggy going around from player to player. As the music plays the piggy is passed around the circle. As the music stops, the player who was the last in passing the piggy says "oink-oink" and gets a prize from a bowl, standing in the center of the circle.

36. BUILDER. ( Active.)
In 1 minute time you are to build the highest possible tower, using 0,33 L cans. After the leader's signal the construction is stopped. If the tower goes to ruin and you have some more time, just begin from the very beginning. The number of points got by the players depends on the number of cans in the tower.

37. NEWTON'S LAW. ( Active.)
Under the ceiling there hang some apples on the strings. The players are given the scissors. The players divide into pairs. The first player in each pair cuts off the apple, the second player tries to catch it into the hat ( the hats are given to them beforehand). The difficulty is that it is prohibited to take the hat off the floor. The pair which manages to gather the greatest number of apples wins the game.

38. JUMPERS. ( Active.)
The players must make as many jumps with the skipping-rope as possible having the flippers on their feet.

39. BAD PAINTERS. ( Quiet.)
The players must draw any picture with the brush, having the boxing-gloves on their hands.

40. HOW MANY CANDIES? ( Quiet.)
Under the ceiling there hangs a little transparent sac with candies. (Each candy is wrapped.) On the wall there is a poster, proposing the players to guess the number of candies in the sac. They write the proposed number of candies on the sheets of paper and put them into a little box, standing not far off the poster. (Sheets of paper and pencils are on the table near the poster.) At the end of the party the so-called "account committee", made of the participants of the party, calculates the number of candies in the sac and then "unseal" the box with the answers. The player who guessed the number or gave the similar answer gets a prize - the sac with candies.

41. HOP-DOP. ( Quiet.)
All the players (any number of them) are divided into 2 teams and then sit at the table facing each other. One group is given a little coin. The leader of this team must give the coin to one of his partners. He must do it imperceptibly. At the command "Hop" of the opposite team the coin must be shown over the table. At the command "Dop" - it is again hid under the table, where the players continue to pass it from hand to hand. At the command "Hands on the table!" the players put their hands on the table with the palms down. The leader of the opposite team must guess who has the coin between his/her fingers. If he/she guesses, the coin is passed to the opposite team and the game begins anew.

42. WHO IS IT? ( Quiet.)
Everyone takes a sheet of paper and at the top of it draws the head either of a men, an animal or a bird. Then the sheet must be folded so as the drawn head can't be seen, except a little part of the neck. Then this drawing is passed to the player next to. Now every player has a new sheet with the picture he/she hasn't seen yet. He/she continues drawing. Now everyone draws the body then folds the paper and again passes it to the player next to. At last must be drawn the low extremeties. And now unfold the picture and let you be surprised at seeing a creature you've got!

43. CHAIN. ( Quiet.)
In a fixed time the player must make a chain of the paper clips. The player whose chain is the longest wins the game.

44. BURGLAR. ( Quiet.)
The players are given a bunch of different keys and a padlock. The object is to fit the key and to unlock the padlock as fast as possible.

45. HEN. ( Quiet.)
The object of the game is to write a word as legible as possible with the felt-tip-pen tied to the foot.

46. SPOILED TELEPHONE-2. ( Quiet.)
This game is well-known to many people. The players must transmit a complicated phrase to the last player in the row. Usually when the phrase comes to the last player it is distorted. There is a similar game. But instead of the phrase, the players transmit a drawing. The first player draws an arbitrary object on the sheet of paper. The second looks at it for 10 seconds, then draws the similar object on his sheet of paper, shows it to the third etc. Then the players compare the first drawing with the last.

47. PANTOMIME. ( Quiet.)
Get ready as many different articles as there are the players. Take any articles you like - a piece of soap, a pen, a sponge, a candy, a balloon etc. Do not show all these articles to the players. Write the name of each article on the sheet of paper. Fold up all the sheets of paper so that the players cannot see what is written on them. Each player draws out a sheet of paper. With the help of pantomime the players must show what is written on their sheets of paper. All the rest players try to guess what kind of article is represented to them. The player who guesses what kind of article it is gets this article as a prize.

With the thick mittens on the hands try to guess what object do you hold.

49. DRAW A COW. ( Quiet.)
The players must draw a cow being blindfolded. At first they draw the eyes, then drop the hand and make a pause, then draw the snout, drop the hand, make a pause and draw the horns etc.

50. ARTISTS - VIRTUOSOS. ( Quiet.)
Tie a felt-tip-pen to a ski stick. The task is to draw something or to write a text. (Do not put the stick on the shoulder!) The player who fulfils the task the fastest and the most accurate gets the prize.

51. DASHING DRIVERS. ( Active.)
Put the glasses or little buckets full of water on the toy cars. Tie the strings of 3-5 meters to the cars. At the command the players must wind the string on the stick so as to draw the cars to themselves. If the water in the glass (bucket) on one of the cars is splashing the leader loudly names the number of "the driver". This "driver" stops winding for a second. The player who is the first to draw the car to himself (not having splashed the water) is the winner. He gets the prize.

52. PUSS IN BUTS. ( Active.)
The players are divided into two teams. Each team is given a pair of very big boots and a wide-brimmed hat. At the signal the players get on the boots, put on the hat, run to the little flag, take off the hat, make a bow, put on the hat again, return to their teams and give the hats and the boots to the next players in the teams.

53. DOLLS. ( Active.)
There are 2 dresses and 2 headscarves on the chair. The player who is the first in putting on the dress and tieing a scarf on his head is the winner.

54. DON'T DIE OF THIRST. ( Active.)
You'll need a cardboard ring with the diameter of 3-5 cm. Attach the ring to the 1m. long stick. Place some bottles in the room. The object of the player is to put the ring on the neck of one bottle, holding the stick by the end. It'd be better to use in this game the beverages you drink in your company. These bottles would be the prizes.

55. HOSTESSES. ( Active.)
Two dolls lie in their cradles. Two players must wake up the dolls, do their morning exercises with them, wash their faces, clean their teeth, comb, make their beds, dress them, feed them, have a walk with them, play with them, wash their hands, feed them, undress them and sing a lullaby. The player who copes with the tasks the first is the winner.

The balloon is tied to the left leg of each of 2 players. The object of the game is to burst a rival's balloon with the right leg.

57. RAFFLING THE PRIZE. ( Active.)
The prize is raffled among 2 players. They stand facing each other, the prize is on the seat of the chair, standing in front of them. The leader begins to count: one, two, three… hundred; one, two, three… thousand etc. The object of the game is to grab the prize when the leader says "three" (not three thousand or three hundred).

58. SKITTLE. ( Active.)
The player stands at the chair, on which there is a skittle. Then he/she makes 8-10 steps forward and stops. Here the player is blindfolded and turned around for several times. Then he/she must make 8-10 steps backward to the chair and take a skittle. The player who manages to do it gets the prize.

59. POTATO IN THE SPOON. ( Active.)
Each player must run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a big potato in it in the hand. The players run in turn. The jury notes down the time. If the potato falls down, the player must put it in the spoon again and continue his/her run. To run without a potato in the spoon means to break the rules. The player who covered the distance in the shortest time is the winner. The competition of 2 teams in this game may be more interesting.

Each player must cover the certain distance jumping with the small box or tennis ball between his/her knees. The time is noted down. If the ball or the small box falls down, the player places it between his/her knees again and continues to jump. The player who covers the distance in the shortest time is the winner

61. CATCH THE FISH. ( Active.)
Put in a large cardboard box empty cans, old boots and cardboard fish. On each can, boot or fish there is a special little wire hoops. The fishing-rod is a long stick with the wire hook at the end. The hook is attached to the rod with the help of the thick string. The players catch the fish not seeing it (because it lies on the bottom of the box. The smaller is the hook on the fish, the bigger is the number of points written on it. The players catch the fish in turn. Each of them has only one minute to cope with it. The first player who has the necessary number of points is the winner. The players who catch a can or a boot loose half of their points.

62. CINDERELLA. ( Active.)
Mix some peas, beans, lens, dried ashberries (not more than 3-4 kinds at a time). "Cinderella's" object is to sort this mix being blindfolded. The player who manages to sort this mix in the shortest period of time becomes the winner. Sometimes the players make mistakes - they put the corns to the wrong heaps. In these cases the players must be fined. The leader puts the wrong corns to the mix again.

63. WIND UP THE CORD. ( Active.)
Make a knot in the middle of the long cord. Attach a pencil to each end of the cord. Two players wind up the cord on their pencils. The fastest player becomes the winner. Instead of cord you may take thick string.

64. CUP AND BALL. ( Active.)
It's an old French game with a cup and a ball. The object of the player is to catch the ball with the cup. Take a 40cm long lace and attach one end of it to the ping-pong ball with scotch. Another end of the lace is attached to the bottom of the plastic cup or tied to the handle of the cup. Several players participate in this game. They must toss the ball up and then catch it with the cup. The player gets a point each time he/she catches the ball. The ball is caught in turn. If one of the players doesn't manage to catch the ball, he/she passes it to the player next to. The player who has the greatest number of points is the winner.

65. THE FASTEST. ( Active.)
The players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a sack with a shirt, a cap, a pair of boots and trousers. At the command the first player of each team runs to the sack, puts on all enumerated pieces of clothes, says "I'm the fastest", takes off the clothes, puts them back into the sack and runs to his team. The next player of each team does the same. The team which finishes the game the first is the winner.

66. CROOKED PATH. ( Active.)
Draw a crooked line on the floor with the chalk. It's "a path". The object of the players is to walk along this "path" looking at it through the binocular turned upside down. The player who walks this "path" the fastest is the winner.

67. CAP ON A CAP. ( Active.)
Make a large paper cap and several smaller ones. The smaller caps must be of different colors. The small caps hang each on the string. In turn the players put on the large cap and then being blindfolded and turned around for several times they must squat and stand up so that to hit a smaller cap with the large one.

68. DECORATE A FIRTREE. ( Active.)
Take several new year tree decorations with the wire hoops. Take a fishing-rod with hook. With the help of the fishing-rod the player put all the decorations on the firtree and then takes them off. The player who copes with it in a prescribed time (e.g. 2 minutes) wins the game. For a firtree you may also use a dry branch with plenty of twigs.

69. THERMOMETER. ( Active.)
Without using the hands the teams pass a fake thermometer to one another. The thermometer must always be under the left arm. The fastest team wins the game.

70. JOURNEY. ( Active.)
Draw several crossing "paths" with the color chalks on the floor. Each player chooses his/her own path and walks along it as fast as possible. The player who finishes "the journey" the first is the winner.

71. BUTTERFLY. ( Active.)
Each of the 2 participants takes a big butter-fly-net and a balloon. The object of each player is to catch the rival's balloon with the net as soon as possible, trying not "to loose" his/her own balloon.

72. HUNTERS. ( Active.)
The players' object is to fire a gun or to shoot a bow. But they should fire at those animals only, the voices of which they hear on the tape. Among these animals may be a fox, a cock, a duck, a cow, a frog etc.

73. PUT ON A CAP. ( Active.)
The object of the player is to put on a paper cap attached to long stick onto the rival's head. Usually 2 players take part in this game. They try to put on the caps on each other's heads as fast as possible.

74. MARATHON. ( Active.)
With the help of a usual syringe the player must lead the ping-pong ball to the end of the distance as fast as possible.

75. TWO OXEN. ( Active.)
Put "the harness" (a long string) on 2 players. Each of them tries to drag the rival off his/her direction. At the same time each player tries to reach the prize, which lies at a 50cm distance from each player.

76. RALLY. ( Active.)
Sitting on the skateboard the player must reach the place where there is a prize. You may change this game: Standing on the skateboard and using the skiing sticks to reach the finish as fast as possible.

77. DIVER. ( Active.)
With the flippers on their feet the players must pass a certain route, looking through the binocular turned upside down.

78. WITCH. ( Active.)
The player steps with one of his feet into the empty pail. Another foot is on the ground. Holding the handle of the pail in hands and a swab in another, the player must cover the fixed distance and then pass a pail and a swab to the following player.

79. GOLDEN KEY. ( Active.)
The players act as swindlers from the tale "Pinoccio". In each pair of the players there should be Alice fox and Bazilio cat. Alice fox bends one knee and holds it with the hand. Bazilio cat is blindfolded. Alice fox and Bazilio cat cover the distance embracing one another. The pair which hobbles the finish the first gets "the golden key"- the prize.

80. WITCH-2. ( Active.)
Each player takes a twig. Then the players choose "a witch". "The witch" must be the deftest player. At first "the witch" draws the line of border of her camp. All the rest players are out of the camp, they mustn't walk there. Then the witch goes out and cries: "The witch goes out for a walk!" and begins to chase the players with the twigs. The player who is struck by the witch's twig, becomes her "son" and they quickly run the camp. All the rest players chase them striking them with the twigs. Then "the witch" goes out for the second time. Now she holds her "son" by his twig and they chase the players together. But it is only "the witch", who may strike the players with the twig. Her "son" may only detain the player. But the player becomes the witch's captive only when she strikes him/her with the twig. New captives become witch's "children". They hold each other by the twigs, so they make a chain. As the new player is caught the chain breaks and they together run to the witch's camp, being chased by the other players. The witch's "children" must also save themselves (to run to the camp) if the chain is broken by one of the players or if "the witch" forgets to say her words: "The witch goes out for a walk!" The player who strikes the witch's children not in time becomes witch's "son". The game finishes when all the players become witch`s children or when she catches more than 4-5 players.

91. MUDDLE. ( Active.)
There are 2 teams in this game. The players of the first team stand with their backs to the other team. Meanwhile the players of the second team take each other by the hands and get into a circle. They begin "to tangle"(to step over each other's hands so as to make a tangled ball). While "tangling" the players mustn't let each other's hands go. The players of the first team must "untangle" this ball.

92. PASS THE BALLOON. ( Active.)
Players are in a circle. They pass the balloon to each other behind their backs, trying not to hold it for a long time in their hands. Then after the signal the player who has a balloon in his hands is out of the game.

The players get into a circle and fulfil the commands of the leader. But they must fulfil only those commands which begin with the word "Children". For example: "Children, squat!" "Children, link your arms!" "Stand apart!" The player, who fulfils the last command is out.

The leaders is blindfolded and placed in the middle of the room. All the players choose their places at any piece of furniture (at the chair, table, sofa etc). Then "the blind man" turns around for several times and starts his search. All the rest players try not to be caught by him. But at the same time they mustn't leave their places. They are only allowed to squat, to bow, to climb on to their pieces of furniture etc. Anyway they must touch their places at least with the fingers or toes. Those who come off their places are out. The task of "the blind man" is not only to touch the player, but also to recognize him/her. If "the blind man" mistakes in identifying the person, all the rest clap their hands and the game goes on.

95. WHO HAS THE RING? ( Active.)
Take a little ring, pass string or fishing line through it so as to make a large circle with the ring on it. The players sit around the circle holding it in their hands. The leader is out of the circle. On hearing the signal the players pass the ring along the string round the circle. If the leader notices the ring in someone's hands, the player who has it becomes the leader.

96. MUSIC CHAIR. ( Active.)
It's probably the most popular game. Put several chairs in a circle with their backs inside. The number of the chairs must be less by one than the number of the players. As the music plays the players walk round the chairs. As the music stops, the players try to take their places on the chairs. The player who hasn't taken the place is out. After that take away one chair (as the number of players became less by one). The player who remains the last in the game is the winner. Sometimes you may change this game a little bit. As the music stops, the player, who hasn't taken the place, sits down on the lap of any player. Then one more chair is taken away. The game goes on until all the players sit on the lap of each other.

Pour some wheat, peas, oats, beans etc. into the basin. All the ladies sit around the basin. They are blindfolded. Their task is to pick out as many peas as possible in one minute. The lady who manages to pick out the greatest number of peas is the most practical one.

There are 2 teams (6 players each) in this game. The leader is "a grandmother". She sits at a table. On the table there is a tea-pot, two cups, two dishes with cookies. At the leaders command the grandchildren one at a time come to "the grandmother", greet her politely, ask her how does she feel, pour out a cup of tea take a cookie and thank "the grandmother". "The grandmother" chooses the kindest, the politest and the fastest "grandson/daughter" and gives him/her the prize.

99. RACE. ( Active.)
The players run over the blocks of wood in zigzag line riding a broom. The blocks of wood are at the distance of 2-3 m from each other. The player who runs the distance the first and doesn't topple over the blocks of wood is the winner.

100. PRIZE IN A LOOP. ( Active.)
On the table there are 2 prizes (e.g. an apple and a candy) over them there stands a stool. From the stool hang down two loops. The player must put his/her hand in them to take the prize. One of the players holds the ends of the laces with the loops in his/her hands. The second player tries to grab the prizes. The player who is caught by his hand looses one point as well as his opponent who doesn't succeed in tightening the loop. If the first player tightens the loop before the other touches the prize he also looses a point.

101. BLOW INTO A SMALL BOX. ( Active.)
Take an empty small box. Pull out a half of the inside part, put it to the mouth and blow into it. The small box may fly away rather far. So you may arrange a competition of "blow shooters". More over with the flying box you may: 1) hit a small circle 2) hit a paper target 3) hit a basket, which stands on the floor.

This competition is very easy: the participants receive the balloons and begin to blow them up. The player whose balloon bursts is out of the game. The player who blows up the biggest balloon is the winner.

103. PUT A SHOT! ( Active.)
Pour 1/3 of glass of water into each balloon. Then blow up the balloons to an equal size. Draw 1.5 diameter circles on the floor with the chalk. The balloon is "a shot". The player must "put a shot" as far as possible. The player who puts "a shot" the fartherst is the winner.

104. WHO IS FASTER? ( Active.)
The players are divided into 2 teams. They sit on the chairs (though they may compete upright). The leader gives them two empty small boxes without their inside parts. The task is to pass a box round the team with the help of the…nose. If the box falls down, the player must put it on the nose again and continue to pass it.

The players of 2 teams form up in file. For each team they draw a 5-6 m line with the circle at its end. At the leader's command the players (one at a time) run along the line to the centre of the circle. As they are in the center of the circle, they raise the right hand and begin to go round looking upwards. On having made 5 full turns on the spot the players run back along the line, trying not to deviate from it. The team which finishes the competition the first wins.

106. LABYRINTH. ( Active.)
On the playground of 7x12 m put different obstacles (stools, skittles, maces, etc) as on chess board. In the yard you may use trees for obstacles. Draw a line between the obstacles. (If is "a labyrinth") The player steps on a line and tries to remember the rout. After that he/she is blindfolded. He/she must walk along the drawn way and go out the labyrinth without stumbling on the obstacles. The players go through the labyrinth in turn.

Put 12-15 plaster casts of mushrooms on the floor. Three players are blindfolded. They must gather in their baskets as many mushrooms as possible in 3 minutes. The player who manages to gather the greatest number of mushrooms wins the game.

108. ACCURATE TURN. ( Active.)
Put a chair or a stool on the playground. The player who wants to participate in this game sits down on a chair. Then he/she is blindfolded. After that he/she stands up, makes 5 steps forward, turns to the right, makes 5 more steps forward and again turns to the right. On having walked the perimeter of the playground in this way, the player stops and sits down on the chair again. The player who manages to do it wins the game.

Hang some prizes by string from the ceiling. Wrap up the prizes with the many-colored paper so that the players cannot guess what kind of prizes these are. The player who wants to get a prize is blindfolded and given scissors. The player comes to the string and cuts off one of the prizes.

110. BLACK AND WHITE. ( Active.)
The players are divided into 2 teams: "black" and "white". The teams stand in lines facing each other. The leader throws a cardboard disk (one side of which is black, the other is white). Depending on the side of the disk which faces up (white or black) the players of one team try to catch the players of the other. The team which has the greatest number of captives wins. The players may begin catching their rivals only at the leader's command "White!" or "Black!"

The players get into a circle. They stand at the distance of stretched arms from each other. The leader is in the center of the circle. He/she makes different movements and the players repeat all of them exactly. But there are 2 movements that the players mustn't repeat. Instead of them they must make other movements. Upon these movements the players agree beforehand c.f. When the leader puts his/her hands on the back of the head the players must squat, or when the leader bends forward, the players must clap their hands etc. The player who makes mistakes is out of the game.

112. FETCH AN APPLE. ( Active.)
Two teams take part in this game. Each team consists of 6 players. The teams form up in lines. The first 2 players in each line are given the tea spoons. At the distance of 8 m from the teams there are 2 chairs. On each chair there is an apple. The first players run to the chairs with their spoons and put the apples on them without using the hands. Then they run back, put the apples onto the spoons of the second players and give their spoons to the third players of their teams. If the apple falls down the players must pick it with the help of their spoons and continue the game. The winners and the conquered get apples as the prize.

113. NIGHT PATROL. ( Active.)
Two players are chosen as scouts. They stand in the center of the room at the distance of stretched arms from each other. All the rest players must go through the room so as not to be caught by the scouts. The scouts are blindfolded. They mustn't leave their places, they may only bend, and move their hands. The players who are caught by the scouts are out of the game. They must pay a forfeit. Repeat the game 2 times. Change the scouts. The scouts who don't cope with task play the forfeit.

114. PROBLEM BURDEN. ( Active.)
The players (2 of each team) are given 2 sticks (0,5m long) and a board (70-75cm long) with a little flag fortified on it. The players of each team stand hand in hand, holding their sticks parallel to the ground. On the sticks they put a board. They must carry this board to the agreed place. If the board falls down the players must pick it up and go on their way.

115. WHO IS FASTER? ( Active.)
Put 2 chairs with their backs to each other at the distance of 2m. Put a long string under the chairs. The ends of the string are between the feet of the players sitting on the chairs. Tie a little sac with some sweets or nuts to the middle of the string. At the leader's command, the players must stand up, run over the chairs of their rivals, sit down on their own chairs and haul up a prize on the string. The player who manages to do it the first gets the prize.

116. MERRY COOKS. ( Active.)
You'll need 2 cook's caps, 2 cook's robes and 2 aprons. All these put on the stools near each team at the start line. On each opposite stool put a mug with water, a bottle with a wide neck and a spoon. Divide the players into 2 teams. Each team forms up a line at the start line. At the leader's command the first players of each team run to the 1st stool, put on a cap, a robe and an apron and run to the opposite stool. There they take spoons, ladle some water from the mugs, pour it into the bottles. Then they run to their teams, take off the caps, robes and aprons and give them to the next player. The second player of each team quickly puts on the clothes and does the same task, etc.

Each team is given many-colored balloons, lace and string. At the leader's command the team must make a many-colored garland of balloons. So they must blow up the balloons, tie them with the string and make a garland. Who'll make it better and faster?

118. FROM 1 TO 5. ( Active.)
You'll need plastic balls (different in size) and 2 plastic hockey sticks. Two teams (5 players in each one) compete in this game. The first players of the teams must pass one ball each with the help of the stick to the finish-line. At the finish line there stands a chair. The player must pass the ball round it and return back to his team with the ball. The second player of each team passes 2 plastic balls, the third - 3, the fourth - 4, the fifth - 5. It's very difficult, but amazing. The team which manages to pass the greatest number of balls wins the game.

119. MERRY PORTERS. ( Active.)
You'll need 10 balloons for this competition. 2 players of each team participate in it. Their task is to take 5 balloons (not by the strings) and to carry them to the opposite wall of the room.

120. WHO SEWS FASTER? ( Active.)
Two teams take part in this game. The players of each team must "sew" the players to one another as quickly as possible. Instead of the needle they use a spoon with the long thread or string tied to it. The players may be sewed to each other by the belts, straps or loops on the clothes.

121. WITH THE HELP OF THE TOES. ( Active.)
Two players compete in this game. To participate in this game the players must take their shoes and socks off and sit down on the low chairs. On the floor in front of each player there stand 2 plates. Near each plate there are 5 walnuts. The task of the players is to put 5 walnuts onto the left plate with the help of the left toes and 5 walnuts onto the right plate with the help of the right toes. The player who fulfils the task the first wins the game.

122. WATER CARRIERS. ( Active.)
Draw 2 parallel lines at the distance of 10m from each other. Some players go down on all fours before one of the lines. The leader puts a bowls of water on the back of each of the player. The task of the players is to cross the opposite line and return back.

123. GET THROUGH THE HOOP. ( Active.)
Two teams (6-15 players in each team) form up in lines. The distance between the lines is 2-3 metres. The distance between the players in the line is about 0,5 m. The player's task is to get through the hoop (to each team is given one hoop) and to pass it to the next player. The team the players of which fulfil the task the first wins the game. This game may be more comic if the hoops are replaced by the round elastic lace. These round elastic laces must be loose enough to get through them.

124. PORTER. ( Active.)
The task of the player is to carry the chair from one part of the room to another without using the hands; leaning against the floor with one foot and one hand; without touching the floor with the feet; sitting on this chair; jumping on this chair.

125. BE CAREFUL, PINOCCIO! ( Active.)
There is a cap on the head of one of the players. He/she is Pinoccio. The leader tries to catch the player with the cap on his/her head. It's not easy, because the players pass the cap to one another while running. As the leader catches Pinoccio, they exchange their roles.

126. SPARROWS - FIDGETS. ( Active.)
Draw a circle on the ground (or on the floor). The size of the circle depends on the number of players. The more the number of players the more the size of the circle. All the players are accomodated along the circle line. One of the players is "a cat". He/she is in the center of the circle. All the rest players - "sparrows" - are beyond the circle. They stand at the circle line. At the leader's signal "the sparrows" begin to jump in and out the circle. "The cat" tries to catch the sparrows" while they are within the circle. "The sparrow" which is caught becomes "the cat", and "the cat" becomes "the sparrow". The game repeats itself.

127. ROBBERS. ( Active.)
For this game choose flat surroundings with plenty of secret places. The players are divided into "policemen" and "robbers". The main policeman is a sheriff. The robbers hide before the game begins. The policemen tie their arms with the white kerchiefs or think of the other distinctive marks. They start catching the robbers by their sheriff's instruction. The policeman who notices the robber must say a password. Only on saying the password the policeman may catch the robber. (About the password the players agree before the game begins. The password is necessary to distinguish between the robbers and the policemen in the dark.) If the policeman cannot catch the robber single-handed he/she may call for help of the other policemen. The caught robber is led to the sheriff. The sheriff thinks of "a punishment" for him/her. Usually "the punishment" consists in several joke strikes of the wisp. The caught and "the convicted" robber becomes the policeman. He/she receives a white band or other distinctive mark of the policemen. The robbers may also catch the policemen and turn them into the robbers. For this the robbers must sneak up to the policeman, strike him lightly and pronounce the password before the policeman pronounces it. If the policeman says the password before the robber catches him/her, the robber has to escape. The robbers pay much attention to the sheriff. They may sneak up to him and catch him. So the sheriff must have bodyguards.
The rules of the game:
1. The robbers and the policemen may make different tricks, but they mustn't confuse "the enemies" by changing the distinctive marks.
2. If the robbers hear the policeman saying the password, they mustn't catch him/her. But the policeman may say the password only when he/she really sees the robbers.
3. The game is over when one party is caught by the other or when the sheriff is caught.
4. The players mustn't fight painfully. It's the main rule.

128. FIGHT FOR THE BANNER. ( Active.)
A small hill or a heap of sand is "a fortress". The players are divided into 2 equal parties. One party occupies a fortress. The players of this party stand around the hill with their backs to each other. The leader of this party stands on the top of the hill with the banner in his hands. Not far from the fortress there drawn a line. It is "a trench" of the enemy party. At the signal of their leader, the attacking party begins the assault of the fortress. The assault consists in that the attacking party tries to pull off the defenders of the fortress over the trench line. The player who is pulled off the fortress and is over the trench line is considered to be a prisoner and cannot take part in the game anymore. The defenders of the fortress try in their turn to pull their enemies into their territory. The players of the attacking party who are pulled into the territory of the fortress are the prisoners. The game is over when one of the parties is so weakend that cannot continue fighting.

129. CRUCIANS AND PIKE. ( Active.)
At the opposite sides of the playground draw 2 lines (at the distance of 15-30 meters). There are "homes" of "crucians". All the players are "crucians". The leader is "a pike". "The crucians" stand in one of their "homes". "The pike" is in the centre of the playground. At the signal "the crucians" run to the opposite half of their "home". "The pike" catches the running "crucians". 4-5 caught "crucians" make a "net". They stand in a line in the centre of the playground. "The crucians" run to their "home" at the opposite side of the playground through "the net" (under the stretched arms of the players who make "a net"). "The pike" stands behind "the net" and catches "the crucians". "The crucians" who are caught join "the net". When "the net" is large enough it makes "a basket" (a circle). "The crucians" run through "the basket" and "the pike", who stands behind "the basket" catches them. When there are not many free "crucians", the caught "crucians" make "a fish-trap" (they form up in 2 lines, as though making a corridor). "The pike" stands near the end of the corridor (2 steps away from it) and catches "the crucians". The game is over when all the crucians are caught. The rules of the game: All "the crucians" must go through "the net", "the basket", "the fish-trap" while running to the opposite side. The players who violate the rules are out of the game.

130. HUNTER AND WATCHMAN. ( Active.)
The players choose "a hunter" and "a watchman". "The watchman" stands in the middle of the playground in the circle with the diameter of 2 meters. All the rest players ("the animals") run within the playground. "The hunter" runs after them, trying to catch them. The caught "animals" are led to "the watchman" by "the hunter". The caught animals may be saved. To save "the animal" it's enough to strike it by the stretched arm. But the players who save "the animals" mustn't step within the circle. If the player who wants to save the caught "animal" is caught by "the hunter" or by "the watchman", he/she is considered to be caught and he/she must go into the circle. The game is stopped by the leader at his/her signal at any moment.

131. KITE AND BROOD-HEN. ( Active.)
The players form up in file. They take each other by the waist. The first in the line is "a brood-hen", all the rest are "chickens". One of the players is "a kite". He/she tries to catch the last "chicken" in the line. "The brood-hen" tries to prevent him/her from doing it. "The brood-hen" bars the kite's way by the stretched arms. All "the chickens" try to help "the brood-hen", by moving the end of the line away from "the kite". When "the kite" catches "the chicken" the players will choose the new "kite" and "brood-hen". If "the kite" doesn't succeed in catching "the chicken" for a long time, he/she is replaced by the other player.

132. PEACOCK'S TRAIN. ( Active.)
This game is enjoyed by grown-ups as well as by children. Put some skittles on the floor of the hall. Attach "a peacock's train" (made of many-colored ribbons) to the waist of the player. The task is to walk between and round the skittles and not to overturn them.

Make up 3 teams (5-6 players in each: mother, father and children). Their task is to illustrate the leader's story. The leader: "On the New Year's eve Father Frost brings some presents in the house. To father he gives a comb. Let all the players imitate (with the, right hand) how he combs. To son he gives ski. Show, please, how he skies! But don't stop combing! (Then all the new movements are added to the previous ones). To mother he gives a mincing-machine. The players must imitate the minicing-machine rotation with their left hand. To daughter he gives a chinese doll, which nods the head. "The players who manage to make all the movements simultaneously win the game.

The players get into a circle. They stand close to each other. The leader is in the center of the circle. The players pass the ball behind their backs so that the leader can't see it. The leader must guess who has the ball in his/her hands. The leader points at the player who (to his/her mind) has a ball in his/her hands. This player must hold out his/her hands forward at once/ If he/she really has a ball in his/her hands, he/she becomes the leader. If there is a greater number of players you may pass 2 balls at the same time and have 2-3 leaders.

135. FOUR ELEMENTS. ( Active.)
The players get into a circle. The leader is in the center. He/she throws the ball to one of the players. On throwing the ball, he/she says either "Earth", "Water", "Air" or "Fire". The player must catch the ball, throw it back to the leader and name
any animal, if the leader said "Earth"
any bird, if the leader said "Air"
any fish, if the leader said "Water"
If the leader said "Fire" the player must raise the hands over the head and turn around. The player who makes mistakes pays forfeit (fulfils the leader's task) and becomes the leader.

136. SLEIGHT OF HAND. ( Active.)
On the coat-hangers there hang the clothes with the buttons and button- holes. The players' task is to undo the buttons as fast as possible with the help of small sticks or toy "arms-backscratchers". Each player is given the personal coat hanger with the clothes and 2 sticks or 2 "arms-backscratchers".

137. TOILS OF TROUBLES. ( Active.)
"The toils" are netted out of many-colored ribbons and attached to the gymnastic or ski stick. The players' task is to untangle "the toils" with the help of toy "arms-backscratchers", a pointer or a sword. The players must do it as fast as possible.

138. THE MOST PRACTICAL. ( Active.)
The player who manages to take and hold in his/her hands the greatest number of different household utensils - saucepans, pans, mincing machines etc. - is the most practical.

139. THE BEST SHOT. ( Active.)
The bottle stands on the floor. The players' task is to hit the opening of the bottle with the pencil being blindfolded. The players hold the pencils with the hands. To hit the bottle the players must stretch the arms. Each player may make 3 attempts. The player who has the greatest number of successful attempts is the winner.

140. PEAS. ( Active.)
The peas - are ping-pong balls of different colours. 2 players take part in this game. Their task is to gather as many peas as possible. The peas (about 15 pieces) are thrown about the room (hall). There are 2 chairs with the little buckets on them. The players gather the balls with the help of the little scoop and put them into the buckets or baskets.

Divide up into 2 teams (6 players in each one). Choose 3 persons for a jury. The teams number off. Each player must remember his/her number. The players form up 2 lines in file. The distance between the lines is 6-8 steps. Between the lines there stand 3 chairs. The first chair is "a bus", the second - is "a tram", the third - is "a trolley-bus". The instructor starts speaking: "It's early, early morning. All the people are hurrying to work. There are many people at the bus-stops. Now in the distance I see … I see… What do I see … Well, it's number 3 bus." His/her words the instructor pronounces quickly. Both numbers "3" must take place on the first chair. The player who takes the place the first brings a point to his/her team. Numbers "3" return to their places. The instructor continues: "There were so many people at the bus stop, that only 2 people managed to take the bus. (The instructor marks out the words "two" and "bus".) All the rest must wait again for the bus. Now I see number 1… tram (both numbers "1" must take place on the second chair) etc.

142. STOPPING. ( Active.)
Divide up into 2-3 teams (5 players in each one). The teams form up in lines. The last player in each line gets a coin. He/she puts it on the back of the hand. The task is to put the coin on the back of the hand of the player next to without the assistance of the other hand. The players pass the coin until the first player in the line gets it. If the coin is dropped, the player who dropped it must put it again on the back of his/her hand. At the distance of 7-10 meters in front of each team there stands a chair. On the chair there are 10 tennis balls. The first player of each team gets the spoon and runs to the chair. There he/she puts a coin on the seat of the chair, picks up a ball with the help of the spoon, runs to his/her team, puts the ball into the packet and passes the spoon to the next player. The team which "buys up" all the balls the first wins the game.

143. SCHOOL OF FISH. ( Active.)
Divide up into 2-3 equal teams. Each player gets a paper fish (22-25 cm long and 6-7 wide). A 1-1,2m long string is attached to the mouth of the fish. The players fasten the end of the string to the back so that the tail of the fish touches the floor. Each team has fish of different colors. At the signal the players run for each other, trying to step on the tail of the fish of their rivals. The players mustn't touch the strings and the fish with the hands. The player who "looses" the fish is out of the game. The team which manages to keep the greatest number of fish wins.

144. PAPER ARROW. ( Active.)
For this game you need a paper plane. It's better to play this game when it's windless. The players are divided into 2 teams. Draw a line on the ground. The first player who is going to throw the plane stands on it. The player of the second team throws the plane from the place where it landed. He/she throws the plane in the opposite direction. The next player of the first team throws the plane in the opposite direction from the place where it landed. So the players of 2 teams take their turns in throwing the plane in the opposite directions. If after the final throw the plane landed at the line, it means that both teams threw the plane equally. If the plane landed far off the line in the direction in which one of the teams threw the plane, this team wins the game.

2-3 teams 5-6 players in each may take part in this game. The task is to carry the balloon on the head. If the balloon drops, the players pick it up and continue to walk.

146. LET'S SWEEP THE FLOOR! ( Active.)
Divide up into 2 teams (7 players in each one). The teams number off and form up in file. At the distance of 4 steps from the first the player of each team there stands a chair. On the seat of the chair there are 6 small twigs, on the back of it there is a string, near the chair there is a dustpan. Behind the chairs the instructor throws little pieces of paper. The instructor addresses the teams. He/she asks them to sweep the floor. But the besom is unfortunately missed. So the players must make it themselves. To make the besom all the players (beginning with the last in the line) run to the chair one by one, take each a twig and give it to the first player. When the first player has all the twigs in the hands he/she runs to the chair, takes a string, binds the besom and gives it to the last player in the team. The last player takes the besom, runs to the chair, takes a dustpan and gathers all the pieces of paper into the dustpan. The team which finishes "the tiding-up" the first wins the game.

147. RUNNING WITH THE TRAP. ( Active.)
Divide up into 2 teams. Tie 2 balloons to each ankle of the players. These are "traps". At the command the players of the teams run to the finish competing in speed. The next player in each team begins to run when his/her partner has reached the finish. For each burst balloon the team gets a penal point.

148. WITH THE BALLOON. ( Active.)
Divide up into 2 teams. The teams form up in 2 lines. Between the lines there are some skittles. The first player in each team is given a plate with the balloon on it. At the leader's signal the players begin to run between the skittles. The team which finished the race the first wins.

149. RING THE HANDBELL. ( Active.)
Put a handbell on the chair or on the stump (if you are in the forest). The player stands with his/her back to the handbell. He/she is blindfolded. He/she walks 10 steps forwards. There he/she is turned around for 2-4 times. Then the player must come back to the handbell and ring it. The player who manages to ring the bell gets a point. This game may be played in teams as well as individually.

150. SIT ON A CHAIR! ( Active.)
One of the players is sitting on the chair. At the leader's signal the player stands up, closes the eyes, makes 6 steps forwards, 2 steps to the right or to the left. Not turning back the player must repeat all his/her movements and, moving back to front, sit on the chair. The leader may change the task for the players. The player who manages to fulfil the task gets the prize.

Put the skittles on the floor in 2 rows (5-6 skittles in each row). The width of the corridor is 50-60cm. The distance between the skittles is 70-80 cm. The players' task is to go through the corridor. But before going through the corridor the player must turn around for 7-8 times. The player must turn around quickly with the right hand up, looking at the forefinger, or with the hands on the back of the head, or with the hands on the ankles.

152. "THE BLINDS" GO MARCHING. ( Active.)
The stake is driven into the earth. All the players but one are blindfolded. They stand in a circle around the stake. The distance between the stake and "the blinds" is measured by the steps. Usually this distance is equal to 30-50 steps. "The blinds" are facing the stake. "The sighted" player begins to count and all "the blinds" go marching to his/her counting in the direction of the stake. When "the sighted" has counted up to the number of steps between the stake and "the blinds", all the players stop and move away their fillets. The players are usually surprised at seeing themselves having gone to the wrong direction. "The blind" who manages to come to the stake becomes "the sighted", and the former "sighted" becomes "the blind".

153. THOROUGH TIDING-UP. ( Active.)
It's a relay race game. Give to each team a rag, a basin with water, a bucket. Put the basin at the start line and the bucket at the finish. The team which manages to bring the greatest amount of water to the bucket, wins the game.

154. FOUNTAIN. ( Active.)
For this game you need a bucket of water, a glass, some skittles. Put a bucket at the distance of 6m and some skittles at the distance of 3m from the start line. The glass is "a fountain". The number 1 player runs to the bucket, ladles some water from it with the glass and tries to knock down the skittles with the jet of water from the glass.

155. DIVING. ( Active.)
2 teams take part in this game. For each team there must be a basin with water. The players jump into the basin so as to splash as much water as possible. The players jump into the basin in turn. The team which has the least water in the basin - wins.

156. HOCKEY IN THE ROOM. ( Active.)
The mops - are "hockey sticks". The wet rug is "a puck". The buckets which lie on one side are "the goals".

157. TO WASTE MONEY. ( Active.)
Each participant of this game is given a banknote. The players' task is to move the money forwards by blowing on them. The players have 3 attempts. After each attempt the players come to the banknote and blow on it again.

158. TABLE HOCKEY. ( Active.)
The instructor asks the players to pass "the puck" (a draught or a button) with "the stick" (a pen or a pencil) to the finish (2 glasses) along the table.

159. FACING THE EARTH. ( Active.)
Suggest your guests to roll a ping pong ball or a walnut to the finish line through the labyrinth of bottles. They must roll the ball or the walnut with the nose, standing on all fours.

160. MOUNTAIN. ( Active.)
It's a mountain or a pyramid of caps. Any number of players may take part in this game. In early times the whole villages took part in this game. On a flat ground the players make "a foot" of the mountain. It consists of 3 caps. Then all the players put their caps on the mountain one by one. They put their caps until the mountain crashes down. The player who had put the cap the last before the mountain crashed down becomes "the owner of the mountain". The next stage of the game - the distribution of the caps. "The owner of the mountain" takes cap by cap and order their owners to fulfil different tasks. If there are too many caps in "the mountain", "the owner of the mountain" may give one and the same task to several caps at once.

161. A BULGARIAN. ( Active.)
This game is played on the table covered with the table-cloth. The table is divided into 4 equal parts. Each player has an equal number of pins with the many-colored heads. The players stick the pins on their parts as they like. One of the pins is stuck into the crossing of the lines which divide the table into 4 parts. This pin is a Bulgarian. If you have no pins with the many-colored heads you should cut the tiny flags out of paper and place them on the pins. Each player has 2 little balls. The players throw them in turn. The object is to hit the rival's pins trying not to overturn the Bulgarian. The game is over when the Bulgarian is overturned. The player who has the greatest number of pins at that moment is the winner. According to a prearranged rule the player who "looses" a pin puts a coin or two into the money-box. The player who overturns the Bulgarian must pay the double sum of that is in the money-box. The player who has all the pins hit is out of the game.

162. KNOCKER. ( Active.)
This game is played at a flat wall. The first player throws his/her little ball against the wall (20cm above the floor). The ball bounces off the wall and rolls back to the player. The second player does the same, trying to throw his/her ball so that it hits the ball of the previous player (while bouncing off the wall). All the rest players do the same. The player who hits with his/her ball one of the balls which lie on the floor takes all of them. Every time the players throw the new ball. The game lasts not for a long time, because it becomes easy to hit one of the balls when there are over 20 of them on the floor. Instead of little balls you may use big buttons.

163. TRAP. ( Active.)
Dig out a 9 cm deep hole near the wall. This is a trap. The players throw the little balls or big buttons into it. The player holds 2, 4 or 6 balls or buttons in the hand and asks: "Who wants to pawn 2, 4 or 6 balls?" One who wishes to do it gives to this player 2,4, or 6 balls. The player takes them with one hand and throws them together with his/her own ones into the trap. If all the balls (buttons) hit the trap or if there is an even number of them in the trap, the player wins all these balls. If there is an odd number of balls in the trap the player looses all his/her balls. In fact only 2 people take part in the game itself. But the rounds are very short. So there may be over 12 people by the trap at once.

164. BUTTON BATTLE. ( Active.)
There are 2 players in this game. Each of them takes 12 big buttons - "soldiers" and 1 button - "an officer". Usually the players choose the most beautiful buttons for "the officers". Besides, each player takes a metal button - a bat. The players form up the lines of their buttons opposite each other at the distance of 2 or more meters. The distance between the buttons in the lines must be about the size of the bat. "The officers" are put at some distance behind the lines. The players put the bat in turn, trying to knock out "the soldiers" of the line. The button which considerably advances the line is considered to be knocked out. The defter players usually consider the overturned buttons to be knocked out. The knocked out "soldiers" are "the captives" of the player who knocked out them. The player who manages to knock out the rival's "officer" takes half of the rival's "soldiers". The game is over when one of the players has more soldiers by four than his/her rival.

165. CAT AND MOUSE. ( Active.)
All the players (not more than 5 pairs) form up 2 lines facing each other. The players in the lines hold each other by the hands. In one line there are "the cats" in the other there are "the mice". Between the lines there is "a hole". The first pair begins the game: "the cat" is running for "the mouse". "The mouse" is running around the lines. In the dangerous moment "the mouse" may hide in "the hole". As soon as "the mouse" is caught by "the cat", the next pair continues the game. The former "cat" and "mouse" stand in their lines again. The game goes on until all "the mice" are caught by "the cats". The rules of the game: "the cat" must not run into "the hole", "the cat" and "the mouse" mustn't run far from the lines.

The players get into a circle in pairs. They choose 2 leaders. One of them is given the kerchief. At the signal the leader with the kerchief runs away the other leader. The leaders run outside the circle. The leader may give the kerchief to any of the players in the circle and stand at his/her place. The rules of the game: The leader may run only with the kerchief in his/her hand. When the leader with the kerchief is caught the other leader is given the kerchief. He/she is traced by one of the players from the circle. The game starts at the signal.

167. THE MOON OR THE SUN. ( Active.)
2 players are chosen as leaders. They agree in private who is the Moon and who is the Sun. All the rest players come to them one at a time. Each of them says what he chooses - the Moon or the Sun (the players say about it quietly so as nobody can hear it). The leader quietly says to the player whose team he/she is to join. In such a way the players are divided into 2 teams. The teams form up in file. The players hold the player in front of by the waist. The teams try to pull each other over the line drawn between them. Usually it's full of fun. The rules of the game: If the captain of one of the teams (the Moon or the Sun) oversteps the line, His/her team looses the game.

168. WEIGHTLESS BALL. ( Active.)
2 pairs are rivals. Instead of the goals use a hoop. The task is to pass the balloon into the rival's hoop by the flicks. If the balloon falls on the ground the rivals has the right to flick it the first.

169. SKITTLE-ALLEY. ( Active.)
The skittles are the plastic bottles (1,5 L). Passing the ball the players hit the skittles. On the skittles there written different numbers. The player who manages to get the greatest number of points is the winner.

170. PORTER-2. ( Active.)
The task is to carry the tray with 10 ping-pong balls around the room (hall) in 5 seconds.

171. MERRY-GO-ROUND. ( Active.)
Drive a stake into the ground. At the top of the stake there is a revolving ring. Tie 4 long strings to the ring. 4 players take these strings by the ends and stretch them out. It's "a merry-go-round". Between the stretched strings there stand some other players. The players who have the strings in their hands run clockwise. The players who stand between the strings stand counter-clockwise (while running they jump over the stretched strings). The players who touch the strings while running are out of the game. Then the players switch the roles.

172. STATUES. ( Active.)
The players are throwing the ball to each other. The player who lets the ball fall must continue the game standing on one foot. If he/she succeeds in catching the ball in this position he/she is allowed to stand on both of the feet again. Otherwise the players must continue the game in "the kneeling position". After the third mistake the player must kneel. If the player manages to catch the ball in this position all "the fines" are repealed and the player rises to his/her full height.

173. LITTLE CROWS. ( Active.)
Put 3-5 bottles with the wide necks on the table. Put "the heads" of little crows (made of paper) on the necks of the bottles. Use little buttons of different color "to feed" the little crows. Each player uses the buttons of definite color. "The little crows" which are closer to the players bring 3 points to the players. The farther falls "the little crow" the more points gets the player.

174. AIRBORNE LANDING. ( Active.)
Make parachutes out of paper or light cloth. Attach a little weight to the shroud lines. The object is to throw the parachute upwards. The parachute will open and then land at the table. On the table there is a toy-target with the circles and numbers. The number of the points the player gets is indicated on the circle where the parachute lands.

Put 3 saucepans one into another (the less into a larger one). Move them to one of the sides. The object is to hit the saucepans with the ping-pong balls or little rubber balls from the distance of 2-3 meters. The ball must fix in the saucepan. Only in this case the player gets his/her points. The number of the points is indicated on the saucepans.

176. JUGGLERS. ( Active.)
Give the balloons to the players. The players must juggle with the help of the nose. They mustn't help themselves with the ears or hands. The player who manages to keep the balloon flying for the longest time may be called the juggler.

177. ROPEWALKERS. ( Active.)
Each player is given a rope of 1,5-2m long. The object is to walk on the rope up to its end. While walking the players must hold the end of the rope in the hands. The players mustn't leave the rope and let it off. The player who manages to fulfil the task the first (not letting the rope off and not leaving it while walking) gets the prize.

178. CHAINS. ( Active.)
In this game there are 2 teams with the equal number of players. The teams form up the lines at the both ends of the playground. The players hold each other by the hands tight. The players of the first team cry all together: "Chains, chains hammered, chains, chains fettered! Unfetter us!" The players of the second team ask: "By whom of us?" The first team answers, e.g., "by Kate". Kate runs to the first team and tries "to break" the joined hands of any of 2 players. If she succeeds in it she has the right to take one of the players (whose joined hands were "broken" by her) to her own team. If Kate fails in "breaking" the joined hands, she becomes the member of the first team. The new members of the team usually stand in the first "to unfetter" them. The game goes on until there is only one man in one of "the chains".

179. SNAKE. ( Active.)
The players hold each other by the hands. They follow the leader. The leader runs in winding way. While running the leader runs under the high raised arms of the players ("makes knots"). The player who is in "the knot" must quickly turn around so as to renew the chain ("snake"). The leader runs under the arms of all pairs in turn (makes several "knots"). Sometimes the last player in the chain stands still and the leader funs round him/her until "the snake" coils up. Then "the snake" unwinds and coils up again.

The leader names different objects. If the named object is eatable the players are to clap the hands in front of them. If the named object is uneatable the players are to clap the hands behind their backs. The leader names the following objects:
The player who makes a mistake is out of the game.

181. SNOUT. ( Quiet.)
Draw a big muzzle of the pig without a snout on a large piece of thick paper. A snout must be cut out of paper separately. The player is blindfolded and put at the little distance from the picture. The object is to come to the picture and put the snout at the place it should be. The player who does it the most accurately wins.

The instructor asks the players to remember the sounds of different animals. The players must pronounce these sounds at the instructor`s command.
The instructor: "How wonderful it is to be a dog!
The players: "Woof, Woof!"
The instructor: " How wonderful it is to be a duck!"
The player: "Quack! Quack!"
Each of the players may make sounds only if the instructor points at him/her. If the player loiters he/she is out of the game. The game is over when there is only one player in it.

All the players sit in a row. The first player on the left side whispers something in his neighbor's ear. The latter transmits it to his neighbor's ear and so on. The first player on the right side announces aloud the word or the phrase that came to him. Then the player who started the game announces the word or the phrase with which he began the game. At times the distortion may be very funny! After each "call" the players must exchange their seats so as everybody can act as the first player on the left side and the first player on the right one.

184. ELEPHANT. ( Quiet.)
The leader gives to each team a large piece of thick paper. Being blindfolded the teams collectively draw an elephant. The first player in each team draws the body, the second draws the head, the third-legs etc. The team which finishes the drawing the first and whose drawing is the most accurate becomes the winner.

185. SELF-PORTRAIT. ( Quiet.)
Each participant is given a large piece of thick paper with the openings for hands. He/she passes the hands through the openings and begin to draw their self-portraits. The participant who painted the best "masterpiece" gets the prize.

186. GOOD NOSE. ( Quiet.)
The object is to name the flower by its smell. The players are blindfolded.

187. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT. ( Quiet.)
On a large piece of thick paper there drawn different bank-notes. They are situated separately from each other. The player counts in the following way: one dollar, one ruble, one mark, two marks, two rubles, two dollars etc. The player who'll count the money rightly, not violating the rules will be "the chief accountant".

188. FORFEITS. ( Quiet.)
One of the players is enumerating the letters of the alphabet to himself. Then he/she is stopped. The letter at which he/she is stopped is the initial letter in this game. For example, the first player is stopped at the letter "N". So he/she says aloud that he/she is stopped at the letter "N" and pronounces any word which begins with the "N", C.f. nose. (Mind, that the players mustn't use personal nouns). The following player says - name, the third-news etc. If someone cannot remember the word which begins with "N", he must "pay off", i.e. to recite a poem or to tell a funny story. It he/she feels too shy to do it he/she gives his/her forfeit (a pen, a handkerchief etc) and drops out of the game. So the leader gathers the forfeits. The last player who remains in the game is called "a wordexpert". He must set a certain forfeit for each player. "The word expert" turns his back to the players and the leader asks him/her to set forfeits. Holding each forfeit above the head of "the wordexpert" the leader asks: " What will this forfeit do?" Every player remembers what to do. As a forfeit you may say a tonguetwister, recite a poem, Sing a song etc. After setting the forfeits the players begin to carry out the orders in turn.

189. CITIES. ( Quiet.)
The object is to name as many cities beginning with the letter "A" as possible. The player whose variant is the last is the winner. When there are no more variants the leader begins to count: c.f. Amsterdam - one, Amsterdam - two, Amsterdam - three. Amsterdam wins!

190. FROM CITY TO CITY. ( Quiet.)
The players get into a circle. The leader begins to name the cities. He/she, for example, says: "Moscow". The player next to the leader names the city which begins with the last letter of Moscow - "W". He/she says: "Warsaw". The next player says, for example, "Washington". Then the players name, for example, Novgorod, Dublin, New York etc. Each player has 3 seconds to think over his/her variant. If he/she can't remember the name of the city in 3 seconds he/she is out of the game.

191. GALLOWS. ( Quiet.)
Two players take part in this game. One of the players is "a hangman". He/she thinks of a word, which consists of 7 letters and writes down the first and the last letters of the word. Instead of the middle letters there are hyphens. Then "the hangman" draws the gallows, where he/she will "hang" the player, if he/she cannot guess the word. The player begins to guess the word, naming the letters. If he/she guesses the letter "the hangman" inserts it into the word. It the player doesn't guess the letter "the hangman" draws the head in the loop of the gallows. After each wrong letter "the hangman" continues to draw the figure in the loop. He/she draws the body, the legs, the arms. If the player guesses the word before he/she is hanged he/she becomes "the hangman" in the following round.

192. WHO IS A MONKEY? ( Quiet.)
The players choose the leader. He/she goes out. While the leader is absent the players choose the monkey. When the leader returns, "the monkey" begins to make movements - to shake the head, to stamp with the foot etc. The players repeat all the movements. They must do it so as the leader cannot understand who is the monkey. If the leader guesses who "the monkey" is, "the monkey" becomes the leader in the next round.

193. PORTRAIT. ( Quiet.)
From behind the curtain each player shows to the leader his/her leg, arm, nose, eyes, mouth. The task of the leader is to recognize the player. If the leader recognizes the player after the first attempt he/she gets 5 points, after the second attempt the leader gets 4 points, after the third-3 etc.

194. CINEMA. ( Quiet.)
The players think of the title of the film which consists of as many words as there are the players (prepositions included). e.g. "Tender is the night". The leader asks the first player the abstract question. e.g. How did you spend your last weekend? The player gives a full detailed answer in which there is the word "tender". The leader tries to guess what word in the answer sound unnatural. In such a way with the help of logical deduction the leader tries to guess the title of the film. The more complicated is the disguise of the word the more interesting is the game.

195. ARTISTS. ( Quiet.)
The first player draws any detail of the future picture on the sheet of paper so that the other players can't guess what is drawn. Then this sheet of paper is given to the next player. He/she continues to draw. Each player has a felt-tip-pen of his/her own color. The sheet of paper is returned to the first player. He/she says what he/she intended to draw.

196. MERRY TRAIN. ( Quiet.)
This game is enjoyed by grown-ups as well as by children. Get ready the cards with the tasks beforehand. At the party suggest your guests to travel by "the merry train". All the guests who sit at the table are passing the envelope with the cards around the table. While passing the envelope they all together recite any poem about the train. As the rhyme finishes, the guest who has the envelope in his/her hands must take a card with the task out of the envelope.
Samples of tasks for children:
1. Sing a song.
2. Say to the player next to you on the right: "What wonderful ears you've got!"
3. You are a kangaroo. With the small box between the knees jump around the table.
4. Draw a horse, being blindfolded.
5. Say any tongue twister 3 times.
6. Sit on a stool. Grab a small box which stands at one of the hind legs of the stool with the teeth. (Do not touch the floor with the hands and feet!)
7. You are a butterfly. Show how you fly!
8. You are a bird. Show how you brood, how you fly for the feeding, how you feed the nestlings.
9. You are a rooster. Show how you dig the ground, find the corn and call the hens.
10. You are a train. Show how you get in and depart.
11. Put three candies into the mouth. Eat them!
12. Receive a prize!
Samples of tasks for grown-ups:
1. Tell a funny thing.
2. Perform a dance of little swans ("Swan Lake")
3. Sing a song.
4. Kiss the guest next to you on the right.
5. Perform a lezginka dance sitting on the chair.
6. Pay a compliment to a hostess.
7. Persuade the guest next to you on the right to drink a glass of wine.
8. Organize a choir out of all the guests. Sing a couplet of any song in a choir.
9. Make an appointment for any of the guests.
10. Give a smile to all the guests.
11. Eat lemon slices smiling!
12. Drink a wine-glass of tea with pickled cucumber and say how tasty it is.
13. Propose a toast to all the present guests.

197. CAKE-CONCERT. ( Quiet.)
Serve a cake cut into pieces. In each piece there is a little flag with the number. As the guests have taken the pieces, the host (ess) announces that the numbers on the flags mean the following tasks:
- to sing a song;
- to recite a poem;
- to ask a riddle;
- to perform a dance;
- to perform a pantomime.
The guest mustn't eat his/her piece of cake until he/she fulfils the task.

198. GUESS! ( Quiet.)
One of the players is out of the room. All the rest think of the subject for him/her to guess. For example, they think of a red rose, which is among other subjects in the room. The guesser returns to the room and begins to ask questions trying to guess the subject by its characteristics. Other players answer his/her questions briefly: "yes" or "no". The guesser must formulate the questions precise so as it would be possible to answer "yes" or "no". The guesser may, for example, ask the following questions:
- It this subject animate?
- Is it a piece of furniture?
- Does it smell? etc.
The guesser who guesses the subject with the help of the least number of questions wins the game.

199. PARTY'S SURPRISE. ( Quiet.)
Put a large, beautifully painted box on a raised place or hang it under the ceiling. Near the box on the wall hang a poster proposing the players to guess what is there in the box. The players write their variants of answers on the sheets of paper and put them into a little box, which is situated not far from the poster (sheets of paper and pencils are on the table near the poster). The players mustn't touch, weigh or look inside the box. This game usually lasts for 30-40 minutes. Then all the answers are given to the jury. The jury chooses the winner. The answers may be different because the players are not given any descriptions of the object in the box. In this game the answers are based on the mere guesswork. Sometimes no one of the players gives the right answer. In this case the jury tries to find the most similar answer. If there are several right answers the jury distributes the contents of the box among the players whose answers are right.

200. WHAT IS THE PAGE? ( Quiet.)
This game is similar to the previous one. But instead of the box you may use a thick book, tied round with a cord. Somewhere in the middle of the book the players can see a bookmark. They must answer at what page there is the bookmark. The player whose answer is the most exact is the winner.

201. NOT TO THE POINT. ( Quiet.)
The leader asks the players different questions. The player who is asked a question must give on answer which is not related to the question. The leader, for example, asks: "Do you like our party?" and the player answers "I went to the cinema" etc. The player who answers this question "yes" or "no" or "I don't know" pays the forfeit. The game is played at a rapid rate. If the player doesn't answer the question while the leader counts "one, two, three", he/she pays the forfeit. The leader mustn't ask one and the same person more than 3 questions running. The leader tries to confuse the players c.f. The leader asks: "Do you like our party?" The player answers: "The weather is bad". The leader provokes him/her asking: "Is the weather bad?" The player answer "yes". As it is against the rules the player must pay forfeit (or fulfil the leader's task).

202. LOADING THE VAN. ( Quiet.)
6-8 or 10-12 players may take part in this game. The players form up a line. Behind them there is a row of chairs. The players sit down on them. The leader says: "Imagine, that in a branch-line there stands an empty van. You must think of the name of goods with which you may load the van. "Then the players pronounce their variants in turn. The players name different things: cotton, vegetables, chairs, a cow etc. The leader loudly repeats each word pronounced by the players so as the audience can hear it. It's a kind of training. Before the beginning of the game the players stand up. The leader speaks out the rules of the game: 1) The name of the goods must begin with the letter suggested by the leader. 2) The time for thinking of the answer is limited. The player who can't think of the answer within the limits pays the forfeit, sits on the chair and drops out of the game. 3) On having asked all the players, the leader names another letter of the alphabet and the game goes on. 4) At the end of the game the winners get the prizes.

203. "YES" AND "NO" IN BULGARIAN. ( Quiet.)
The players get into a circle. The leader is in the center. He/she speaks to the players: " You know that many gestures are international, for example, some gestures of threat. But there are some differences in the sense of one and the same gestures in different countries. So, Russian people shake their heads in token of negation. But the Bulgarian, on the contrary, shake their heads in token of consent, while they nod their heads in token of negation. Now I want to ask you some questions in Russian, but you must answer them in Bulgarian". You may ask the following questions: Have you had dinner today? Do you like to dance? Do you know the name of the person next to you?

204. WHAT IS MY NAME. ( Quiet.)
Put a big, beautiful doll on the eminence, so that everybody can see it. Under its arm put an envelope with the sheet of paper with the name of the doll. Near the doll put a beautiful sac with the inscription "Prize". Hang the poster on the wall. Get ready some pencils and some sheets of paper for answers. The prize is given to the winner. If there are several correct answers, the prize is raffled off among the winners.

The players' task is to determine the length of the ribbon (in cm), which hangs under the ceiling. Hang up a little weight to the end of the ribbon. The player who determines the length correctly is the winner.

206. WHAT IS THE VOLUME? ( Quiet.)
To guess the volume of the non-standard vessel in cubic cm. The player who guesses is the winner.

207. TWO SIGNALS. ( Quiet.)
Those who want to get a prize form up in a line. Their task is to raise and lower the right hand at one whistle quickly. At two whistles they mustn't raise the hands. The players who make mistakes are out of the game. The most attentive gets the prize.

208. NEIGHBOR'S HAND. ( Quiet.)
The players get into a circle. The leader is walking in the center of it. The leader comes to one of the players and says: "Hands up!" This player must stand still, but both of his/her neighbors (on the right and on the left) must raise their hands. The neighbor on the right raises his/her left hand. The neighbor on the left raises his/her right hand. The player who is mistaken becomes the leader. Before the game begins the leader rehearses with the players so that everybody understands what hand to raise.

209. DON'T IMITATE! ( Quiet.)
Put 5 identical items on the table. Round the table there are the players (not more that 7) and the leader. Each player has an unsharpened pencil in his/her right hand. The leader names one of the items and quickly puts his/her own pencil near it. The players must put their pencils near this item at the same time with the leader. Suddenly the leader names the item, but puts his/her pencil near the other. The players mustn't imitate the leader. They must put their pencils near the item that was named by the leader. Those who make mistakes are out of the game for 3 leads. The tempo of the game grows little by little. On the table there appear new items. The number of them may be about 10-15 (it depends on the reactivity of the players). The player who is often mistaken pays forfeits.

210. CLAPS. ( Quiet.)
The players get into a circle. They stand at the distance of stretched arms from each other. The leader is in the centre of the circle. He/she counts aloud: one, two, three etc. The players get ready to clap their hands. But they may clap their hands only when the leader names the number which ends at 5 or is divisible by 5. The leader tries to confuse the players. He/she claps his/her hands not in time. The player who is not attentive pays forfeits. Repeat the game for several times. The game may become more difficult by introduction of the new numbers - 3, 4, 6 etc.

211. FISHES, ANIMALS, BIRDS. ( Quiet.)
The leader points at the players in turn, speaking as though mechanically: fishes, animals, birds. And suddenly he/she points at one of the players not in turn: "animals!" In 3 seconds this player must name any of the animals. If the player makes mistakes (names the fish or the bird instead of the animal) or can't remember the name or names the animal which was already mentioned, he/she becomes the leader.

212. NOSE, NOSE, NOSE, MOUTH. ( Quiet.)
The players get into a circle. The leader is in the centre of it. He/she is speaking: nose, nose, nose, mouth. On speaking the first three words he/she touches the nose; but on speaking the word-mouth he/she touches any other part of the head instead of the mouth. The players mustn't repeat the wrong movements. They must do everything the leader says. The player who is mistaken is out of the game. The most attentive is the winner.

213. SHADOWS. ( Quiet.)
Put a white sheet on the wall. One of the players sits down on the chair facing the sheet. At the opposite wall of the room is a lamp on the table. All the players walk between the lamp and the guesser in turn. The guesser must recognize the players by their shadows. (He/she mustn't look back). The players try to change their shadows: they raise the shoulders, stoop or change the hairdress. The player who is recognized becomes the guesser in the following round.

214. BANK ACCOUNT. ( Quiet.)
The players are given the glass jars. The jars are closed. In the jars there are the double folded banknotes of different denomination. The task of the players is to count the sum of "account" without opening "the bank".

215. FAMILIAR NOISES. ( Quiet.)
All the players sit not far from the leader. Standing with their backs to the leader, the players must guess the source of noise. The leader makes different kinds of noises and sounds with the help of different objects.

216. GUESS THE WORD. ( Quiet.)
The instructor names one word. It may be the name of the person whose birthday it is, or any of the nouns, e. g. "holiday". The instructor has some prizes in the sac. The number of the prizes is equal to the number of the letters in the word the instructor has named. The name of the first prize begins with the letter "h" (the first letter of this word), the name of the second prize begins with the letter "o", the third - with the letter "l" etc. The instructor asks: "What is there in my sac the name of which begins with the letter "h"?" The players try to guess. The player who guesses gets this prize. Then the players try to guess what is there in the sac the name of which begins with the letter "o" etc. If the instructor names the word "holiday" in his/her sac there may be the following prizes: a toy hen or hedgehog, an orange, a lollipop, an ink-pad, a toy drum, an apple, a package of yoghurt. Sometimes its not easy to guess what kind of prizes are there in the sac. That's why the instructor may help the players saying: "eatable - uneatable" etc.

217. CABBAGE. ( Quiet.)
Wrap up the prize in paper. Paste a sheet of paper with the riddle on the wrapping. Wrap up the prize once again. Do it 10 times. The players get into a circle. The instructor gives the wrapped up prize to one of the players. The player takes away the 1-st wrapping, reads the riddle to him/herself. If he/she answers the riddle he/she says answer aloud. The player who answers this riddle has the right to take away the next wrapping, etc. The player who manages to answer all the riddles is the winner.

218. WHERE IS THE CLOCK? ( Quiet.)
All the players are blindfolded. The leader hides the alarm-clock somewhere in the room. The players (not more than 4) stand along the wall. They listen to the ticking of the clock and cautiously walk in the direction of the ticking. The leader noiselessly changes the location of the clock 2-3 times. The player who comes to the clock nearer than 1m gets a point. The player who has the greatest number of points wins.

Take as many coins of different value as possible. Give them to 2 players so that each of them has one and the same sum. Both players are blindfolded. One player gives a coin to the other. He/she must change it. Then they exchange the roles. They exchange the roles again and again. All the time the players check up the work of each other. In a fixed number of leads the game is over. The players move away their fillets and count the money they have. If both players have the same sums they had before the game started, both of them are winners. Otherwise both players loose the game.

All the players are given the sheets of paper with the figure (1 or 2). The number of the sheets of paper with the figure 1 is equal to the number of sheets of paper with the figure 2. The players choose the leader - the main thief. He/she goes out of the room. The players who are in the room hide any object there. The leader's task is to find it. He/she tries to find the object with the help of the players-thieves (they have figure 1 on their sheets of paper). The players-thieves show place where the object is hidden by their eyes. The task of the detectives (they have figure 2 on their sheets of paper) is to watch the players and find the thieves among them. The game is over when the hidden object is found or when all the thieves are "caught" by the detectives.

1. THE MOST FAVORITE. ( For adults only.)
The player who manages in a fixed time to get as many kisses as possible is "the most favorite". The kisses are counted by the signs of lipsticks left on the players.

2. REAL MAN. ( For adults only.)
A player who manages to tie a kerchief on the lady's neck using only one of his hands may be called "the real man".

3. ROLL A BALL. ( For adults only.)
Usually several pairs take part in this game. Each pair is given 2 ping-pong balls. The gentleman must roll the ball from one sleeve of the lady's dress to the other. The lady rolls the ball through the gentleman's trouser-legs (from one trouser-leg to another).

4. PUTTING OF AN EGG. ( For adults only.)
In each pair the partners stand with their backs to each other. They have an egg between their backs (or a little bit lower). The object is to put an egg on the ground, so as not to break it. The pair which succeeds in it wins the game. Instead the egg you may a small rubber ball. In this case the object of the game is to put the ball on the ground so as it doesn't roll.

5. LIFT A BALL TO A CHIN. ( For adults only.)
In each pair the partners (the lady and the gentleman) stand facing each other. They hold a small rubber ball between their bellies. The object is to roll this ball to a chin of the shorter partner by rotatory movements.

6. RESOURCEFUL QUESTS. ( For adults only.)
Several pairs take part in this game. Each player is blindfolded. Then the leader puts some clothes-pegs on different parts of the players' clothes. At the leader's command the players must take the clothes-pegs off the partner's clothes. The pair which copes with the task the first wins the game.

7. WHERE TO INVEST? ( For adults only.)
The instructor asks 2 pairs to participate in this game (in each pair there is a lady and a gentleman). 'Try to open the network of banks as soon as possible. You deposit only one banknote in each bank. Receive your entrance fee! (the instructor gives the money candy covers to each pair). You may use pockets, lapels and other secluded places for the banks. Try to register your deposits and open the greatest number of banks as soon as possible. Now get ready, begin! The instructor helps the pairs to fulfil the task. In a minute the instructor sums up: How many banknotes do you have? And you? Great! All the money is profitably invested. Good! And now I ask the ladies to change the partners. Your task is to take all the money away from the banks. Get ready. Begin! (The music is playing. The ladies are looking for the money at their rivals' partners).

8. ALCOHOLOMETER. ( For adults only.)
When you're in the close company suggest 2 slightly tight men to get to know who of them is tighter. Give a felt-tip-pen to each of the players. Put "a scale" with the grades 20o, 30o, 40o etc behind them. The scale is drawn on the large piece of thick paper. The object is to mark the grades on the scale. To do it the participants must bend down and pass their arms between the legs. Of course, the participants want to seem sober. That's why they try to reach the least number.

9. THE WORST TIPPLER. ( For adults only.)
One of the philosophers said: "Do not drink more than your head can bear". We shall not drink but we shall measure the size of the head of each player so as to find the player of the greatest endurance.

10. MERRY TAILOR. ( For adults only.)
Line up into 2 teams. In each line men and women take their turns. In each line the players choose a tailor. The tailor takes a wooden stick ("a needle") with the thick thread in it (you'd better wind the thread into a ball). At the command the tailors begin "to sew". The tailor "sews" the gentlemen's trouser-legs (passes the thread from one leg to another) and lady's sleeves (passes the thread from one sleeve to another). The tailor who "sews" all his team the first wins the game.

11. LITTLE CROCODILE. ( For adults only.)
In each team 5-6 players form up a line. Between each player in the line there is a ball. The players hold the balls with their backs and chests. They mustn't touch them with the hands. Their task is to run the distance as fast as possible.

12. PASS THE BALL. ( For adults only.)
Line up into 2 teams. In each line ladies and gentlemen take their turns. The first person in each team is given a ball to place under his/her chin. He/she must pass the ball to the next in line but neither may use his/her hands. The players can use all the parts of their bodies to pass the ball but it's forbidden to drop it. The first team to get the ball all the way to the last person is the winner.

13. HORROR FILM. ( Joking.)
On the table there are 5 eggs. The leader says that one of them is uncooked. But others are hard-boiled. The players must break the eggs against their foreheads. The player who gets an uncooked egg is considered to be the bravest. In fact all the eggs are hardboiled and the prize is given to the last player because he deliberately ran risks to become a laughing-stock.

14. TAKE A SMALL BOX. ( Joking.)
The leader suggests the player to sit on a stool and to cross his/her legs. The task is to take a small box with the teeth, not touching the floor with the hands and feet. The small box is placed upright at one of the hind legs of the stool. The players may turn on the stool as they like.

15. WITH THE HELP OF A SONG. ( Joking. )
Ask the players to recollect and write down several lines of 6 of their favorite songs. After that give them a key to solution.
1. The first song - your feeling after the first kiss;
2. The second - your memory of the first night together;
3. The third - reminder of your honey moon;
4. The fourth - in a year after the marriage;
5. The fifth - Now when we are together I think about it.
6. The sixth - in 50 years of the life together.

16. WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? ( For married couples. Questionnaire.)
Ask 3-4 married couples to take part in this game. At first ask the gentlemen to leave the room for a while. And during this time ask the lady's the following questions (one lady at a time)
1. What kind of weather was on the day of the registration of your marriage?
2. What day of the week was it?
3. What did your husband wear that day?
4. When is the birthday of your mother-in-law?
5. What is the favorite dish of your husband?
6. What is the name of your husband's chief?
7. How long does it take your husband to get to his work?
8. Name the favorite clothes of your husband.
9. Name the favorite singer, composer, writer, actor of your husband.
10. When did your husband give you the flowers last time?
Then ask the husbands to come into the room and ask them the same question. Collate the answers of the wives with their husbands' answers.

17. DUMMIES. ( While dancing.)
It's a variant of the well-know children game "Day-Night" for grownups. As the music suddenly stops the people who are dancing stand still in the pose they are. The person who cannot keep his/her balance must pay a forfeit (fulfil the leader's task).

18. LET'S INTRODUCE OURSELVES! ( Icebreakers.)
All the guests (many of them) get into 2 circles: the ladies are in the inner one, the gentlemen are in the outer one. The ladies and gentlemen are facing each other. The number of ladies is equal to the number of gentlemen. As the music plays both of the circles are moving in the opposite directions (the inner circle is moving clockwise, the outer one is moving counter-clockwise). In 20-25 seconds the music stops. The circles stop moving. There form the pairs. The ladies and the gentlemen introduce themselves to each other. The ladies introduce themselves the first. Then they let the gentlemen know of their 2 hobbies and of 2 things they don't like. Then the music plays again. The round dance moves to the next pause etc.

19. DETECTIVES. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
At the party some girls secretly fill in the questiomairies. In these questiomairies the girls indicate their distinctive marks: height, color of the eyes, dress cut, jewelries. The leader put all these cards into the box. In the pauses between the dances the leader asks the most attentive youths to act as Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot - to find a girl with help of the description given in the card. The youths take the cards and begin to search for the girls. The youth who finds the girl the first is the winner. Then the youths have a dance with the girls they have found.

20. CHOOSE A PAIR. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
The instructor holds a bundle of many-colored ribbons by its middle. The ladies come to one end of the bundle, the gentlemen to the other. Each of them takes an end of the ribbon. The instructor lets the bundle go. All the partners are now connected by the ribbons. There are the pairs for a dance.

21. DRESS A LADY. ( For adults only.)
Each lady holds a ball of ribbon in her right hand. The gentlemen take a tip of the ribbon with the teeth and wind it round their ladies (not using their hands). The gentlemen who is the first in "dressing" the lady or whose "dress" is the best is the winner.

22. COMPETITION FOR LADY'S. ( For adults only.)
Being blindfolded the ladies must recognize their boy-friend's (husband's) hand to the touch.

23. FINAL. ( For adults only.)
Divide up into 2 teams: one team consists of gentlemen, another consists of ladies. At the signal the players of each team begin to take off their clothes ( any items they like ). The players put their clothes in one line. Each team has a line of its own. The team which has the longest line is the winner.

24. "TOUCHING" COMPETITION. ( For adults only.)
The gentlemen are blindfolded. The task is to identify the lady by touching her knees.

25. APPLE. ( For adults only.)
Each dancing pair holds "an apple" - a little rubber ball - between their fore heads. The music changes from slow to energetic one. The task of the players is not to drop the ball while dancing.

26. BEING BLINDFOLDED. ( For adults only.)
With the thick mittens on the hands try to identify the person which is in front of you. The girls try to identify the youths. The youths try to identify the girls. It's permitted to touch the whole person.

27. STEAM-ENGINE. ( For adults only.)
The instructor asks 2 men and 1 woman to participate in this game. They from up in file sideways to the spectators. The instructor says:
- This is a steam-engine team. The first man is an engine driver. The woman is an engine-driver's mate (she stands between the men). The second man is a stoker. They are in the steam-engine. Usually the steam-engines keep to the following signals while shunting: at one whistle they move forwards, at two whistles - backwards, at three - stand still. The instructor rehearses with the steam-engine team.
- Now let's begin to play. I ask you to act quickly and precisely, according to the signal.
The instructor gives 2 whistles. The engine driver makes a mistake: he makes one step forwards.
- It's bad. You mustn't mistake. So you must become a stoker. This is our rule.
The instructor leads him to the end of "the steam engine". 2 other players - the engine-driver's mate and the stoker move one step forwards.
- This is a new steam-engine team. The game begins anew. On finishing the game the instructor says: with the help of this game we checked how attentive our players are. The shunting is over. The steam-engine may be come in at.

28. EVENING DRESS. ( For adults only.)
The instructor asks 2 pairs to take part in this game. He/she suggests their making the evening dress, using only newspapers, pins and scissors. The winner is chosen by the spectators.

29. SUVOROV'S VODKA. ( For adults only.)
Suggest the players to manufacture Suvorov's favorite vodka. It must be of 47o strengeth. Each participant is given a half of the glass of water. They must manufacture vodka of 47o by tasting it. The instructor checks the correctness of the strength with the help of the alcoholometer.

30. STOMACH DANCE. ( For adults only.)
All the players who wish may perform "the stomach dance". Each participant must move the wooden sticks (both ends of them are passed through the string) with the help of the stomach. The players do it to the music without using the hands. Each participant has his/her own strip of sticks. The fastest and the most artistic participant is the winner.

31. SNIPER. ( For adults only.)
Fasten the belt on the waist of each player. Tie the string with the apple at its end to it. In front of each player there is a plank with the nails. The object is to pin the apple on the nail.

32. BREAD-WINNERS. ( For adults only.)
Scatter some peas on the stool. Put a bowl near it. The players' task is to sit on the stool so as to move the peas into the bowl (don't use the hands!) The player who manages to do it is the winner. The instructor counts the number of the peas in the bowl of each player.

33. SUMO STRUGGLE. ( For adults only.)
The players divide into pairs. They hold the balloons between their stomachs. The task of each pair is to burst the balloon between the stomachs.

34. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. ( For adults only.)
Tie strings to the belts of the players. At the end of each string there is a small box or a piece of wet cotton wool. In front of each player there is a candle. The task is to put out the candle with the help of the small box or a piece of cotton wool as fast as possible without using the hands.

35. TRIO. ( For adults only.)
It's a relay race game. It's common knowledge that all the tipplers are divided into 3 groups: those who drink little, those who can go only leaning against the walls and those who cannot go at all when drunk (they are usually carried away by the drinking companions). In each team there are 3 participants - the participant who "drinks little", the participant who "leans against the wall when going", the participant who "is carried away by his drinking companions". Those who "drink little" must devastate the bottles (drink the remains), those "who lean against the walls" must make a diagonal wall out of these bottles (the bottles must be at some distance from each other), those who are carried away" must gather all the bottles into the shopping bag. The players must do it as fast as possible.

36. HIT A PURSE. ( For adults only.)
There are several pairs in this game. To the ladies waists tie big sham purses. To the gentlemen's waists tie big sham banknotes. The object is to put the banknote into the purse. (While doing it the players mustn't touch purses, banknotes and strings with the help of which the purses are tied to the waists).

37. WILD BEACH. ( For adults only.)
The players are divided into pairs. The instructor invites all the players to visit "the wild beach". At "the wild beach" the instructor announces the dancing party. Ladies and gentlemen in the pairs are given the gramophone records (ladies-3, gentlemen-1) to cover their "nudity". The pairs begin to dance. They mustn't drop the records. That's why they have to lean against each other very tight.

38. LOVE STATUE. ( For adults only.)
The instructor asks some couples to participate in this game (preferably married ones). The couples are asked to leave the room. Then the instructor asks one couple to return and "to create" "The love statue". After that the instructor asks one of the gentlemen (of those who are among the couples behind the door ) to come into the room. His task is to change something in this "statue". The gentlemen changes the poses of the couple. Then the instructor suggests him to take the place of the gentleman in "statue". Then the lady (one of those behind the door ) is asked to come in. She is also asked to change something in the statue and to take the place of the girl in "the statue". This game goes on until all the couples took part in it.

39. FOOTBALL. ( For adults only.)
2 men take part in this game. They put on the belts and tie thick strings to them from behind. To the end of the string there tied an apple. It must be 30-35 cm. above the floor-level. Each player is given a ball (or a balloon). At the distance of 10-12metres from the start-line there are "the goals" (made of chairs). Swinging the apple between the legs the players move the balls (balloons) towards "the goals". The player who copes with the task the first wins.

40. ROULETTE. ( For adults only.)
6 players participate in this game: 3 gentlemen and 3 ladies. Each player is given his/her own number. The first player throws a dice. The number on the dice ( from 1 to 6 ) stands for the part of the head the player must kiss: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - forehead, 4 - cheek, 5 - ear, 6 - crown. Then the player throws a dice for the second time. The number on the dice stands for person whom he/she must kiss ( the number on the dice corresponds the number of the player ). As the first player has fulfilled the tasks, the second player throws a dice etc.

41. DRINK WITH HORS - D'OEUVRE. ( For adults only.)
The player must drink a tumbler of any alcohol beverage with any hors - d'oeuvre without using the hands.

42. PRESS-BACKS. ( For adults only.)
The male-participants of this competition put on the black fillets on the eyes. The task is to make as many press-backs as possible. As the players have tested the strength the leader suggests to put big stripes of paper on the floor, because it is not clean. ( The participants don't move the fillets away yet). On these big stripes of paper there drawn the naked women life-size. So the participants continue to do their press backs over "the naked women". Then the leader asks the participants to move the fillets away. The participants continue to do their press - backs over "the naked women" without the fillets. The supporters count the number of the press-backs, encourage the participants.

43. KISS. ( For adults only.)
The youths are given the cards with the figures. The girls are given the cards with the letters. All the players get into a circle. They choose the leader. The leader is not given a card. He is in the center of the circle. The leader names the figure and the letter. The girl whose letter was named must kiss the leader. But it's not easy! Because the youth whose figure was named tries to prevent the girl from kissing the leader. He tries to kiss the girl himself. If the youth manages to prevent the girl from kissing the leader, he gives the card to the leader and becomes the leader himself.

44. STREAMLET. ( For adults only.)
Put a long stripe of paper on the floor for "a streamlet". Ask ladies to walk along "the streamlet" with their legs apart: one leg is on the right side, another is on the left side of "the streamlet". After that ask the ladies to repeat it being blindfolded. All the ladies are in the neighboring room at the beginning. They are asked to go along "the streamlet" one by one. Having gone along "the streamlet" blindfolded, the lady takes a kerchief from her eyes and sees a gentleman lying on "the streamlet" with his face upwards. (The gentleman lies down on the paper "streamlet" after the lady's going along "the streamlet", but before she takes off the kerchief). The lady is confused. Then the following lady is asked to go along "the streamlet", then the third and the fourth… The game goes on in the presence of the Ladies who have already passed "the streamlet". They laugh at a joke. Everybody is having a good time.

45. ON A DESERT ISLAND. ( For adults only.)
Usually two or more couples play this game. Each couple is given a large sheet of paper and explained the rules. The leader asks them to imagine that there is water around and that they can save themselves only on the little island (standing on the paper). At first the couples stand on the sheet, then it is folded in two, then again in two and so on. The couple who is the first to "stumble" into the water (to touch the floor) looses the game.

46. APPLE OF DISCORD. ( For adults only.)
Each pair holds an apple between their foreheads. The leader gives the commands: "Three steps to the left!", "Three steps to the right!", "Squat!", "Jump!" etc. The pairs fulfill them. If the apple drops, the pair is out.

47. LET A BALLOON BURST. ( For adults only.)
Each gentleman sits with the balloon between his knees. The ladies have to sit themselves on the knees of their partners so that the balloon is burst.

48. RACE. ( For adults only.)
3-4 players take part in this game. The players put the hobby-horses between their legs and take the mugs of beer or any other beverage. The players are blindfolded. At the command the players race to the circles drawn on the floor. As they reach the circles they put their mugs in them. If they succeed in doing it they drink the content of the mugs themselves, otherwise they give the mugs to the spectators.

49. TO ROLL UP - TO UNWIND. ( For adults only.)
As the instructor pronounces "to roll up" he/she stretches the hands wide as though he/she wants to embrace the whole world. He/she asks everyone to do the same. As the instructor pronounces "to unwind" he/she embraces the player next to him/her. Everyone does the same. The tempo is raising gradually. This games is a good warming-up at discos or parties.

50. TIPPLER. ( For adults only.)
The object of the game is to fill the glasses with the help of the teaspoon. The player who manages to do it the fastest has an opportunity to propose a toast and drink the contents of the glass.

51. RUNNING WITH THE BALL. ( For adults only.)
Each pair holds a big ball between their foreheads. Their task is to run the distance as fast as possible and not to drop the ball. (One of the players in each pair runs with his back to front). The pairs may hold a ball between their shoulders, ears or backs.

52.ACQUAINTANCE. ( Icebreakers. )
All those who wish to learn the names of the new friends get into the circle. The players hold each other by the hands. The host (ess) names him/herself the first. Then all the players pronounce the names of the players who named themselves before and at the end say their own names. The last player names all the players in the circle one after another. As a rule the players learn the names of all the players during the game.

53. GATHER IN THE HARVEST. ( Icebreakers.)
On the sheet of paper there printed the following text: "You're given a sheet of paper with the 15 notes, with the names of cereals, vegetables, fruit printed on them. Exchange your 14 notes (tear them off the sheet) for the notes of other players, so as to have a complete set of notes with the following names: wheat, rye, oats, barley, millet, flax, corn, potato, cabbage, beetroot, carrot, pumpkin, cherries, apples, pears. The player who has the complete set of notes the first is given the prize. "On each sheet of paper there printed the same 15 names. One of the players is given, for example, the notes with the name of "flax", the other with the name of "corn" etc. The players are given many complete sets (the number of them must be a number divisible by 15): 15.30 and more (it depends on the number of players).

54. WITHOUT A PAIR. ( Icebreakers.)
The players make 2 circles: the inner one and the outer one. In the inner circle the number of the players is more by one than in the outer circle. As the music plays all the players walk to the right. As the music stops the players must make pairs. The player who hasn't pair fulfils any task. Then the game continues.

55. WHO IS HE (SHE)? ( Icebreakers.)
As the guests enter the hall, they are given the envelopes. The youths are given blue envelopes, the girls white ones. In all the envelopes there are halves of the cards and leaflets with the following text: "In the envelope there is a half of the card. The missing part of it has someone who is present here. Try to find him/her. The first 3 pairs get prizes. Good luck!" it's better to use cards with the pictures of flowers in this game. Cut the cards in zigzag line. Then put the halves - one into the white envelope and another into the blue one. You may manage without the envelopes. In this case put a poster with the rules of the game on the wall.

56. MAKING ACQUAINTANCE. ( Icebreakers.)
The instructor says: "Dear guests! We set out. Take your seats. We start up an engine - everybody claps the hands. Come along! We are stamping our feet, we are gradually gathering speed - 50km/h, faster - 60km/h, faster - 80km/h, 100km/h, 120km/h. Turn to the left - shake hands with the person next to you on the left. Go along! Our speed is 150km/h. Now we turn to the right - shake hands with the person next to you on the right. We continue going. Now we are breaking. We are rubbing against the nose of a person next to.
We are breaking … breaking …
At last we arrived.
How did you like our trip?"

57. ABSTRACTION. ( Icebreakers.)
The leader thinks of one of the present persons. All the rest players ask him/her the questions in turn: e.g.
1.What is the color?
2.What kind of character?
3.What kind of music instrument? etc.
The questions must be abstract. You must take into account that different people describe one and the same person in different ways. You may invent questions for ever and ever. The more interesting and various are the questions the more interesting is the game.

58. THE TRUTH. ( Icebreakers.)
The number of the players is more than 2. All the players put their both hands with the palms down on the table (the left hand goes first, the right one the second). The players make a pyramid of their hands in the center of the table. The player whose hand is on the top of the pyramid (the player who puts his right hand on the pyramid the last) names any number, e.g. 5. The players begin to count from the hand on the top of the pyramid: the player whose hand is on the top moves away his/her hand-1, then the next player-2 etc. till 5. The player whose hand is number 5 must answer the leader's question. The players must give true answers to the questions. If the answer is not true the leader doesn't accept it. This game is suitable for making acquaintance. If the answer is accepted the game begins a new. Everybody tries to put the hands in the middle of the pyramid so as not to be a leader.

59. WHO ARE YOU? ( Questionnaire. )
Get ready some sheets of paper, pens or pencils for your guests beforehand. While your guests are still at a table suggest their playing a very interesting and funny game. Each player writes down the list of 10 domestic animals in a column on his/her sheet of paper. Then the leader asks the first question and the players must read the answers which they wrote on their sheets of paper under the figure 1. The players read their answers in turn. Then the leader asks the 2nd question and the players must read the word which is written under the figure 2 etc.
The leader's questions may be as follows:
1. Who are you at home?
2. Who are you in private?
3. Who are you in public?
4. Who are you without clothes?
5. Who are you after dinner?
6. What do other people think of you?
7. Who are you at nights?
8. What do you think about yourself?
9. Who are you with your friends?
10. Who are you in fact?

60. QUESTION - ANSWER. ( Questionnaire. )
Get ready 60 cards (10cm long 4 cm high). On 30 of them write the questions on 30 others write the answers. Hold the cards with the questions like a fan in one hand and the cards with the answers in the other. Ask the first guest whom would he/she like to answer his/her question. The guest answers that he/she wants to ask, c.f., Anna, draws out a card with the question and reads it aloud. Anna draws out the card with the answer and also reads it aloud. Then Anna says whom would she like to ask the question. She draws the card out and reads out the question. The person who is asked, draws out the card with the answer and reads it out. The game goes on until all the questions are asked and answered.
1. Would you like to be a millionaire?
2. Would you like to find yourself in a harem?
3. Do you often visit restaurants?
4. Do you go to work with pleasure?
5. Can you give birth to an athlete?
6. Do you wear a wig?
7. Have you any shortcomings?
8. Do you like music?
9. Are you always so polite as today?
10. Are you able to love?
11. Are you fond of the bottle?
12. Do you like to dance?
13. Would you like to sit next to me?
14. Do you love children?
15. Can you be faithful?
16. Do you often have appointments?
17. Do you love me?
18. Do you behave decently while drunk?
19. Are you jealous?
20. Do you always eat so much?
21. Do you believe in miracles?
22. Are you sorry that you are married?
23. Would you like to get drink today?
24. Do think of free love?
25. Are you modest?
26. Would you like to have many new friends?
27. Do you often tell lies?
28. Can you flatter?
29. Can I rely upon you?
30. Do you often smoke?
31. Can you be tender?
1. No, once I tried, but nothing turned out.
2. This is my hobby.
3. Being on the verge of despair only.
4. We are not angels. Things happen.
5. Who is sinless?
6. Yes, rather!
7. I do it with the greatest pleasure.
8. Only in a weak moment.
9. I'm not capable of such a stupid thing.
10. This is my dream.
11. No, I'm well bred.
12. I'll answer you in private.
13. I'd better keep silence.
14. Only in the bathroom.
15. Every other day.
16. By no means!
17. While being sober only.
18. If it's cold outdoors.
19. Systematically.
20. In a pay-day.
21. It's quite necessary on Saturday.
22. To while away the time.
23. Only while having a rest in the health resort.
24. If you have much money.
25. People don't speak about it aloud.
26. In a lunch hour.
27. When it's advantageous.
28. I dream about it after dinner.
29. It would do no harm.
30. Towards evening.
31. While having a poetic mood.

61. INTERVIEW. ( For married couples. Questionnaire. )
Ask 3-4 gentlemen to take part in this game. Ask them the following question:
In what season did you meet your wife for the first time?
What color are the eyes of your wife?
What kind of flowers does your wife like?
What kind of perfume does your wife like?
What color suits your wife?
What is the favorite book of your wife?
After that ask the wives to confirm the answer of their husbands.

62. TELL ABOUT YOURSELF. ( For married couples. )
This is a joking test for married couples. At first the married gentlemen write on the sheets of paper 10 names of animals, insects or reptiles in a column (they do it in secret from their wives). Then their wives do the same. After that the leader asks the married couple to look at the column with 10 names of animals, insects or reptiles, written by the husband. So he is a husband…
tender like…
sociable like…
independent like…
neat like…
brave like…
strong like…
authoritative like…
smiling like…
amorous like…
beautiful like…
Then they read the names written by the wife. So, "Your wife when…"
in transport is like…
with the colleagues is like…
at home is like…
with the chief is like…
with the relatives is like…
in the shop is like…
in the cafe or restaurant is like…
in the company of friends is like…
in bed is like…
at the doctor's is like…

63. HAS IT THE PLAYER NEXT TO YOU? ( While dancing.)
This game is played at the dancing party. The participants get into 2 circles. The circles are moving clockwise. The instructor asks: "Have the players next to you shoulders?". The players answer: "The Have!". The instructor asks the players to put their hands on the shoulders of the players next to them and to continue moving. The questions of the leader: "Have the players next to you noses?", "Have the players next to you ears?", "Have the players next to you waists?", "Have the players next to you knees?", "heels" etc.

64. POST. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
At big parties and discos, in large halls it's very interesting to have "a postman". The guests ask him/her: "Give a note (a letter) to the girl in white dress". This girl writes her name on the sheet of paper and gives in to "the postman". All the guests communicate with the help of "the postman" until all of them learn each other. This game may continue for several days in camps, sanatoriums etc.

65. WITH THE CALENDAR'S PAGE. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
As each player enters the hall he/she is given a calendar's page. The girls receive even, the boys - odd numbers. During the party the possessors of the pages are suggested different tasks:
1. To gather according to the months.
2. To gather according to the days of the weeks.
3. To make up the number 1998.
4. To make up teams of Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays etc.
5. To find the yesterday (for example "the 25th of December" looks for "the 24th of December" etc.)
6. To choose the pair. The last game is played while dancing. Before every new dance the leader announces any number from 35 to 55. The players must form the pairs so that the sum of their numbers is equal to the announced number. For example the leader announced number 37. So, the pair may consist of the players with the numbers 30 and 7, or 18 and 19 on their pages. In all the tasks win the players who are the first to do them.

66. EXCUSE ME! ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
Gentlemen ask ladies to a dance. 2-3 gentlemen are given special cards with the phrase "Excuse me!" written on them. With this card the gentleman may come to any of the pairs, give it to the gentleman and begin to dance with his lady..

67. DOMINOES. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
As the players (youths and girls)enter the hall, they are given dominoes cut out of cardboard. They pin it to their clothes. There are 2 complete sets of these cards (28 pieces in each set). The cards of one set are given to the girls, the cards of the other set are given to the youths. If there are more than 56 persons at the party you may take 2,4, 6, 8…more numbers of the complete sets. Before the dance begins the players at the leader's signal make pairs according to the principle of dominoes. C.f. the youth with the card 5-2 may ask to a dance a girl with the card 2-6; 2-4; 2-3; 2-0 or 5-6; 5-4; 5-3; 5-1; 5-0. Sometimes the leader may announce the change of the partners. (In this case the leader gives advance notice to the guests about his/her intentions while they are dancing). Then all the pairs change, make the pairs according to the same principle.

68. GAMES TO PLAY WHILE DANCING. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
Ladies ask gentlemen to a dance. The master of ceremonies announces that during the dance ladies may ask the gentlemen, who are dancing with their ladies, to a dance. On coming to a dancing pair, the ladies clap their hands. On having received this signal, the gentleman begins to dance with this lady. While his lady asks any other gentleman to a dance in the same way.

69. CHOOSE A PAIR! ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
The youth or the girl is blindfolded and led to the center of the room (hall). He/she is a leader. Any player takes a little bell and pass by him/her with it. The leader's task is to choose a partner for dance at random. If the leader (girl) chooses a girl, the latter becomes the leader. If the leader (girl) chooses a youth, they both make a pair for a dance. The fillet is given to the other person, chosen with the help of the reckoning. This game continues until there are 10-12 pairs. After that the master of ceremonies announces the pair dance.

70. ENDLESS DANCE. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
All the players are dancing in pairs. The leader is in the center. He/she holds a stick in his/her hands. The leader throws the stick and all the dancers change their partners. The leader tries to take up somebody's place. The player who has no pair is a leader. He/she takes the stick and does the same as the previous leader.

71. FIND YOUR OWN PEOPLE. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
The cards with different pictures are cut into 4-5 parts. The teams must find their own people. There is one more variant: to cut the cards into 2-3 parts. One part is given to the girl, 2 other parts are given to the youths. The youth who finds the girl the first asks her for a dance.

72. PEOPLE DON'T DANCE WITH THE HAT ON. ( While dancing. Icebreakers.)
One of the participants is given a hat. As everyone is dancing, this participant comes to any of the pairs, puts the hat on the gentleman's head, saying "people don't dance with the hat on" and begins to dance with the partner of this gentleman. The gentleman with the hat on can come to any other pair and put the hat on the gentleman's head so as have a chance of dancing with his partner etc.

73. SNOW-SLIP. ( While dancing. Icebreakers. )
This game will help you "to warm-up" shy people. As the music plays, one pair begins to dance. At the instructor's signal this pair asks to a dance 2 more partners. At the next instructor's signal these 2 pairs ask to dance 4 more partners etc. The number of dancing pairs grows like a snow-slip.

74. AUTOGRAPH. ( Joking. Icebreakers.)
All the participants are given the sheets of paper and felt-tip-pens. They must sign their names, draw ( but very quickly) an imp, to print a finger-tip, a lip stick or a shoe-sole on the sheet of paper-so as "to leave their autograph" on it. Then all the sheets are gathered together. 2 of the players are "the detectives". Their task is to guess whose autographs these are. ("The detectives" must give their variants at once.) "The detective" who guesses the greatest number of the autographs wins.

75. BLUFF-CLUB. ( Joking. Icebreakers.)
All the players tell theirs stories in turn. (Before the telling the story The player puts a coin under the hat (all the rest players mustn't see in what way he/she puts it. Heads mean that the story is true, tails - that the story is fabricated)). As the tale-teller finishes his/her telling the story all the players express their opinion in turn: true or fabricated. After that the leader lifts the hat and all the players see - whether they were right or not. The player who is right gets a point. The player who is mistaken looses a point. The tale-tellers take their turns around the circle. As every player has told the story, the players count the points.

76. QUESTION TO A NEIGHBOUR. ( Joking. Icebreakers.)
All the players get into a circle, the leader is in the center. He/she comes to any of the players and asks the question (c.f. "What is your name?", "Where do you live?" etc.) But the questions must be answered by the neighbour on the left of the asked person. If answers the asked person, he/she must give a forfeit (a piece of clothes, watches etc.) to the leader. When the game finishes the forfeits are raffled. To get their forfeits back the players must fulfil any of the tasks.

78. THE BEST ONE. ( Joking. )
At the party You may suggest Your guests to find "the best" guest. The criteria may be different - the tallest, the heaviest, the longest plait, the greatest shoe-size etc. "The best one" gets the prize.

79. THE SADDEST. ( Joking. )
The object of the players is to keep from laughing. The players get into a circle facing each other. One of the players says: "Ha!". The following says "Ha-ha!", the third continues "Ha-ha-ha!" and soon. If someone pronounces the wrong number of "ha" or laughs, he/she is out. The players who are out of the game try to make all the rest players (those who are still in the game) laugh. The player who laughs the last is the winner.

80. DO YOU LIKE GIRLS, BOYS? ( Joking.)
The leader and 5-15 girls make a line. At a distance of 1 meter behind them there are some boys. At the command all of them run. While running the leader asks: Do you like girls, boys? The boys must altogether answer "No". The leader asks the question for several times and all the times the boys answer - "No". At last the leader says: "Well, why do you run after girls, if you don't like them?"

81. MYRSHIM. ( Joking.)
10-12 players are invited to take part in this game. Then they are explained the rules: One of the players moves away and turns his/her back to all the rest players. In this time one of players is given a candy. But the player mustn't eat it, he/she just puts it in the mouth. Then all the players including the player with the candy, begin to pronounce one and the same word "myrshim" (in Kazakh it means "to chew"). The task of the 1st player (the player who stands with his back to all the rest players) is to guess who of the players has a candy in his/her mouth. If the player guesses he receives the prize and chooses the leader, if he doesn't guess all the players say to him "oh-oh-oh!" So the game begins. The leader moves away, turns his back to all the rest players and the instructor gives a wrapped up candy to one of the players. When the player unwraps the candy and puts it into the mouth the game begins: all the players begin to say "myrshim, myrshim, myrshim" and the instructor calls out the leader.

82. THE GREAT MOGUL. ( Joking.)
According to the lot, one of the players stands on a chair or a stool and takes on a majestic air. He/she is the Great Mogul. All the rest players come to him/her one at a time, bow to him/her, kneel before him/her, look in his/her face and say: "The Great Mogul! Bow down before you without tears and laughter!" The players must pronounce this phrase solemnly and seriously. At the same time the Great Mogul tries to make the players who come to him laugh: he/she pulls faces, wriggles etc. The player who laughs while speaking to the Great Mogul becomes the Great Mogul in the next round.

83. MATCH AS A SPEAR. ( Joking.)
Draw a line on the floor. The player must throw a usual match as a spear not overstepping the line. Choose the winner judging by 3 throws.

84. THREE PHRASES. ( Joking.)
The leader declares that no one of the present people can repeat three short phrases after him/her. Of course, the present people don't agree with him/her. Then the leader pronounces the phrase c.f. "Today the weather is good." All the players confidently repeat it. After that the leader as though in confusion trying to find a phrase, pronounces the second phrase. It's again repeated by the players. Then the leader quickly and confidently pronounces: "Here you're wrong!" The players are in confusion. And the leader explains that the third phrase the players had to repeat was "Here you're wrong!"

The leader says: "Put a chair on its fore legs on the floor. The back and the hind legs are parallel to the ground. Put a slice of bread on the top of the back, kneel in the cross-beam between the hind legs, take the back with your hands and try to bend your head to the slice of bread and grab it with the mouth. For this you need much skill. While bending the head you must move your body back, otherwise your body's center of gravity will be before the seat of the chair, the chair will tip over and the slice of bread will fall down.

86. WAVE YOUR HANDS. ( Joking.)
The leader suggests the players to put their right hands to their heads and to extend the left hands with the thumbs up, saying "Well!" Then the players clap their hands and do the same with the opposite hands.

The leader suggests the players to do the following: to put the hands on the knees, to clap the hands, to touch the nose with the right hand and the ear with the left one. Then to clap once again and to change the hands.

88. BY WORD OF MOUTH. ( Joking.)
Sitting at the holiday table the both sides of the guests (they are divided into 2 teams) have an opportunity to transmit the congratulation or a piece of good news to the person whose birthday it is by word of mouth. To begin with hang a congratulation card, a photo or a letter on the stick or a pencil. The task of the guests is to pass this "piece of news" with the help of lips (without touching it with the hands). The team which transmits the piece of news "by word of mouth" the first wins.

89. JUMP OVER A NEEDLE. ( Joking.)
Suggest the players jumping over the needle (instead of a needle you may take a pencil). The needle lies on the floor. The only term is to touch the toes with the fingers while jumping.

90. MODELLER. ( Joking.)
The players who wish to take part in the competition "The best style" are invited to come behind the scenes or into the other room. With the help of different attributes of fashion (clothes, accessories, ties, hats, ribbons etc.) they must construct something original, bright and stylish. It's so called "freak style". Each modeller chooses "a model" among the spectators. "The models" represent the works of "the modellers". With the help of applause the spectators choose "the best modeller". "The best modeller" is given a costly present (perfume, perfumed water etc.)

91. SWEET TOOTH. ( Joking.)
This game is enjoyed by the grown-ups as well as by the children. On the table there are some plates with the little pies and cakes (it's desirable that they should be with chocolate and cream). Around the table there must be enough space for the participants to move. The number of the participants depends on the size of the table and the amount of sweet things. The number of plates is equal to the number of the participants. The participants have their hands tied together behind the backs. As the music plays the participants come to the nearest to them plate and start eating the cakes. As the hands are tied together it's very difficult to eat the cakes - they slide off the plates. That's why the instructor should let the participants know about all the details of the game beforehand. The first round finishes when one of the participants has eaten the whole piece of cake or a pie. The participant on whose plate there remains the largest piece of cake is out of the game. In the next round there are less by one participants. On the plates there are new pieces of cake or pies. They are larger than the pieces in the previous round. The game repeats anew. The game goes on until the participants refuse to eat sweet things (because they have eaten an enormous amount of them) or until there is only one participant in the game. He/she is the winner. He/she is given a ribbon with the inscription "Invincible glutton" and a sweet prize (a large cake). The matter is that the winner feels sick at seeing sweet things. The instructor may suggest playing one more round. But this suggestion usually causes impetuous protest of the participants. The more chocolate and cream is there on the cakes - the brighter is the game. The participants usually make themselves dirty with it. The game may be funnier if the participants are blindfolded, but have their hands free. After this game you may serve cakes and pies for other guests. The participants of this game don't want to eat sweet things. They want only to drink tea.

92. ZOO. ( Joking.)
All the players get into a circle. The players take each other by the arms. The leader explains the rules of the game: "To each player I say the name of the animal. Then I say one of the names aloud. The player to whom this name was said at the beginning of the game tries to jump up and break the chain of the arms. The task of the players next to him/her is to prevent his/her jumping up". In fact the leader says one and the same name of the animal to all the players. When this name is pronounced aloud all the players fall down.

93. NUMBER ON THE BELT. ( Joking.)
You take your belt off and address all the present: "On this belt is written the number. The figure is rather big. Even the short - sighted person is able to see it. But it's not easy to find this number. For this you need not only your attention, but also sharpness. Who wants to find the number on the belt?" The spectators would examine the belt carefully. But the number will be seen only if somebody guesses what's the secret of your trick. The secret is rather simple. Get ready this trick beforehand: roll up the belt so that the buckle of it is inside the first coil. On the spiral write a simple or a two-digit number with the light yellow pencil. Unroll the belt - the number is disappeared. The number may be found if you roll up the belt again.

94. HEAVY BUCKET. ( Joking.)
Put a bucket full of water at the wall. Say that only a very strong man can lift it. One who wishes to lift the bucket stands at the distance of half a step from it. Ask this person to take the handle of the bucket with the hands and lean the head against the wall. Then ask him to lift the bucket and, holding it with the hands, draw himself up. Despite all the attempts this person will not be able to do any of these tasks. He will remain as though clued to the wall.

95. BELIEVE OR NOT. ( Joking.)
Say to all the present that you can make any person to stand in such a way that he/she can't raise his/her foot. One who wants to disprove it should stand near the wall touching it by the heels. It'd be better if there were no plinth on the wall. If there are no wall without the plinth in the room you may use a door. Mind that the person mustn't swing. Under this condition all the attempts to raise the foot will fail. In this position nobody can raise the foot without transfer of the weight of the body to the other foot.

96. BEWITCHED NUMBER. ( Joking.)
"I need a mathematician to be my assistant", - says the instructor, - "his/her task is very simple: I shall enumerate different numbers. My assistant's task is to name the numbers more by one than the numbers I name. c.f. If I say "eight", the assistant must say "nine". If I say "thirty - two" the assistant must say "thirty three" etc. Who can "cope with this task?" The instructor names the increasing numbers. The numbers increase by tens and hundreds. Every time the assistant confidently names the numbers more by one. The counting continues until the instructor names number "4099". At this number the assistant will make a mistake. Instead of "4100" he/she will say "5000".

97. TRY TO FULFIL. ( Joking.)
Put your hands to the chest - one is higher than the other. Try to make circular motions with the both hands simultaneously: one hand is moving forwards, the other is moving backwards.
Sit on a chair, holding your back straight. Put your legs at an angle. Try to stand up with your back erect (do not move it forwards).
"I'll ask you a very easy riddle, - says the instructor, - you must answer it at once and precisely. If you give a correct answer you'll get a prize.
It has four paws, a tail,
It mews and catches mice.
It's a cat!
It sounds like this. But you're not quite right. It's a pussy-cat (a tom-cat)
Can you see a little piece of thread on my lapel? Asks the instructor. How much time do you need to take this thread away?
Not more than 2-3 seconds.
If you succeed in it you'll get the prize.
Nobody expected that the thread would stretch and stretch. In the inside pocket of the jacket there was a whole bobbin of thread. The end of which was put on the lapel.

98. GAME-JOKE. ( Joking.)
Suggest 2 players doing the following thing. At first they kneel down and take their right legs with right hands (to raise them lightly from the floor). In their left hands they hold mugs. Fill one of the mugs with water. The task is to pour water from one mug to another, trying not to spill it. Then the players change their roles.

99. FRECKLES. ( Joking.)
The player bows down the plate with the cooked semolina. The instructor strikes with the spoon against the plate. The player who has the greatest number of "freckles" is the winner.

100. PALE FACE. ( Joking.)
There are some candies in the basin with flour. The players must take them with the mouth (without using the hands).

How can you imagine the birthday party without the funny and witty congratulations? Bring some happiness to one whose birthday it is - compose an improvised congratulation. The guests may compose it without difficulty. Ask every guest to say an adjective. Write down all these adjectives. Then take a text of the telegram of congratulation, which needs colourful additions. Say to the guests that you're not responsible for the high artistic merit of this "work of art" and fill in the blanks in this telegram with the adjectives suggested by the guests.
Sample text of the telegram:
… John! All of us - your … friends - are very glad that you (so…) were born on this … day! Taking a … opportunity we want to make a declaration of … love and … devotion. There are no very many people so … like you. Let's hope that our … life will not separate us and every ... year on this … day we'll gather together around this … table. We wish you … health, … happiness, … years of life! Your … friends.

102. GLUTTON. ( Joking.)
Put different items of kitchen utensils (different kinds of spoons, forks, ludles) into a large box. Put some mashed potato or macaroni on the saucer for each player. The players blindly take the items from the box. At the command they begin to eat their helpings with the help of the items they've taken. The fastest eater gets the prize.

103. MATERNITY HOME. ( Joking.)
The youths act as "Fathers", the girls act as "mothers". The situation is rather simple. "The young father" is walking under the windows of the maternity home. He wants to know who is born - a boy or a girl, what's the weight of baby, what's its name, what to bring for "the mother". "The mothers" let "the fathers" know about it with the help of gestures and facial expression from the height of the 9th floor. It's windy outdoors, it's too noisy because of the plenty of the passing-by cars.
"The fathers" are given the cards with the questions:
1. Who is born?
2. What's the baby's name?
3. What's its weight?
4. What to bring next time?
"The mothers" are given the cards with the answers:
1. Boy. George. 3kilos. Book. Mirror.
2. Girl. Mary. 4.100 kg. Oranges. Nuts.
3. Boy. Girl. Twins. Peter. Maggy. 2.700 kg, 2.800 kg, Envelopes, pen.
"The mothers" must answer only with the help of the gestures and facial expression.

Only gentlemen take part in this competition. But at first they mustn't know that the best gentleman's legs will be chosen. The ladies make a special medal with the picture of 3 crossed masculine legs on it for the winner. The instructor asks the gentlemen to take part in the competition of gathering the cosmetics, thrown about the room (lipsticks, make up sets, mascaras etc.) The gentlemen should gather the cosmetics with the help of the toes. The gentleman who manages to gather the greatest number of items in the shortest period of time wins the competition. To feel more comfortable while gathering the cosmetics the gentlemen must turn up their trouser-legs as high as possible. When all the cosmetics is gathered, the instructor announces that the gentlemen have taken part in the competition "the best gentleman's legs". The jury, which consists of the ladies, chooses the best gentleman's legs and hands in the medal.

105. SNAKES' DANCE. ( Joking.)
Say to all the present that you are going to act as a snake tamer and that you are going to show "the snakes' dance" to all the present. Fill the vessel with any mixture. Then begin to spill any liquid on this mixture. (While spilling pretend that you do it very carefully.) Ask all the present to go away from the vessel and wait when "the snake" appears. As a rule, in every company there are some sceptics, who don't believe in it and would say that they have seen such things at the chemistry lessons at school. On the pretext of that you need much noise for "the snake" to appear, ask 2-3 persons to come to you. Ask them to stand in front of all the other guests. Ask them to clap the hands, to stamp their feet, to cry etc. After all these things have been done the snake still doesn't appear. Then ask your guests pardon and say that instead of "snakes' dance" all of them have seen "the dance of tamed monkeys".

106. REVELATIONS. ( Joking.)
The players are to answer the leader's questions, not seeing the inscriptions on the cards, placed behind them. The inscriptions may be the following: for men-"Maternity home", "Bath-house", "Sobering-up station" etc. for women-"Black eye", "Torn stocking" etc.
The questions for men: "Do you often visit this place?" "What things do you take when going there?" "What do you usually do in this place?" "Why does this place attract you?" "Whom do you usually invite when going to this place?"
The questions for women: "Do you often find yourself in such situation?" "Do you often look in such way?" "Why does this state attract you?" "What happened?" "Why do you look like this?" etc. The lack of correspondence usually causes much fun and laughter.

107. MISS WORLD. ( Joking.)
The instructor names different items of cosmetics. The lady try to find these items in their purses. The ladies raise these items above the heads. The lady who has not the named item in her purse is out of the game. The ladies who has all the items named by the instructor is given a prize and a title of Miss World. Samples of the items: a lipstick, a mirror, mascara, eye-shadows, cheek-color, eye-liner etc.

108. COMPOSITION. ( Joking.)
Each player is given a pencil and a long stripe of paper, where he/she writes the name of any present person. Then the paper should be folded (so as the name cannot be seen) and passed to the player to his/her right. He/she describes anyone's appearance and passes the paper further. In the same way may be asked the following questions: - what kind of character? - What did he/she do? - When? - Where? - What were the consequences? Of course, nobody should know what is written before, while answering. As each paper passed around the circle, one person reads aloud what is written on these stripes of paper. Usually it causes much laughter, because there is a lot of absurdity.

109. TAKE A PRIZE. ( Joking.)
Put 3 plates on the table. Put a prize in the middle plate. Pour some water in the others. The player is blindfolded. He/she turns around for several times, makes some steps and takes the prize from the plate.

110. SKILLED HAND. ( Joking.)
Each gentleman takes a newspaper by its corner with the left hand. At the command the gentlemen must crumple the newspapers with one hand only. The gentleman who copes with the task the first is the winner.

111. WRITER. ( Joking.)
The players must compose a story of the newspapers headlines, suggested by the leader. The headlines are cut out of newspapers and pasted on the cards.

112. TALE-TELLER. ( Joking.)
The leader reminds the guests the plots of the well known tales and suggests their telling new versions of these tales (c.f. in style of a detective story, love story, tragedy, etc). The guests choose the winner with the help of applause.

113. FLIGHT OF FANCY. ( Joking.)
Each player pronounces any word he/she likes. The players pronounce the words in turn. The words mustn't be connected with each other.
C.f. the first player says - "eagle", the second - "boy", the third - "lace", the fourth - "snake", the fifth - "sky", the sixth - "head", the seventh - "trees", the eighth - "ground" etc.
Each player must write down all the words, pronounced by all the players. Then the players must compose a story, using these words.
The story may be as follows:
"Once an eagle was flying. Towards him was going a boy. His boot lace came untied. The eagle thought the lace to be a snake. He impetuously attacked the lace and lifted it together with the boy to the sky. The boy felt uncomfortable to fly head first. So when flying over the trees the boy slipped out of the boot and fell on a crown of a tree, slided it down and found himself on the ground. He felt sorry for his boot, but he was glad that he had a chance to fly with the eagle."
In 10 minutes each player reads his/her story aloud.

114. TELEGRAM. ( Joking.)
Write a short word on the sheet of paper. It may consist of 4, 5, 6 letters. Each player must make the text of the telegram. Each word in this telegram must begin with the next in turn letter of this word.
c.f. We make the text of the telegram out of the word FIRE.
The first word begins with the letter F - Frank
The second with I - identified
The third with R - Roger
The fourth with E - erroneously
Frank identified Roger erroneously.

115. ADJECTIVES. ( Joking.)
Several players sit in a row. The last player in the row thinks of a word (a noun) - c.f. a spade. All the rest players think of adjectives.
Then the 1st player says - glass
The 2nd - amazing
The 3rd - enigmatic etc.
And the last player pronounces his word - spade. So, altogether they say: "glass, amazing, enigmatic, beloved spade." The game is played at a rapid rate. The next word is thought of by the other player. The player who thought of the noun in the previous round, now begins to enumerate the adjectives. This game is played until all the players think of a noun.

116. PANTOMIME. ( Joking.)
There are 2 teams in this game. One team asks the riddle for the other one. The riddle is a pantomime. The team may give as many answers as there are the players in the team. The team which asks the riddle may offer only abstract notions, e.g. "youth" : all the players in the team are holding each other by the hands and looking in the sky smiling. The other team may give the following variants: happiness, inspiration, growth, childhood. About the last variant the first team may say that this variant is close to the right answer.

117. SING A SONG TO THE END. ( Joking.)
Usually 10 players participate in this game. Each of them is asked to recollect a song well-known to him/her. (The song consists of not less than 3 couplets). The task of each player is to sing his/her song to the end. While singing the player mustn't pay attention to the singing of other players, get out of time or laugh. After each player recollects the song which he/she will sing, the leader says: "Get ready! Begin!" The player who laughs or gets out of time pays the forfeit and drops out of the game. The player who manages to oversing all the others becomes the winner and gets the prize.

118. THE OLDEST COIN. ( Joking.)
You may play this game to occupy the little pause. This game is a kind of auction. Holding a souvenir in his/her hands the leader announces:
- This souvenir is for sale. It costs one coin of the least value. Have you got any? You're welcome!
The players give coins to the leader. The leader takes them, look at them attentively and says:
- I'm given a coin issued in the year of…
According to the rules, the player who has the coin issued in the earliest year gets the souvenir. Well, I'm waiting…
He/she is given another coin.
- Now I'm given a coin issued in the year of…
I return the first coin.
Our auction goes on. Who has the coin of the earliest issue?
Continue the auction until you're given the oldest coin. Every time the leader is given a coin, he/she counts - "one, two…" As the leader says "three" the auction stops. The souvenir is given to the player who has the oldest coin.

119. SONG COMPETITION. ( Joking.)
The instructor reads 3 lines of couplet or chorus of the well-known song to each pair. The task is to sing the 4-th line correctly. There are 2-3 variants of songs for each pair.

Divide up all the guests into 2 teams. Suggest their drawing a portrait of one whose birthday it is. The team which has drawn the most attractive portrait gets the prize.

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